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Security Matters Personal security is of the utmost priority. Discussions regarding every aspect of personal security within the hobby can be found here.

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Old 02-12-2017, 01:33 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by anonsull View Post
Will you reciprocate this information as well?

I just saw "scanned copy of utility bill"

No client I've ever seen is going to do that. As a provider or client even I'd not do that.

Showing my hooker where my wife and kids live? Not on your life.
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Old 02-12-2017, 08:56 PM   #17
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I've actually had a few send me a utility bill. You would be surprised or maybe not what some gents are actually comfortable with sharing.
I listed it as an only option (one of many) but not as a requirement.
Hell some guys think you're bonkers or as if you're asking for a blood sample when you want something as basic as a full name lol *shrugs*.
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Old 02-12-2017, 09:17 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA View Post
I've actually had a few send me a utility bill. You would be surprised or maybe not what some gents are actually comfortable with sharing.
I listed it as an only option (one of many) but not as a requirement.
Hell some guys think you're bonkers or as if you're asking for a blood sample when you want something as basic as a full name lol *shrugs*.
So if I wanted to schedule with you, would you give me your full name?
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Old 02-13-2017, 04:47 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by tandyscone View Post
So if I wanted to schedule with you, would you give me your full name?
Get a copy of her utility bill too. It shouldn't be for much because her lights are out.
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Old 02-13-2017, 09:55 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by tandyscone View Post
So if I wanted to schedule with you, would you give me your full name?
Nope. HOWEVER if I was specifically seeking you out first looking for a date and it was a requirement of yours when hitting you up for an appointment because I was looking to rent your time then I might ... but i'm not .

@Buying Heh! No that's definitely on ... and again the utility thing is one option of many (that in particular is NOT a requirement).
That's a way at the bottom option anyways .... most (95%) are easily screened with a few provider references or employment verification of some type.

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Old 02-15-2017, 07:40 AM   #21
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I'm not providing any rw information. No work information, no driver's license (been asked for that before ), nothing with my address, no real name. My security is just as important as hers. I respect her right to ask for whatever makes her comfortable but if that type of information is her requirement she simply will never meet me. There are many other,safer options available from ladies that are more reasonable.
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Old 02-15-2017, 10:03 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by ActionAngie View Post
Hello Ladies, I was searching for a blog post that I wrote back in 2014 on screening clients, and while searching for that post I stumbled on a blog that had copied most of what I had written.Hello Ladies, I was searching for a blog post that I wrote back in 2014 on screening clients, and while searching for that post I stumbled on a blog that had copied most of what I had written.

To be fair to the writer, she did say that she found her screening methods from various blogs, outlets, and forums, so I guess that cool. Anyway....ENJOY!


Hey Dolls,

In light of all these crazy busts, sting operations and dangerous, aggressive clients popping up, I decided to compile a manual of screening methods. I made sure to make it as comprehensive as possible. Below is info compiled from Pillow Talk Forum, VerifyHim, Saafe, StripperWeb and from My Own Writings. I hope this helps… Enjoy!

—————————————————————————————— ————————– SCREENING METHODS… (Listed in NO particular order since each has its own pros & cons)

(A) Two recent valid provider references. or (B] Personal / employment verification. or [C] 3rd party reference verification service.

**I suggest ALL THREE, or at least TWO of the three**

—————————————————————————————— ——- ALWAYS COLLECT THE FOLLOWING INFO: - WHERE did he get your contact info - Clients name or alias - Preferred contact info; phone number AND/OR email address - Age or (preferably birth date) - Generic location he is FROM

There are two basic themes to look for when screening: - Look for consistency. - Look for any information you can dig up that is more than a year old.

A good indication that you are dealing with someone of ill-intent: - There is absolutely nothing about them online. - Everything you find was created recently.

Provider Reference Verification Method

This method can often be the easiest and often offer the greatest degree of anonymity to your prospects.

Info to collect – References:

- Reference stage name and her preferred contact (email or phone) - Link to the references website (or active ad) - Memory jogger (when he saw her & where – estimates may be enough to help) - Clients detailed physical description (or a photo)

Actions to take:

(1) Verify the client’s personal contact info. - Google his phone or email in quotation marks, like so: “johndoe@gmail.com” – note any clear specific results. - If contacted via email, use Read Notify to observe open IP and location, and check if it matches the location he’s given you, using GEO IP. - If contact via phone, use SlyDial to listen to his voice mail message without having to call him. (call 267-759-3425) - Use BeenVerified to check out his background and find out if he has a violent history. - Use Spokeo and Wink to check if the information he gave you matches up with what public records databases show. - Use ZabaSearch and WhitePages to match his phone number and address to what he’s given you. - Use Tineye to search a photo given and find out if it is posted anywhere else on the internet. - Use the Exif viewer from Opanda to view extended info embedded in the image such as IP address and Geo-location. - Utilize Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to find his public online profiles just using his email address with the search tool.
-Facebook is the easiest way to find people by name or email address, if they have an account. You can even modify the search results by location, school, and workplace. If nothing shows up, they may have made their profile private and unsearchable. BUT, If that’s the case, you can do a site-specific Google search, and any public pages or groups they may have commented on will show up. For example, John Doe’s personal Facebook profile is private and will not show up in Facebook search results, but if you type the following… site:Facebook.com “John Doe” into Google, you’ll see that he has commented on Jane Doe’s Facebook page. You can now see his profile picture, as Facebook doesn’t allow users to make this private, even if you still can’t search for them using Facebook’s search.

-LinkedIn usually reveals much less information about a user, because it’s primarily a work-oriented social network. However, it is an excellent place to verify a gentleman’s contact details, work history and affiliated websites. -Twitter, although isn’t so useful for collecting personal data, can still give you a wealth of information, such as insight into their personality, interests, and style, rather than information you can use to find their address or phone number.

-Sometimes, if you search specific info via Google, such as a phone number or email, private results in certain paid databases will show up in the Google results, such as with National Blacklist and with BP Blacklist, as seen below: http://backpageblack…cident-reports/

(2) Run his various contact info through the following background check databases, and blacklist & alert services. BackPage Blacklist (You must have a BP account) Provider Buzz (You must be logged in to P411 to see ProviderBuzz) National Blacklist Danger Zone 411 Criminal Check Black Listed John VerifyHIm Provider2Provider SMS Alert System (This is invite-only. If you need an invitation, PM me) SearchSystems DirtSearch Net Detective Virtual Gumshoe People Verified


FORUMS: Sexy Escort Ads Blacklist Naughty Reviews TER BigDoggie PinkBook

User Name Search: pipl is an aggregator that searches the “deep Web,” or parts of the Internet that are often missed by regular search engines such as Google. Pipl allows you to search by name, e-mail address, username, or phone number. Pipl then crawls the Web and aggregates all search results that contain your terms–so it’s more of a one-stop shop for results.

(3) Visit links provided (is it an ad / profile or dedicated website?) and are they “live”? (a) Websites (i) Is the site complete? Intro, Bio, Rates, Gallery, Contact – plus. (ii) Note: is contact info different than provided? (iii) Copy any additional / different contact info. (iv) Google “:domain” type in www.domain-to-search.com. How many links? Active providers should have 10+ links. Compare with Alexa and WhoLinks2me – some data will be consistent, stats about domain links may differ (that’s ok).

(B] Advertisements & Profiles (i) Note the date ad was published and / or last visited. (Should be more than a couple weeks) (ii) Is the ad complete? (Photos & contact info). (iii) Note: is contact info different than provided? (iv) Copy any additional / different contact info.

(4) Verify references contact info - Google all reference contact info (provided / discovered) & analyze results. (a) Are there other ads, profiles or websites with her info? (B] Is other info (stage name, additional contact info) consistent? © Are photos consistent across results? (d) Does she have reviews? If yes: How many? How long? How recent? (e) Are there any warnings about the provider?

(5) Contact reference using preferred method (a) Provide the clients name or alias, contact info, memory jogger, photo or detailed physical description. (B] Note: would the reference see the gent again, if not, why? © Verification should also include if the gent arrived on time & with proper donation. (d) Inquire about any anomalies discovered in steps 1 & 2 above. (e) IF reference prefers email contact, then… ask for a quick phone call – is reference in control of her email account?

Personal / Employment Verification Method

This method can often be a little more difficult and challenging since many clients do not wish to provide all the information sought (or if they do, some of the details may be slightly fabricated).

Info to collect – Personal / Employment Verification:

- Employers name - Employers phone # (main switchboard) - Employers website - Clients direct phone line and email with said employer - Clients detailed physical description (or a photo)

Actions to take:

(1) Verify personal information just as you would in Step 1 Provider References Method at the Top of this manual

(2) Is the client employed or self-employed?

(a) If client is EMPLOYED… (i) Visit employer links (BE CAREFUL, AS LAW ENFORCEMENT CAN AND WILL HAVE TWO JOBS!!! VERIFY THAT THIS IS THEIR ONE AND ONLY JOB!!!): 1. Is the client’s name listed on the company directory? 2. Is the other contact info provided consistent? 3. Does the site appear to be complete & legit? 4. Search whois.net: Verify how long site has been established. (ii) Contact employer via main switchboard: 1. Ask for Human Resources. 2. Ask if the client is still employed with them – Let them know you don’t need financial data or specifics, just to answer yes or no whether he’s STILL EMPLOYED with the company. 3. If they ask who is calling: Just rattle off a common acronym like UCLA, OSU, or CCCI. (iii) Contact the client’s direct line (after business hours). 1. If the client answers: Most people usually announce themselves, if not, ask who you just called (make note of the name given). End the call by stating you had been given the wrong phone number. 2. If the client does not answer: Note what his voice mail states (should be his name). Do not leave a message. 5. Search ZoomInfo, which aggregates job and company information.

(B] If a client is SELF-EMPLOYED… (i) Verify the Company exists: 1. Search for Records of his business in Secretary of state directory 2. Google Company Name (with and without quotes) 3. Google company domain name using the following command: “:domain” Type in www.domain-to-search.com How many inbound links are there? Legit business sites should have 30+ links. Compare with Alexa and WhoLinks2me – some data will be consistent, stats about domain links may differ (that’s ok). 4. Search whois.net: Look up domain who-is data: a) How long has the domain been active? B] Is the domain registered to the client or at least registered near the location the client claims to be from? (ii) Visit the business web site: 1. Is the client’s name listed on the website? 2. Is other contact info provided consistent? 3. Does the site appear to be complete & legit? (iii) Contact the client’s direct line (after business hours). 1. If the client answers: Most people usually announce themselves, if not, ask who you just called (make note of the name given). End the call by stating you had been given the wrong number. 2. If the client does not answer: Note what his voice mail states (should be his name). Do not leave a message.

Special Consideration For Outcall:

(A) Going to a Hotel – Call the front desk, and ask to be connected to your client (by name). Then when you arrive, ask for him to show proof of his identity.

(B] Going to a Private Home – Lookup the address in Google, also BeenVerified.com – you’ll see property reports and can search by address and should confirm other identity info you’ve already been given. Lastly, ask to see the gents ID when you arrive.

Other Screening Methods: Third Party Reference Verification Services- This process is fairly self-explanatory, and steps may differ from service to service. The top three services are: Date-Check Preferred411 RoomService2000 (for the Mid-West, mostly) Amazon & Ebay- Some ladies have gone as far as to search Amazon and Ebay’s registered users / wish lists to learn more about their potential dates. These measures are long-shots and best reserved for drastic or difficult cases. Board Membership & History- You may be tempted to reference a gentleman through his activity on a hobby related board. Boards have become targets for compromise, so you must be very careful, confirm all contact info through the board, and then through the other contact method. Anything but a very long history is too risky. Use of this method is best when used in ADDITION to others already mentioned herein. Physical ID & Public Meeting- Checking ID’s is a technique best used to confirm that the person who was screened is actually the person who shows up, but not in place of screening. Further, public meetings are not an adequate screening method, even bad people know to behave in public.

REMEMBER, EVEN SCREENING ISN’T 100% EFFECTIVE; ALWAYS HAVE A SAFETY PLAN 1) Always start & end appointments by calling to “check-in” with a friend who knows your whereabouts and what to do in case of an emergency. Consider setting up a “safe-word” that when used, indicate you are NOT safe, with instructions on what to do next. 2) Learn some basic self-defense. Typically, you can get free classes at an abused woman’s shelter.

—————————————————————————————— ——————————


Here is my screening form I created from scratch for newbies, and/or gents with no refs, which I use when e-mailing back and forth with these gentlemen…

Change it, tweak it, customize it, use it forever!


—————————————————————————————— ——————————

Dear Future Friend and Activity Partner,

Thank you for choosing *me* as your upscale concierge and companion during your stay in sunny South Florida

Below is my screening form.

Please be sure to fill it out as thoroughly as possible, and send the documents as soon as possible (if any field does not apply to you, simply leave it blank), to make this a seamless and hopefully painless procedure, so we may focus on more pleasurable pursuits

I hope to meet with you very soon!


(Your Name Here)

—————————————————————————————— —————————





PERSONAL DETAILS (This information will be kept confidential):

* Full Name (as printed on your Driver’s License)

* Home Address (must match address on your Driver’s License)

* Home Phone Number (your home phone will NEVER be contacted. This information is for verification purposes only):

* Work Address (To verify your place of employment is legitimate)

* Work Phone Number (& extension number, if applicable)


* Recent Photo (jpg/png of head-shot is fine– this is to compare to the head shot on your Driver’s License)

* Scanned Copy of Driver License (Do NOT cross off or blur out your License Number!)

* Scanned Copy of your Passport OR Birth Certificate (or any other state or government issued documentation)

* Scanned Copy of RECENT Utility Bill (must have full name and address that match that on your Driver License- You may blur out or cross off any information not pertinent to identifying your full name, and residential address, i.e., any user names or passwords, Social Security number, etc. Do NOT cross off your bill’s account number– this will be used to verify you are the owner of this account! It MUST show the date, your full name and your home address! NO exceptions)

* Scanned Copy of RECENT Work PayStub or Voided Check [for Direct Deposits] from Employer (must have full name and address that match that on your Driver License- You may blur out or cross off any information not pertinent to identifying your name, address and employer. i.e., Bank information, Social Security number, etc.- It MUST show the date, your employer’s corporate location headquarters and/or address, your employer’s

phone number, your full name and your home address! NO exceptions).



* Provider Reference #1 if any: Name, Phone #, E-mail Address, Website Url:

* Provider Reference #2 if any: Name, Phone #, E-mail Address, Website Url:

* Member Review Board Url 1 if any (TER, Eccie, Redbook, Big Doggie, etc.):

- Member Screen Name 1:

* Member Review Board Url 2 if any (TER, Eccie, Redbook, Big Doggie, etc.):

- Member Screen Name 2:

* Member Review Board URL 3 if any (TER, Eccie, Redbook, Big Doggie, etc.):

-Member Screen Name 3:

* LINKS TO REVIEWS YOU HAVE WRITTEN if Any (TER, Redbook, Eccie, Big Doggie, etc.):

- Link 1:

- Link 2:

* Screening Site URL 1 (Date-Check, RS2K, P411, etc) if applicable:

- Screening Site Member ID# 1:

* Screening Site URL 2 (Date-Check, RS2K, P411, etc) if applicable:

- Screening Site Member ID# 2:



* Name of Hotel:

* Address of Hotel:

* Phone Number of Hotel:

* Hotel Room Number:

* Name YOU used to reserve or check in with (Must match name on your Driver License):

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.

You will be contacted within 24 hours after I’ve received sufficient information to verify you.

—————————————————————————————— ————————–


http://www.nationalb…m/article2.aspx http://www.verifyhim…esScreen/ http://swop-nola.org/screening-101/ http://www.howtobeco…-escort-clients http://www.myhoneysuckle.com/escort-screening-tool/ http://www.uknationa…essary_160.html http://www.foxnews.c…ckground-check/
Action Angie ! You Go girl ! Safety First! All money isnt good money ! I use http://Verifyhim.com
References are only as good as the provider giving it .
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Old 02-15-2017, 10:44 AM   #23
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This is funny as fuck
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Old 02-15-2017, 04:28 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA View Post
I've actually had a few send me a utility bill. You would be surprised or maybe not what some gents are actually comfortable with sharing.
I listed it as an only option (one of many) but not as a requirement.
Hell some guys think you're bonkers or as if you're asking for a blood sample when you want something as basic as a full name lol *shrugs*.
I have had guys share full names and were easily Google-able.
One guy, upon checking his name, turned out to be a pretty big deal in his field...I felt like I spent a few hours with a famous man
Still, I personally feel safer with provider okays, because even though I found him everywhere online and could see he was legit, I was nervous.

I just wish more women were reference friendly.
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Old 02-15-2017, 07:56 PM   #25
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I could give you some tips if you'd like, pm me. There are lots of useful resources for us out there .

Everyone has their own ways of playing it safe. I won't see newbies because that's a COMPLETE stranger. At least with gents with references, depending on the lady, you can get as much info as you need from her to feel comfortable and safe with him. Not saying just because they have references they are safe , but you chances of them being safe are more likely.

But you got to do what works for you!

Be safe out there and let me know if you want that info on screening
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