Originally Posted by S O B
The 14th amendment was ratified. Then states put their own statutes dealing with transient aliens or those with allegiances to other countries.
So ...
guaranteeing slaves citizenship, due process and equal protection under the law = illegal immigrant "anchor babies."
Those goddamned big government overreaching Reconstruction era Republicans! If only Strom Thurmond had been old enough to have been a Senator back then. I guess the problematic amendment could always be repealed and not only would that solve the anchor baby problem but it would stand to reason that the descendants of former slaves could probably be deported and shipped back to where they originally came from. Wow, Tom Tancredo would probably cream in his shorts (unless maybe he goes
commando, of course). Maybe if Perry gets elected President he can throw in a repeal of the 14th amendment along with his desire to repeal the 16th (federal income tax) and 17th (direct election of senators) amendments. After all, they say
three's a charm.
Hmmm, digesting this revelation of wisdom is going to take a lot more chips and queso.

A couple of bottles of mezcal wouldn't hurt either.
Where is that waitress anyway? Maybe her job was stolen by an anchor baby's momma? She could have used Operation Wetback. Oh well, bad service = no tip for her!
I must keep repeating to myself:
purity of essence = peace on earth.