Originally Posted by Youngandfullofcum
Got to messaging her about a possible meet. She quoted me $100hr before midnight. So I ask about a 1130 appointment in Katy. She asked for 1145. I agreed. We texted a little back and forth a bit leading up to the time. At 1147 I called her and she informed me she hadn't left yet. Me being the idiot I am stayed waiting around. At 1207 I called again and that's when she informed she was with a client and she got mad cause "I got her a bad review." I then ask if she is available. I'm then informed she has to take her "friend" back to new caney. She Wanted to reschedule with me. But she wasn't willing make up for standing me up. I then informed her I was going to write a alert. She went full psycho then claiming I "threatened her."
Careful guys, this bitch is crazy. And her having a "friend" with her while doing out calls is alarming. I have screenshots of everything to support my claims.
Why would you want to meet someone for the first time at midnight? Ever head of YMMV? and if the client she was with is a baller then you were just shit outta luck.