Originally Posted by glade55
mood was spoiled ? shit! you two should of kept fucking like bunnies and this thread wouldn't have been started !!! 
I thought about this topic last night, after reading it. Then, again, this morning I have the same thoughts.
There sure has been a lot of ruckus as a result of something, seemingly innocent, happening to upset/halt/delay the appointment.
Although it doesn't happen frequently, sometimes ... a guy has to leave early for whatever reason (got a call from a SO/Job. Became nervous, etc.) ... and well, most of the time it's alright.
But if I know someone? And we have good chemistry? There isn't a make up session but I will always suggest something along the lines of "Hey. I'll give you an extra 30 minutes when we meet next."
Or something along those lines. Easy going. Situations happen. Come up. This shouldn't have been such a big deal.
One person in this equation is an experienced man/lover. I've never heard anything negative about this mojo guy. Seems nice enough.
Is there something missing to this story?
If you know each other, and the chemistry was great, why was having a maintenance man disturbing the appointment SUCH an issue? I would have laughed, unless it was a nervous nelly and someone that I didn't know very well.
Either have him return. Or stop. Wait. And THEN start doing what was suggested above.
OR ... when you make another appointment to see each other (since you enjoyed visiting with her), the two of you could have just had a longer appointment the following one.
I'm not sure HOW this situation escalated in this fashion. Should have been resolved simply enough.
Perhaps I'm feeling slow this morning.
Take care. Life is too short for such negativity over a little bit of time spent, or not spent, together.