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Old 05-30-2014, 10:17 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
What an amusing set of responses from the "fearful, angry white men" referenced in the article.
History will prove we earned our money and our success, and conservative values will prevail somewhere else. I guess we are unpatriotic for opposing changes we thought would ruin the country, they were implemented against our stated wishes, and they failed, just like we said they would?
The liberals are doing stupid things, and I say it is more intelligent and patriotic to oppose things that destroy the country, rather than just go along with it!
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Old 05-30-2014, 12:09 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
HAHAH..........someone agrees with TrannyTim and he trumps the race card ...

Funny and pathetic..........
Trump the race card? You ought to stick to your "Let me pretend I am Matt Drudge" posts with the capital letters that you crib off of your RWW echo chamber websites because you've never had an original thought your entire life you stupid fucking douchebag.
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Old 05-30-2014, 12:19 PM   #18
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You obviously have never played bridge; but you have played the race card...many many times...............like the Shepard boy.........

TrannyTim............Political Forum's race baiter....

TrannyTim............the idiot who is happy with Obama's miserable presidency..............
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Old 05-30-2014, 12:19 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer View Post
History will prove we earned our money and our success, and conservative values will prevail somewhere else. I guess we are unpatriotic for opposing changes we thought would ruin the country, they were implemented against our stated wishes, and they failed, just like we said they would?
The liberals are doing stupid things, and I say it is more intelligent and patriotic to oppose things that destroy the country, rather than just go along with it!
Try to get a grip on reality and not just repeat everything you read, hear and see on Deadbart and Fox News. The end of the world is not at hand. Our country has not been ruined or destroyed and it won't be, George Bush's best efforts to the contrary. And, cloaking your racism and intolerance as intelligence and patriotism isn't going to fly either.....but, nice try.
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Old 05-30-2014, 12:26 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
You obviously have never played bridge; but you have played the race card...many many times...............like the Shepard boy.........
You're right, I never have played bridge. But, I'm not surprised that you have....

You and yours are the ones who drag out the race issue at every conceivable opportunity. The post I put up simply states facts. You can respond to those facts by making stupid shit up like saying I am playing the race card, but like almost everything you post, it utterly ignores reality. You're a man on tape, simply repeating political slogans you hear or read from the right wing whackjobs whose belief systems align with your own twisted and fucked up thought process.... because you're too stupid and shallow to come up with any on your own. You're a douchebag.....embrace it, we all know it's true, you might as well come to grips with it.
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Old 05-30-2014, 01:19 PM   #21
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There you go gain; throwing race into the mix when it isn't on anyone's radar (except your own)...........you are a bigot !

A dumb one, but a bigot none-the-less.
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Old 05-30-2014, 02:51 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
Try to get a grip on reality and not just repeat everything you read, hear and see on Deadbart and Fox News. The end of the world is not at hand. Our country has not been ruined or destroyed and it won't be, George Bush's best efforts to the contrary. And, cloaking your racism and intolerance as intelligence and patriotism isn't going to fly either.....but, nice try.
If I don't put it in quotes or give an attribution, it is my own original work.
However, it is no doubt heavily influenced by Fox News and Mark Levin.
When you take a magnificent country like the United States of yesteryear, and turn it into the shithole we have today, where a man can't even speak his mind freely without fear of serious retribution by the assholes in charge, it is the moral equivalent of the end of the world as we know it.
White men created this country, built it up to the finest country in the history of the world, and now we are the bad guys, those who inherited only the skin color, and none of the power. So I say the situation sucks.
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Old 05-30-2014, 03:16 PM   #23
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Trannytimmy thinks it takes a PHD to dissect the Obama agenda. It doesn't, simply put his presidency has been an utter failure and by the time it is over, we will have gone through a lost decade.

The worst president in modern American history.

It is simple, Obama has undermined our economy, pissed on the Constitution, run up our debt, lied to the American public repeatedly on important policy initiatives, wrecked our healthcare system, and lowered our standing in the international community. I would ad to his legacy; the fact that his politicking has divided us along class lines as never before !

He lost any gains we had achieved in Iran by his failure to get an Armed Forces Agreement and has likely lost Afghanistan by his announcing our withdrawal prematurely.

Obama's legacy is simple = FAILED !
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Old 05-30-2014, 03:20 PM   #24
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So are we going from a two party system to a one party system?
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Old 05-30-2014, 03:22 PM   #25
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The reps may have a shot at the White House in 2016 but that's only if the economy doesn't improve. Long term they are probably doomed. Demographics will get worse. They've blown the Hispanic vote. They can't win NY or California which means they'll likely have to win close to 30 states to take the presidency. Good luck with that.
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Old 05-30-2014, 04:51 PM   #26
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The Republicans as we know them are likely OBE. For a short while we may have essentially a one-part system, but it won't last. No party of tens of millions of people is truly homogeneous--if 75% of the US were to become "one part", and the other one drifted into insignificance, the 75% would notice that there are some serious issues that divide them, and they would separate into two parties. It might take a while to become "official", but it would happen.
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Old 05-30-2014, 05:08 PM   #27
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Default I have a slightly different take

I agree that the elevation of bombastic, arrogant, sanctimonious and holier-than-thou Dan Patrick to the position of Lt. Governor is really bad news all around. It's bad new for Texas, and it's bad news for Texans, and it's bad news for the Republicans.

The question is will the Democrats really be the long term benefactors merely because the state is getting browner and younger?

What the Democrats can't effectively deny is that low-taxes, low-regulatory environment, business-friendly Texas is the undeniable success story of the US economy. Sure, our economy is getting some help from the oil boom in places like South Texas and West Texas, but where the jobs are -- Dallas, Houston, Austin -- has very little to do with oil and gas these days. When Toyota moves its US headquarters from Torrance, CA to Plano, TX, is that because they predict Texas is going to turn blue sometime in the next 20 years? No.

I think the turn of the GOP towards these hard-right social conservatives is ultimately going to create a bona fide third party: the Libertarians. It's just a matter of time before the Libertarian Party ceases to be a protest party and starts to be a genuine movement that combines supporters of free markets and personal liberty.

I for one cannot stomach voting for either Dan Patrick or a Democrat. Sure, Patrick is going to win in November, but I think you will see a growing part of the electorate that seeks a Third Way.

Matter of fact, wouldn't it be nice if that happened nationally also? I think Rand Paul is going to be the head of the movement, and if the GOP fails to move in a more libertarian direction nationally, the party may very well go the way of the Whigs.
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