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Old 11-29-2018, 01:25 PM   #16
Ace Johnson
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There's a lot of thoughtful info on this subject. If reviews disappear, I'll quit the hobby. Reviews are important to me. If I'm going to spend several hundred dollars for 1 to 2 hours of service, I'd like to have an idea of what I"m getting beforehand. While I understand that a test drive is out of the question (hahaha) if I'm buying a car, I'd at least like to hear what other people who've bought one think: Is it comfortable, how's the ride, leather or cloth, etc. If I'm going to put my money on a pass line and roll the dice I'm going to do that at a craps table in a casino. There are certain things that I look for from a provider, if some things are unavailable from her it's a deal breaker, some things are 'icing on the cake' and I might pay a little more for them. I don't think I'm being unreasonable here. Conversely, when I write a review I try to convey the overall atmosphere, not just the alphabet soup of the menu, providers overall attitude, did she seem to enjoy and appreciate my efforts and was she nice or playful or mechanical, etc. Some providers have a strict 'No Review' policy, including one of our mod's, and while I respect their choice, I don't understand it.
I really think dcg92 hit the nail on the head with his wild west analogy.
Just my $0.02 worth, Ace.
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Old 11-29-2018, 02:23 PM   #17
ICU 812
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Someone here or on a similar thread made a good point. If the owner of the site and the servers are off shore it would be harder to limit the site content; Macau, Hong kong, or some other country that has very little problem with the hobby.

social media will play a larger role going forward.

Then there is the subject of the "DARK WEB". I'm not sure just what that means but its out ther.
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Old 11-29-2018, 05:48 PM   #18
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I dont think it is nothing wrong with that. I still have my cancelation policy still on p411. Any other information clients can see it on my website, that's why I pay for overseas hosting, in fact, my website has way more information about me than what I wrote previously on my p411 profile. Evolve, let's move to a new direction, a positive one
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Old 11-30-2018, 10:44 AM   #19
Debra Hollander
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Default For some, this is nothing new....

Originally Posted by Ace Johnson View Post
I'm thinking the hey-day of this hobby is behind us with all the changes we're seeing.
I understand your point of view, given the amount of time you've been around.

My start in this particular segment of the adult industry was 25 years ago, when I was very barely legal. (yep, I'm 43)

It was ads in the back pages of local papers, the yellow pages and word-of-mouth referrals which brought the business.

Yes, it was absolutely the Wild West, on both sides.

Screening was virtually nonexistent, with references a very rare occurrence.

Unless a buddy first took one for the team, it was always a crap shoot for the clients too.

I can't remember the number of times men were just grateful ANYONE showed up and didn't hustle him that they gave me far more than I asked... yes, finding a lady who actually showed up, was even close to what she claimed to be, and didn't pull a cash & dash could seem like searching for a needle in a haystack.

And you know what? There are men who actually MISS those days, citing THAT period as the hey-day of the hobby.

(To be perfectly frank, it's nowhere near that huge a risk now nor do I see it returning to such a situation anytime soon.)

As my fellow hobby dinosaurs can tell you, many of those back-page-ad papers were forced to require ID from adverterisers or they shut down completely.
And lots of folk began to say THE END WAS NEAR.

The powers that be are finally shutting it down, they cried.

Men figured except for Vegas, their fun was over.
Ladies stressed, thinking they'd have to turn to the streets or quit completely.


Not too long after, escort ad sites & malls appeared. Close on their heels, review sites & message boards sprang up.

Whenever one would get shut down, or change drastically, the Chicken Littles again came out of the woodwork to warn us that our world was changing beyond repair.

It's not the same anymore, they said.
The hobby will never return to its glory days, they wailed.

Just like the first group I mentioned: perhaps for THEM, it never did.

Some people simply hate/fear change so much they will always see the new as something lesser, or worse, than what it was.

Obviously, that's not true for everyone.

In my opinion, advertising & verification venues for this biz are like the Hydra: cut off one head, two more shall grow in its place.

It may not happen instantly, but it does happen.

Social media is now an important part of this hobby for many. There ARE still ad sites around and there ARE still ways to to research the ladies.

Just like life, the only constant here is change. Being willing to adapt and able to keep an open mind TO those changes is key.

Well, that and a positive attitude, of course.
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Old 11-30-2018, 11:26 AM   #20
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We are just going thru a phase. Much to do about nothing, ' the only thing we have to fear is fear itself'

Panic makes things worse. I don't know about the rest of the country but is anyone in Texas truly having a problem finding company if desired? If so, problem probably isn't the inability to find a lady willing to give you an ' encounter' rather the inability of the guy to learn how to navigate the waters. In fact, at least the guys who have been around this town and established tell me and I find as well it is actually easier now to find a WG to play with.

Once upon a time maybe 30 years ago when I started at 20 years old I had three options. 1) The Yellow Pages 2) Alternative Newspapers such as ' The Chicago Reader or the ' Washington City Paper' or in my case lucky enough to 3) know the location of a Brothel in Queens NY to go to.

And for you NYC boys especially in Brooklyn and Queens they still exist today in mass ( mainly E.E. ladies) but need to know someone to get you in, but they are there...

Anyway, my option #3 above was raided by Immigration in the early 90s and away it went.

Much was discussed about shutting down escort ads in the YP ( some cities actually did) and banning escort ads in these alternative papers. So many were in full blown panic. Like now.

No worries, supply will meet demand. If there is economic opportunity for ladies P6 and guys in the P6 hunt we will always meet. As will prices, not dictated by ' the asking prices' of girls nor the idiotic posts by guys ' They charge too much let's boycott ( pure stupidity, you all are a TINY % of the whole) ' rather the market itself.

Prostitution ( let's not sugar coat it) is the world's oldest profession and it ain't going anywhere....

and if you really want to take matters in to your own hands ( no, not jerking off watching PornHub) for guaranteed success and fun feel free to join me on an upcoming trip. Although I now do 90% of my fucking abroad, mainly all Germany I still engage here and finding a willing playmate is just as easy as it was before this silly panic set in..

... and the airlines web sites and www.hotels.com are open 24/7/365 if you wish to take the show on the road...

Either way, enjoy whatever it is that floats your boats and remember you captain your own ship. It is your job to sail the seas and the oceans and obstacles in your path are to be navigated around, not bitched about or panicked over..

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Old 11-30-2018, 11:46 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post

It does. Not just at lower end places, and certainly not at all places.

But it requires trust. And that can take some time.
Agree. I used to have casino hosts hook me up.
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Old 11-30-2018, 11:48 AM   #22
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There are girls who advertise everywhere. This make her the target of LE instead of clients and will have hard time taking ad down when shit hit the fan.
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Old 12-01-2018, 04:17 PM   #23
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Owner needs to sell ECCIE Right Now,, this is a gold mine this board, another country would take it if it means profit, they have to know that United States Escorting is going down, so why why not just gdf sell it already so we can all stay
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Old 12-01-2018, 04:25 PM   #24
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NVM...I found out its off shore we will be alright
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Old 12-01-2018, 04:37 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Debra Hollander View Post
I understand your point of view, given the amount of time you've been around.

My start in this particular segment of the adult industry was 25 years ago, when I was very barely legal. (yep, I'm 43)

It was ads in the back pages of local papers, the yellow pages and word-of-mouth referrals which brought the business.

Yes, it was absolutely the Wild West, on both sides.

Screening was virtually nonexistent, with references a very rare occurrence.

Unless a buddy first took one for the team, it was always a crap shoot for the clients too.

I can't remember the number of times men were just grateful ANYONE showed up and didn't hustle him that they gave me far more than I asked... yes, finding a lady who actually showed up, was even close to what she claimed to be, and didn't pull a cash & dash could seem like searching for a needle in a haystack.

And you know what? There are men who actually MISS those days, citing THAT period as the hey-day of the hobby.

(To be perfectly frank, it's nowhere near that huge a risk now nor do I see it returning to such a situation anytime soon.)

As my fellow hobby dinosaurs can tell you, many of those back-page-ad papers were forced to require ID from adverterisers or they shut down completely.
And lots of folk began to say THE END WAS NEAR.

The powers that be are finally shutting it down, they cried.

Men figured except for Vegas, their fun was over.
Ladies stressed, thinking they'd have to turn to the streets or quit completely.


Not too long after, escort ad sites & malls appeared. Close on their heels, review sites & message boards sprang up.

Whenever one would get shut down, or change drastically, the Chicken Littles again came out of the woodwork to warn us that our world was changing beyond repair.

It's not the same anymore, they said.
The hobby will never return to its glory days, they wailed.

Just like the first group I mentioned: perhaps for THEM, it never did.

Some people simply hate/fear change so much they will always see the new as something lesser, or worse, than what it was.

Obviously, that's not true for everyone.

In my opinion, advertising & verification venues for this biz are like the Hydra: cut off one head, two more shall grow in its place.

It may not happen instantly, but it does happen.

Social media is now an important part of this hobby for many. There ARE still ad sites around and there ARE still ways to to research the ladies.

Just like life, the only constant here is change. Being willing to adapt and able to keep an open mind TO those changes is key.

Well, that and a positive attitude, of course.
It's the oldest profession in history. Where there is a will there is a way.
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Old 12-01-2018, 04:42 PM   #26
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It's the oldest profession in existence. Don't worry, where there is a will there is a way.
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Old 12-01-2018, 09:14 PM   #27
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Default Have a look at


Founded and run by sex workers out of Melbourne, Australia. They just started putting up US provider profiles.
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Old 12-02-2018, 04:46 AM   #28
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Ace Johnson and or all I don't care! LOL
1st of all I'm talking about here on ECCIE 2nd this was before the shut down! So I duno if they have the same policy or not!
I was told that providers aren't allowed to request a NO encounter report here.
I always wondered if those that don't want a review written were afraid of their service or what? Some how (at least to me) they would want reviews written and increase business?
But I duno they may have their personal reasons? And really it don't matter to me anyway.
But I do enjoy reading most of the ROS!
Thnx have a good day all.
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Old 12-02-2018, 09:54 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by tinman483 View Post
Ace Johnson and or all I don't care! LOL
1st of all I'm talking about here on ECCIE 2nd this was before the shut down! So I duno if they have the same policy or not!
I was told that providers aren't allowed to request a NO encounter report here.
I always wondered if those that don't want a review written were afraid of their service or what? Some how (at least to me) they would want reviews written and increase business?
But I duno they may have their personal reasons? And really it don't matter to me anyway.
But I do enjoy reading most of the ROS!
Thnx have a good day all.
I personally like encounter reports just prefer to keep them here so I'm not so scattered around the web.
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Old 12-02-2018, 12:13 PM   #30
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You guys better learn how to find new talent besides these kinda sites, we've all been spoiled and some never learned any other way to hunt. These will be the members that will starve if you know what I mean
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