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View Poll Results: Will Joe Face articles of impeachment before the end of January?
Hell yeah- Comer found his stash of dirty Chinese cash! 2 10.00%
Maybe- but not till after January, still more to discover! 5 25.00%
Probably not- there's not enough meat on that bone. 7 35.00%
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Old 12-06-2023, 06:11 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by ICU 812 View Post
I don't know all the stuff being reported . . .ca't read it all there is so uch else going on in the world and in my life as wel.

But I do believe that there is more substantive evidence of wrong doing byh President Biden, or on his behalf (and with his knowledge) than was ever presented against President Trump.

I think it is telling that when a reporter first asked the President about Hunter's financial doings at a press conference a few months ago . . .President Biden turned and with a smirk said, " So, where is the money?" then walked off.

Law enforcement folks with experience interrogating suspects say that that kind of response demonstrates "knowledge of culpability."

Can "they" turn up enough stuff that directly links Hunter's shenanigans to his father? That is even money in my book just now.

My recollection is that President Trump was impeached over a pile of trumped-up lies the first time and for a phone call the second time.
This is what he was referencing. I hope that helps.

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Old 12-06-2023, 06:25 PM   #17
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What we're witnessing is sheer bullshit.
The proof of the pudding lies in the court system. That is where the truth will come out. That is the place where the evidence will be looked at and verified.
If you have proof, you need to bring it now when you appear. Not next week, not next month, and damn sure not in 2 plus years. There won't be arguing point after point with people who don't have a clue how the law works or even what laws cover the issues. There won't be people who continue to push disproved theories without proof,
etc. Like this post I'm replying to. There's no point arguing with someone who only believes what they want to.
If you take the time to notice,the fact there are no grand juries involved in Joe Biden's finances like in Hunter's case. There is real evidence/probable cause he committed a crime(s). Court is put up or shut up time. Everyone knows trumpys aren't very good at that. They're good at excuses (ones that don't fly in court)but not the real law.
I mean, give me a break. All the people who think evidence of election fraud is suppressed must be slow. A suite denied because of standing? Maybe you find someone with standing to file in the first place.
You have evidence but can't get it front of the judge? That is the attorney's fault. Several times the GOP hasn't paid the filing fees. Those attorneys didn't mention that did they?
In numerous instances they file fucked up paper work. Numerous judges have admonished attorneys over the quality of the paperwork. This is the big leagues. Sidney Sheldon turned in a brief with double digit spelling errors. Stop making it seem like the courts are against you. There are enough great GOP attorneys who could get the cases heard if they were paid and if the case had merit. In all of the election cases, the word "fraud" isn't mentioned in the filings. Yet trumpys use the word all the time while describing the 2020 election.
So that all being said, your opinions mean nothing to me. Or the justice system. Once you have something that will stand up in court, then we can discuss. Once your party leaders have provable evidence (which they don't have now)then we'll see. You might believe everything you hear, but your party leaders won't go to court without hard evidence. You guys are pretty much out of Rudis and Sydneys. Trump left them hanging in the wind.
You're right about trump using the base as pawns. He always has.

Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
His son never had a legitimate business. Unless influence peddling is a legitimate business. All these people are corrupt even Trump. What you're witnessing is a political chess game and the American people are the pawns.
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Old 12-06-2023, 08:02 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Tigbitties38 View Post
What we're witnessing is sheer bullshit.
The proof of the pudding lies in the court system. That is where the truth will come out. That is the place where the evidence will be looked at and verified.
If you have proof, you need to bring it now when you appear. Not next week, not next month, and damn sure not in 2 plus years. There won't be arguing point after point with people who don't have a clue how the law works or even what laws cover the issues. There won't be people who continue to push disproved theories without proof,
etc. Like this post I'm replying to. There's no point arguing with someone who only believes what they want to.
If you take the time to notice,the fact there are no grand juries involved in Joe Biden's finances like in Hunter's case. There is real evidence/probable cause he committed a crime(s). Court is put up or shut up time. Everyone knows trumpys aren't very good at that. They're good at excuses (ones that don't fly in court)but not the real law.
I mean, give me a break. All the people who think evidence of election fraud is suppressed must be slow. A suite denied because of standing? Maybe you find someone with standing to file in the first place.
You have evidence but can't get it front of the judge? That is the attorney's fault. Several times the GOP hasn't paid the filing fees. Those attorneys didn't mention that did they?
In numerous instances they file fucked up paper work. Numerous judges have admonished attorneys over the quality of the paperwork. This is the big leagues. Sidney Sheldon turned in a brief with double digit spelling errors. Stop making it seem like the courts are against you. There are enough great GOP attorneys who could get the cases heard if they were paid and if the case had merit. In all of the election cases, the word "fraud" isn't mentioned in the filings. Yet trumpys use the word all the time while describing the 2020 election.
So that all being said, your opinions mean nothing to me. Or the justice system. Once you have something that will stand up in court, then we can discuss. Once your party leaders have provable evidence (which they don't have now)then we'll see. You might believe everything you hear, but your party leaders won't go to court without hard evidence. You guys are pretty much out of Rudis and Sydneys. Trump left them hanging in the wind.
You're right about trump using the base as pawns. He always has.
The court System is a sham. Joe Biden, his brothers and his goofy son Hunter are criminals pure and simple. The Court System operates differently when it comes to Democrat Politicians.
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Old 12-07-2023, 12:02 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Tigbitties38 View Post
What we're witnessing is sheer bullshit.
The proof of the pudding lies in the court system. That is where the truth will come out. That is the place where the evidence will be looked at and verified.
If you have proof, you need to bring it now when you appear. Not next week, not next month, and damn sure not in 2 plus years. There won't be arguing point after point with people who don't have a clue how the law works or even what laws cover the issues. There won't be people who continue to push disproved theories without proof,
etc. Like this post I'm replying to. There's no point arguing with someone who only believes what they want to.
If you take the time to notice,the fact there are no grand juries involved in Joe Biden's finances like in Hunter's case. There is real evidence/probable cause he committed a crime(s). Court is put up or shut up time. Everyone knows trumpys aren't very good at that. They're good at excuses (ones that don't fly in court)but not the real law.
I mean, give me a break. All the people who think evidence of election fraud is suppressed must be slow. A suite denied because of standing? Maybe you find someone with standing to file in the first place.
You have evidence but can't get it front of the judge? That is the attorney's fault. Several times the GOP hasn't paid the filing fees. Those attorneys didn't mention that did they?
In numerous instances they file fucked up paper work. Numerous judges have admonished attorneys over the quality of the paperwork. This is the big leagues. Sidney Sheldon turned in a brief with double digit spelling errors. Stop making it seem like the courts are against you. There are enough great GOP attorneys who could get the cases heard if they were paid and if the case had merit. In all of the election cases, the word "fraud" isn't mentioned in the filings. Yet trumpys use the word all the time while describing the 2020 election.
So that all being said, your opinions mean nothing to me. Or the justice system. Once you have something that will stand up in court, then we can discuss. Once your party leaders have provable evidence (which they don't have now)then we'll see. You might believe everything you hear, but your party leaders won't go to court without hard evidence. You guys are pretty much out of Rudis and Sydneys. Trump left them hanging in the wind.
You're right about trump using the base as pawns. He always has.

Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
The court System is a sham. Joe Biden, his brothers and his goofy son Hunter are criminals pure and simple. The Court System operates differently when it comes to Democrat Politicians.

Why you cryin'?

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Old 12-07-2023, 06:54 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by eccieuser9500 View Post
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Old 12-07-2023, 10:15 AM   #21
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A Reminder -this is about Biden facing impeachment not Trump; And while the posts are a semi-entertaining, the topic is not a dual system of justice, because there is no proof of that.

When Joe Biden does actions that merit criminal interactions with the justice department, they will intercede. Till then, the criminals mentioned in the other posts are reaping what they sowed. But will Biden be impeached is the topic so I'd ask we stay on that.
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Old 12-07-2023, 03:13 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
A Reminder -this is about Biden facing impeachment not Trump; And while the posts are a semi-entertaining, the topic is not a dual system of justice, because there is no proof of that.

When Joe Biden does actions that merit criminal interactions with the justice department, they will intercede. Till then, the criminals mentioned in the other posts are reaping what they sowed. But will Biden be impeached is the topic so I'd ask we stay on that.

Yeah. I just love that dem repubs are having these hearing about dirty joey without one piece of evidence being submitted. Talk about the do-nothing party hoisting the banner ever higher. And aren't they the party that boohoos goverment spending? How much is this fiasco costing? Funny how they turn a blind eye to their cash burning ways.
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Old 12-07-2023, 06:09 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by eccieuser9500 View Post
No. Cool mofo Joe will slide.
Mofo Joe is Cold booger on a hot plate, lol. He doesn't have a future.
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Old 12-08-2023, 08:59 AM   #24
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So, it's looks like Mike (Bible-Boi) Johnson, says "he has the votes" to move forward. It is going to be his second epic fail when he tries to move forward with this. I am betting that there are sane members in the GOP that say, sorry friend, but till you find more- there is nothing we can do- and vote no; or will this pass, and show that the GOP is really only looking for payback on Trumps impeachments. There was a recent event that Johnson was at, where he reference Trump as the new Jesus and literally the evangelicals were salivating like dogs at a milkbone festival. If the GOP is going to be the operational arm of the religious right- when will they stop supporting those in the party who are missing morals and values?

I think either way they vote, they loose more voters for DJT, since it will alienate one side or another of their base.
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Old 12-08-2023, 02:48 PM   #25
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... The Impeachment Inquiry is a bit more than just asking
for a yay or nay decision on actual impeachment.

... Good thing for Joe that the actual vote happens thru Congress,
because IF the American people were doing the voting, he'd
already be out. ... How 'bout we do the Inquiry and
show the American people all the EVIDENCE of corruption
and wrong-doing.

... What could be more fair that that?

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Old 12-12-2023, 03:16 PM   #26
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It is the due diligence of the accusing party to have some level of proof that would merit a deeper dive. Accusations without any substantive proof are simply allegations. They are the dog whistle of the GOP, and lately have come up completely short. Not only do they have no smoking gun they don't even have a squirt gun. So why would we waste our time with an impeachment inquiry, which is the most serious inquiries when it comes to a president, if there are no facts to justify the inquiry.

These are the simple ideas that are taught even in high school civics class. You are innocent until PROVEN guilty, And you have the absolute RIGHT, not to incriminate yourself.

If there is no there there, what exactly are we fucking doing?
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Old 12-26-2023, 10:53 AM   #27
dilbert firestorm
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Biden needs to take the LBJ route. He needs to do it soon.

LBJ dropped out in March 1968. He was under stiff competition from strong rivals and the vietnam war was his albatross.

this not the case in 2024.. his rivals are weak. Its very likely DNC hit the panic button at that point in march 2024.

somebody says DNC takes the easy route. I don't they ever have.
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Old 12-26-2023, 10:58 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
Biden needs to take the LBJ route. He needs to do it soon.

LBJ dropped out in March 1968. He was under stiff competition from strong rivals and the vietnam war was his albatross.

this not the case in 2024.. his rivals are weak. Its very likely DNC hit the panic button at that point in march 2024.

somebody says DNC takes the easy route. I don't they ever have.
So he's got a Viet Nam-sized albatross around his neck?

The House can't even figure out what he's done wrong or what charge to apply.

And those "protests" are just a bit too much for this fragile nation. Just like during Viet Nam. "Hey Hey LBJ..." vs. "Let's go Brandon."


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Old 12-26-2023, 11:06 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
That is assumptive at best. Money jumping from 3 ppl down the road doesn't denote a direct payoff, but I understand them looking into it. Remember it's not what you know, it's what you can prove.
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Old 12-26-2023, 09:55 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
That is assumptive at best. Money jumping from 3 ppl down the road doesn't denote a direct payoff, but I understand them looking into it. Remember it's not what you know, it's what you can prove.
... Now, now... Let's wait until they have some of the
Biden family members - Hunter and Uncle Jim and what-not
all testify - before we reach a conclusion, mate.

They just might give up the ghost! ...

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