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Old 03-02-2023, 10:23 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Tigbitties38 View Post
Good thing I pointed out your bull shit.

It's good you realize you were completely wrong concerning trump and the national guard.
Glad you now understand trump didn't use the authority that only he had.
That article is 9 months old.
Glad you finally came around.
Better late than never.
WRONG, sir... You're the one who is wrong - and you know it.
And WHAT article are you on about??

... Don't change the thread subject here and try
to distract - we can discuss the National Guard
in the other thread.

... WE have been asking for the release of the Footage.
And now EVERYBODY will be able to see what really happened.

Hey lads - is the "pipebomber footage" also included
- or is the FBI still keeping THAT a secret??

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Old 03-03-2023, 04:08 AM   #17
dilbert firestorm
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bombs away!
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Old 03-03-2023, 04:11 AM   #18
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Default Demonicrats are always fetterred

Originally Posted by Tigbitties38 View Post
...Carlson says his producers have gained “unfettered” access to about 44,000 hours of footage ...
Maybe the Washington Compost should try using a dictionary to spread their ridiculous BS. From Dictionary.com:
1) released from physical or mental bonds; unrestrained

1) a chain or shackle placed on the feet.
2) Usually fetters. anything that confines or restrains:
Boredom puts fetters upon the imagination.

verb (used with object)
3) to put fetters upon.
4) to confine; restrain.
Truth of the matter is his access is very, very fettered. Cannot record or remove it. Can only request a copy of what he wants and it has to be 'approved' by partisan hacks.

Obviously you do not understand how propaganda and manipulation works in the Pravda media. Eh Comrade?

Seriously though; what can one reasonably expect from a Demonicrat party that would vote for a brain-dead Fetteredman for a Senate seat and for President?
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Old 03-03-2023, 06:32 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Tigbitties38 View Post
This just in. Dems can get complete access to all Capitol security footage. So when carlson lies, his ass will be busted. Again.

But Democrats have a better response to the California Republican’s tactic than fulmination: They can access the footage themselves. They can either allow news organizations to view all of it or at least respond to any distortions Carlson might conjure up by making whatever footage is relevant available to outlets.
This would be smart politics, but it would also be good for the country. Carlson says his producers have gained “unfettered” access to about 44,000 hours of footage and already insists some of it does “contradict” what’s publicly known
But Carlson has a track record of falsely depicting the attack as a “false flag” operation, absurdly portraying rioters as political prisoners, and pushing other distortions and lies. It’s obvious Carlson will selectively pick from footage to try to further obscure public memory of that day with confusion and agitprop. Democrats can’t let that go unanswered.

"If they so choose, Democrats can access all the footage now. After McCarthy (R-Calif.) granted access to Carlson, Capitol Police officers explained that they are required to release it to congressional leaders or oversight committees that demand it. It turns out this applies to minority leaders, too. Investigators on the Jan. 6 committee, of course, were permitted to view the footage (only a fraction aired in hearings) while Democrats were in the majority. But a Capitol Police spokesperson confirmed that Democrats can access it in a GOP-controlled House. It doesn’t matter if it’s the majority or the minority,” the spokesperson told me, noting that “we cannot control what congressional leaders or the oversight committees do with the materials we provide."


Transparency achieved.

amusing nonsense from that "unbiased" media source the Bezos Post.

Democrats on the committee had access to the video the entire time. McCarthy has said he will release the video to other news outlets. but you and the Bezos Post knew that, right?

transparency? if the huge volume of video surveillance shows what you think it did, why didn't the committee release far more of it as part of the "kangaroo hearings"?

they showed only a tiny fraction that showed "their narrative" now we get to see what they didn't want people to see.
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Old 03-05-2023, 09:55 AM   #20
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by Tigbitties38 View Post
Bull shit.
He could have released it to everyone.

And so he chose to exclusively release it to a known liar at a network caught lying about the outcome of the 2020 election. That fact is undeniably true.
Carlson and middle management admitted in emails made public.
McCarthy released the footage to Carlson first. He also said that he would release the footage to everyone at a later date.

he also made the footage available to the J6 defendants.

McCarthy ensured transparency. Democrats didn't.

they could have released the video to the public during their 2 year run of congress. they didn't. why is that? protecting exposure from J6 trials is weak sauce.
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Old 03-05-2023, 01:53 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Tigbitties38 View Post
This just in. Dems can get complete access to all Capitol security footage. So when carlson lies, his ass will be busted. Again.

But Democrats have a better response to the California Republican’s tactic than fulmination: They can access the footage themselves. They can either allow news organizations to view all of it or at least respond to any distortions Carlson might conjure up by making whatever footage is relevant available to outlets.
This would be smart politics, but it would also be good for the country. Carlson says his producers have gained “unfettered” access to about 44,000 hours of footage and already insists some of it does “contradict” what’s publicly known
But Carlson has a track record of falsely depicting the attack as a “false flag” operation, absurdly portraying rioters as political prisoners, and pushing other distortions and lies. It’s obvious Carlson will selectively pick from footage to try to further obscure public memory of that day with confusion and agitprop. Democrats can’t let that go unanswered.

"If they so choose, Democrats can access all the footage now. After McCarthy (R-Calif.) granted access to Carlson, Capitol Police officers explained that they are required to release it to congressional leaders or oversight committees that demand it. It turns out this applies to minority leaders, too. Investigators on the Jan. 6 committee, of course, were permitted to view the footage (only a fraction aired in hearings) while Democrats were in the majority. But a Capitol Police spokesperson confirmed that Democrats can access it in a GOP-controlled House. It doesn’t matter if it’s the majority or the minority,” the spokesperson told me, noting that “we cannot control what congressional leaders or the oversight committees do with the materials we provide."


Transparency achieved.
I guess some of you can't see the obvious. Let the democrats continue to lie about the events of January 6th. Now that Carlson has the video, their lies can be exposed just like when Trump released the transcript of the "perfect" phone call.
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Old 03-08-2023, 04:11 AM   #22
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You are so proud of your ignorance.
Do you see the little marks on both sides of the word "unfettered" in my opening post? That indicates a quote by carlson. Using that word was his choice.

So in your opinion, a person who has millions of viewers, makes your income look like a joke, and has a large writing staff needs to look in a dictionary? Because you say so?
This comes from a person who doesn't know basic grammatical structure, what a quote is, ignores the relevant definition of the word "unfettered", and pretends he has something to add to the discussion. Almost like a tucker carlson light...very light. Otherwise, I know he is a lying POS, he knows he knows he is a lying POS, and America knows he is a lying POS.
Your argument is with him and you've already lost. Just when you thought you were being so clever.
I understand you have nothing to tell me and I understand you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. I recognize you are both peddling bullshit. You can fool trumpys...that's it.

So when did your husband stop beating you?

un·​fet·​tered ˌən-ˈfe-tərd
Synonyms of unfettered
: not controlled or restricted : FREE, UNRESTRAINED

A fetter is a chain or shackle for the feet (as used on a prisoner), or, [B]more broadly, anything that confines or restrains. The word derives from Middle English feter and shares an ancestor with Old English fōt, meaning "foot." Fetter and fōt, meaning "foot." Fetter and unfetter both function as verbs in English with contrasting literal meanings having to do with the putting on of and freeing from fetters; they likewise have contrasting figurative extensions having to do with the depriving and granting of freedom. The adjective unfettered resides mostly in the figurative, with the word typically describing someone or something unrestrained in progress or spirit. This is how English poet and clergyman John Donne used the word in his early 17th-century work The Progress of the Soule: "To an unfetterd soules quick nimble hast / Are falling stars, and hearts thoughts, but slow pac'd."


Typical trumpy/fox viewer. You know fox is playing you (do you?)so your easily seen through deflection casting WaPo in the same ocean of shit that contains fox. Remember, your opinion means little and your take on things less.

Originally Posted by Why_No_You_Don't View Post
Maybe the Washington Compost should try using a dictionary to spread their ridiculous BS. From Dictionary.com:Truth of the matter is his access is very, very fettered. Cannot record or remove it. Can only request a copy of what he wants and it has to be 'approved' by partisan hacks.

Obviously you do not understand how propaganda and manipulation works in the Pravda media. Eh Comrade?

Seriously though; what can one reasonably expect from a Demonicrat party that would vote for a brain-dead Fetteredman for a Senate seat and for President?
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Old 03-08-2023, 09:35 AM   #23
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Keep it on topic here.

I don't want to hear why you think a trump phone call that led to his impeachment is on topic.

In closing, here is a link showing trump lying about the call (all proof is on the public record).

Trump’s Inaccurate Claims About His ‘Perfect’ Call

Posted on October 3, 2019 | Updated on October 23, 2019

President Donald Trump’s request that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky investigate Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, has triggered an impeachment inquiry. Since then, the president has made a series of inaccurate claims about his phone call with Zelensky, which he calls “perfect.”

Here are some of the claims the president has made over the past two days about the phone call and the whistleblower’s complaint, which included an accurate account of the phone call:

The president wrongly claimed that Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire testified that Trump’s phone call with Zelensky was “very normal.” Maguire did not characterize the phone call in his testimony before the House intelligence committee.Trump falsely claimed that a White House-released memo on his July 25 phone call with Zelensky was “an exact word-for-word transcript of the conversation … taken by very talented stenographers.” The memo includes a “caution” note saying it “is not a verbatim transcript.”Trump said that “the whistleblower never saw the conversation” and “wrote something that was total fiction.” The whistleblower said he received “a readout of the call,” and Maguire said the complaint is consistent with a White House memo of the call. (Trump also wrongly denied that Maguire found the two consistent.)Trump claimed that Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell “put out a statement that said that was the most innocent phone call he’s read.” McConnell said it wasn’t an impeachable offense, but did not describe the call as “innocent.”Trump also claimed that Sen. Rick Scott of Florida described the call as “a perfect conversation.” Scott didn’t use those words, but like McConnell he said he didn’t see the call as an impeachable offense.Maguire: Complaint ‘in Alignment’ with Memo

On Aug. 12, an anonymous intelligence community official filed a whistleblower complaint accusing the president of “using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election.” The complaint included a description of a July 25 phone call that Trump made to Zelensky, who was elected the president of Ukraine on April 21.

On the call, “the President pressured Mr. Zelenskyy to … initiate or continue an investigation into the activities of former Vice President Joseph Biden and his son, Hunter Biden,” and assist a U.S. review of allegations that the “Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election originated in Ukraine,” according to the whistleblower’s complaint. Trump asked Zelensky to “meet or speak with two people the President named explicitly as his personal envoys on these matters, Mr. [Rudy] Giuliani and Attorney General [William] Barr,” the complaint said.

That description was confirmed by a memo of the call, which the White House released on Sept. 25.

“There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great,” the memo says Trump told Zelensky. “Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it … It sounds horrible to me.”

The memo of the call also showed Trump asked Zelensky to “find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine” and the 2016 presidential campaign, and urged him to speak with Barr and Giuliani, the president’s personal attorney.

At a Sept. 26 House intelligence committee hearing, Rep. Joaquin Castro asked Maguire, the acting DNI, if the whistleblower’s complaint is “remarkably consistent” with the memo of the phone call that was released by the White House.

“I would say that the whistleblower’s complaint is in alignment with what was released yesterday by the president,”

Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
I guess some of you can't see the obvious. Let the democrats continue to lie about the events of January 6th. Now that Carlson has the video, their lies can be exposed just like when Trump released the transcript of the "perfect" phone call.
The obvious thing here is you have nothing but baseless claims and you lack cognitive skills.
I'll give you a pass this time.
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Old 03-08-2023, 03:16 PM   #24
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... Gee, a liberal fact-checker... What's next?
Showing that the Hunter laptop really IS fake??

Any "baseless claims" of what's NOT in alignment? ... That the
others associated with the phone call agreed-with Trump.
THAT is a FACT. ... And since you mentioned the whistleblower
- what's he up-to NOW??

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Old 03-08-2023, 09:02 PM   #25
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was col. vindamin the whistleblower?
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Old 03-08-2023, 09:23 PM   #26
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The dems are just laying back and chilling while watching the gop go ape shit crazy trying to find a fact besides faux cable low rated news rumors

If you don't believe me just go back and read all the mega bots 24/7/365 no life stupid shit on this post
angry losing mofos
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