Originally Posted by tylerdurden35
lol what doesn’t. 1. Believes in literally every cooky conspiracy theory? It was once said, conspiracy theories make stupid people feel smart.
Still the worst review ever, definitely a hard pass on this girl…
It always amazes me how people (that really are ignorant) label everyone else ignorant/dumb/conspiracy theorist etc.....
Fall into two categories :
a. they are really fearful of said situation or
b. they don't have depth of mind to actually think critically and/or grasp said situation, conversation, etc.... and respond in a intelligent and respectful manner.
Calling others names or labeling them ignorant, stupid, etc... just because you may not agree with their beliefs or implied beliefs just proves that one does not have tact/intelligence/depth of thinking to actually have a civil discussion about a given topic/situation.
Really no reason to be rude or ugly to anyone on this forum as we all share a common interest in the hobby and are here for many of the same reasons (sharing information)
Happy hunting everyone.