I think only once i've done a ncns, but it was a little intentional. a friend of a client contacted me, and booked. said he was referred by my client. had found the reivew on CL(when they did them). he called my client after i told him to give me a couple hours, i was at my tax-paying job. in return, he called his friend, and "verified" my address because i wasn't answering the phone. i had seen the client once a week for a few months, and he was kinda suspicious because i didn't have a dedicated incall. but apparently he was duped also. the guy showed up at my (then-current) incall, apparently not believing i held a regular job. he wrote a review on CL saying that i wouldn't answer my phone, and an AA man came out of my house, and pointed a gun at him!!! thankfully, NONE of my clients believed that! especially since i had LITERALLY just started 2 months before, and i was in the days of using the No-tell.
3 days later he called again. i acted like i knew nothing of the review, made an appointment with him, said i'd give a discount, all kinds of stuff
when he called and said he was outside, i told him i was sending out my AA pimp with a gun, and he better pay up or haul ass
lmfao!!! i've always been independent, and that really struck me badly!! BUT, he didn't review that day!!!
now, on the other hand? i get client NCNS damned near every other day. sometimes every day. thankfully, i only give out my address and not my apartment number until they tell me they are in my parking lot. and it sucks, because i refuse to do the "possible" appointments, because i don't want to be a clock watcher, and i like to refresh and take care of a couple things between appointments. but also, when he NCNS's, the other client has already found someone else, or something comes up and they can't come :/