Originally Posted by mdklo11962
Lorde I wish you knew how to read as good as you know how to talk. There's two versions of what really happened. Yours and the truth. She only told me no because she felt so sorry for my wife but yet she continued to text me over a hundred texts we stayed up till about 4 am texting this morning i haven't had sex with my wife in years but I love her and would never abandon her she has a colostomy bag and no legs and if you only knew what we have gone through maybe you would have a little bit of compassion , me seeing a provider is a small escape from reality for a few minutes once or twice a week And is actually great marriage therapy. This provider that told me she don't know if she can see me anymore aftermeeting my wife yet continued to talk to me. This lady that you said I stalked and harassed gave me her new address , had lunch with me today and wants to see me next week
Far from God,,,I am a WHITE KNIGHT. I am as passionate as you can get with the women that doesn't deserve to be stalked.
Quit feeling sorry for yourself and playing the pity party. She feels sorry for you,,, and you took advantage of that.
The woman said, NO and you wouldn't listen,,,You search for her phone number (she didn't give it to you) and you admitted that she stopped advertising. Take a hint, some women have a right to be left alone.
Turn your story around to excuse your shyt and I will say something,,,
Women deserve privacy the in the same respect as your family.
Go about making fun of me being a white Knight and I will join the laughter.