04-21-2017, 12:53 PM
Pending Age Verification
User ID: 114194
Join Date: Dec 22, 2011
Location: Biloxi Beach
Posts: 1,598
My ECCIE Reviews
Unfortunately... It Is Done.
Ms. Wildcat:
Unfortunately the damage is done... a majority of states do run a privatized "Penal System", hence the extreme number of Minority's lost in said System. I do love your depth of knowledge on the topic, your take exemplifies the best characteristics of a Rouge Scholar.
Still Enthralled,
Originally Posted by wildcat4fun
Honestly our Penal(Penis) System is a straight out joke. State of Illinois has one of the toughest laws on prostitution in this country but the Governor there is changing the law to stop the state from sending ladies to prison. Louisiana makes you register as a sex offender under there state.
As for privatizing our Penal system it won't make much of a difference and if it does it will not change much for the better, more like make it worse. It is all about money and how they can figure out how many more ways they can keep lining there pockets.
The real hard truth is our nation has multiple religious views and the ones in power wanna shove there views or morals down on everyone else out there in this world. I say kiss my ass. This body belongs to me and solely mine,created by my mother & father from having sex. So until the government starts manufacturing human bodies i will do as i please with what belongs to me and the government does not on my ass, cause last time i looked slavery was outlawed by our government long ago.
The Declaration of Independence
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
Is this a victim-less crime between two consenting adults? YES
Is this a victim-less crime to be forced to do this or being underage?NOOOOO Way in hell, Go get them Bastards off the streets and help them victims that really need it. Instead of the government trying to be in consenting adults affairs.
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