My fetish, which I have only taken part in a rare few times, is to blindfold my lover. No restraints, self restraint is much more torturous.
I want him to be standing still, in the middle of the room, blindfolded. He can not touch me, BUT, I can touch him anywhere I want. I'll slowly walk around him, brushing up against him so he can feel an erect nipple, maybe touch him here and there, an ear or his neck, gently run my nails where he will shiver the most. Whisper something really naughty in his ear.
Then, I will guide him, still blindfolded, to the bed to lay down. He still can not touch me, and now I get to touch him even more. With my hands, my tongue, tickle him with my hair or a feather. Introduce scents and textures and objects.
There are SO many places it can go from there.......... The question is, how far?