With this being a year of the all-time awesome providers. I think it would be great to have a calendar. (Sponsored by the guys through a fund-raiser or donations. And done be a professional photographer.) This can also be used for several thing.
Some ideals of ladies I would nominate for the calendar and a reason.
1. Nicole Preston (one of the biggest assets to unity, also moving but not retiring.
and she stays in shape.)
2 Tara Evans (one of the friendliest, sexiest milfs you'll see with a great longtime record in the business.)
3. Sxyjade (one of the youngest, hottest most experienced providers with a longterm record.)
4. Nina A. Ross (10years non-stop still hot under 30, explains it all.)
These are just of the top of my head.... I will be more than happy to help with a fundraiser, if any of these ladies are interested. (I'm sure there would be room for 8more ladies.
More ladies were on my mind, some don't show faces for discretion, so that is the only reason you don't see their names. (Lana, Carrie, Fawn, Kelly ect...)