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Old 07-16-2020, 01:06 PM   #16
ICU 812
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This issue is larger than personal politics, Left/Right or even the coming election. This involves our fundamental civil rights, privileges and protections as set out in the body of The Constitution and The Bill of Rights.

The Fourth Amendment "Right To privacy" as it applies to public health issues is associated with abortion. It essentially forbids government from prohibiting abortions. The rational is that a person has the right to control their health choices, as in "My body, my choice."

Requiring people to wear a face mask is the government forcing a health choice on them. Requiring people to get vaccinated is the government forcing a health choice on them. It is my view that this is no less a violation of my Fourth Amendment "Right To Privacy" than any law forbidding abortions.

That it would be best for everyone if we all made the same choice regarding face masks and vaccines is beside the point.

In the coming next few years, I think this and other pandemic related issues will come before the SCOTUS.
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Old 07-16-2020, 02:17 PM   #17
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ICU812 - You may well have a good point.

The antivaxxers are a vocal and active segment - albeit completely misinformed as to the reality of their protest against "required" vaccinations.

having grown up in the polio pandemic - people have forgotten th death and destruction visited upon us by infectious diseases now controlled ( not as well as in the past) by vaccinations.

"forced" - well - no - I do not see cops going door to door to check shot records a a secret police force - but - better not give the DPST's ideas as to other ways to exert Control if Biden wins.

Also - depends on how much the Anti=Vaxxers donate to the DNC.

It would be interesting to see a vaccine case in front of the SC!!!
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Old 07-16-2020, 04:34 PM   #18
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More and more stores are requiring that masks be worn while customers are in the store. It's the old "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.". As long as they don't refuse on the basis of “protected classes” such as gender, race, age, disability, national origin and religion.

On the law requiring masks, I've heard it argued the orders are legal or they're not.
That being said, stores can refuse service if the customers won't wear a mask.

As far as the vacines go, when one becomes available, pretty tough to verify a person will have had it. I don't think they'll try at the store level.
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Old 07-16-2020, 06:12 PM   #19
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Trumptard in the wild ...Walmart edition.

Walmart Shopper Pulls Gun on Man in Dispute Over Mask

An unmasked man pulled a gun on a masked shopper and threatened to kill him during an apparent confrontation over masks at a Florida Walmart store, sheriff's officials said.

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Old 07-16-2020, 06:14 PM   #20
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Did the masked man try to force unapproved vaccines on the person???
OBLM has a vaccine they plan to force the population to receive - it blocks the heterosexual gene in men and women.
and also causes a great affection for hammer and sickle nonsense.
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Old 07-16-2020, 09:03 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by ICU 812 View Post
This issue is larger than personal politics, Left/Right or even the coming election. This involves our fundamental civil rights, privileges and protections as set out in the body of The Constitution and The Bill of Rights.

The Fourth Amendment "Right To privacy" as it applies to public health issues is associated with abortion. It essentially forbids government from prohibiting abortions. The rational is that a person has the right to control their health choices, as in "My body, my choice."

Requiring people to wear a face mask is the government forcing a health choice on them. Requiring people to get vaccinated is the government forcing a health choice on them. It is my view that this is no less a violation of my Fourth Amendment "Right To Privacy" than any law forbidding abortions.

That it would be best for everyone if we all made the same choice regarding face masks and vaccines is beside the point.

In the coming next few years, I think this and other pandemic related issues will come before the SCOTUS.

To me the obvious difference between the abortion analogy "my body my choice" is that a woman's choice to have an abortion does not affect anybody around her, leaving out the death of a human being that didn't get a choice but let's not go there.

If you don't wear a mask in public, you can, the science tells us, can give it to somebody else therefor the SC ruling on "health concerns" puts in the court of the government.

As for vaccinations, the easiest way to solve this so the government doesn't have to ask every adult, is to demand vaccinations of all children that attend public schools. Again, vaccinating your child can save the life of another child, I think this is the rational and IMHO, the correct rational for demanding children get vaccinated if they want to attend public schools. If a parent doesn't like this idea, they can home school but if their child gets MMR for example and gives it to a neighbors child who is in public school, I would think that would be a legal case that could be brought since the government has the authority given to it by the SC to take these measures for health reasons.

I think if the mask issue makes it to the SC it would probably get at least a 7-2 decision if not 9-0.

In short, I think there are times, issues, when the federal government can compel you to do something for health reasons. The obvious remedy to this, would be a Constitutional amendment saying that the federal government can do no such thing. Short of that, I believe the government has the authority to compel mask wearing and vaccinations but God help them if the "new" vaccine causes illness or death but then we would have to weigh the hopefully few deaths ( there must be a test group before any mass inoculation, I think we learned that lesson already ) to the number of deaths for doing nothing.

Anybody that thinks the Constitution gives you the right to do anything you want, any place you want is naive at best.

While we can argue what "for the greater good" means, it perimeters, the sentiment is rational thinking and should be accepted with limitations of course as in all things, by a civilized society IMHO.

As in all things, rebellion against the government also has it's limits as demonstrated I think by the attack on police officers in New York. Even Comrade DeBlasio recognizes that you can not attack police for any reason. That is anarchy and can not be tolerated by a civilized society. If police do something wrong, we the people can hold them accountable. We the people can not attack them.
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Old 07-16-2020, 09:16 PM   #22
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Good points HF, I think you're right.
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Old 07-16-2020, 09:20 PM   #23
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A vaccine they plan on forcing people to take?
You sure make up a lot of stuff. Or if it isn't you making it up, you sure believe a lot of trump bullshit without posting links.
I get it you're trying to be witty but you come across as half-witty. Because this is the type of fake news you spread.
And since there isn't an approved vaccine, that means all vaccines are unapproved.
And you claim the left has an unapproved vaccine.
A true trumpy.
Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
Did the masked man try to force unapproved vaccines on the person???
OBLM has a vaccine they plan to force the population to receive - it blocks the heterosexual gene in men and women.
and also causes a great affection for hammer and sickle nonsense.
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Old 07-16-2020, 09:34 PM   #24
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A company, such as Walmart, can deny you entry. It's not the same as a law but it avoids the government involvement. The list of companies that require a mask is growing.
I can see the other side of the vaxers but I don't understand why people refuse to wear a mask. And certainly not to the point of getting in a fight with employees trying to enforce company policy

Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Good points HF, I think you're right.
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Old 07-16-2020, 09:43 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
if you don't wear a mask, many businesses will not do business with you.

as for 100% masking, its not necessary. if you're outside, no need to wear a mask. unless there is a lot of people in crowded conditions under 3 ft, in that case wear one.

wear a mask when you go inside a building. enclosed buildings are virus vectors unless they're sterilized every day. they do stay in air via the air condition circulation.
I don't where a mask any where I have no problem I have "Molotov cocktail" if any one refuse me service. It will put them out business, then go somewhere else.
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Old 07-16-2020, 09:43 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
So I assume you can walk the streets naked and enter stores without shirt, shoes, pants etc. Hell, why not just allow kids to dress how ever they want at schools.

The whole anti-mask argument is STUPID. It’s purely a matter of who said wear them and who didn’t. If Trump from the beginning said “wear masks” all his followers would be wearing them without complaint. It’s pretty telling that the only people making masks an issue are Trump followers, everyone else in the civilized world just wears the damn mask because it saves lives and slows the disease.

We curtail rights all the time as long as the government has a legitimate purpose for doing so. Slowing a fast spreading and very dangerous disease is about as legitimate as it gets. This is only political to Trump and his gang of idiots who somehow believe that acknowledging the horrendous condition of the US in the face of the disease hurts his election chances instead of trying everything possible to save lives. Shit stopping the disease might actually help his re-election chances since having a 60% disapproval on handling of the pandemic can’t possibly help him with anyone except the flatearthers that currently will vote for him regardless of anything he does.
If masks are so effective, why are they releasing prisoners instead of just issuing them masks? Feel free to wear a mask.
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Old 07-17-2020, 03:38 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Right now the case for requiring masks is stronger than the cases for outlawing speeding or drinking while driving, not to mention seat belt laws. You can save more lives with masks than you’d lose from DWI, if that were legalized. Also masks are a better option than lockdowns, which put people out of work and hurt the economy. I fully support Governor Abbott’s move to require masks.
You can wear your mask all day long in stores and if you are infected you can still spread the virus.

I assume your conclusion is based on a statistical analysis. Excessive speed and driving while drunk/impaired have been DETERMINED to be contributing factors to the deaths assigned to the incidents ..... not so with Covid19.
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Old 07-17-2020, 03:39 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
If masks are so effective, why are they releasing prisoners instead of just issuing them masks? Feel free to wear a mask.
For the same reason condoms aren't issued to prisoners.
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Old 07-17-2020, 06:19 AM   #29
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Great points have been made here on all sides (and some that are just entertaining).

I have used the word "Forced" in several posts. Perhaps a better word would be "coerced". As in fined or , as suggested by another, required of children before enrolling in school. I had to get a number of vaccinations before some business related international travel in the past.

I'll concede the mask issue as a weak argument. I still think mandating mask wearing is a violation of my civil rights though, even as I keep fresh masks in my cars along with Purell and Clorox wipes . . .and use them.

In the end, I am still opposed to the idea of surrendering my personal liberties, hard fought for by our founders and contemporaries, for the sake of "the copmmon good" as defined by someone else.
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Old 07-17-2020, 11:34 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
A company, such as Walmart, can deny you entry. It's not the same as a law but it avoids the government involvement. The list of companies that require a mask is growing.
I can see the other side of the vaxers but I don't understand why people refuse to wear a mask. And certainly not to the point of getting in a fight with employees trying to enforce company policy

Yeah, it's nuts. This has been politicized when it never should have been.
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