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Old 02-22-2013, 11:31 PM   #16
JD Barleycorn
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Don't be too quick to think they are seeing the light. Notice they keep implying that the Congress must act. According to Bob Woodward, who is not a conservative, the whole sequestor thing was the invention of the White House and it's advisors. That's right, it was Obama who wanted sequestration. I remember it well. I called the Congress and Senate, sent emails and tried to tell them that this is exactly what was going to happen. The democrats and Obama wanted this to force the GOP into a corner. The important thing to remember is that according to the rules the White House makes all the decisions about who gets laid off or sent home, what gets shut down, and who gets paid on time. This is all about Obama and want he wants. He is playing on fear just as democrats like to. Budget cuts? Lets cut the police and firemen first or raise taxes. Sequestor? Lets cut the border patrol, the air traffic controllers, and Homeland Security. Open the border to illegals, drug traffickers, and the occassional terrorist. It's all good as long as the fools blame the GOP and get them to raise taxes again. Notice how the GOP has to raise the taxes. The Constitution says that tax raises only come from the House but the Obamacare plan is a tax according to the SCOTUS. Where did it come from???? The White House....see the problem.
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Old 02-23-2013, 02:01 AM   #17
Chica Chaser
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
He is playing on fear just as democrats like to.
Sounds similar to:
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Old 02-23-2013, 02:18 AM   #18
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Old 02-23-2013, 06:27 AM   #19
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the sequester is serious????

are you kidding me?

the only thing serious about an 82 billion dollar reduction in the INCREASE of government over a ten year period is it lack of seriousness

the demagoguery is atrocious

of course it would be good to be able to address entitlements, which, with this president, is impossible

should this sequester happen, obama will, most likely, in his cynical manner, have his minions cut away at some needed service in each department to make the american people suffer in an evil contrivance to sway public opinion and thus put pressure on congress to once again RAISE TAXES, instead of buckling down and cutting the idiotic waste in every department

you could decrease the pay of these civil service workers to the average pay of those in the private sector and save much more than the sequester cut
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Old 02-23-2013, 06:35 AM   #20
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Not in my opinion; the more light that shines on Obama is the same as shining more light on the bigger problems; in my opinion there is room for discussion for both simultaneously...and both should happen...they are both related AND important.

That said; I like your posts and read them....thanks for your contribution and please keep posting..it helps us keep our eyes on the big picture.

Originally Posted by SEE3772 View Post
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Old 02-23-2013, 07:05 AM   #21
I B Hankering
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Sequester is a gimmick bought into by both parties. In 44 BC the Roman Senate employed a similar gimmick to deal with a problem. They conspired to slay Caesar wherein each one of the sixty involved would thrust a dagger into Caesar’s body. In theory, no one senator was more or less guilty of murder than the other senators involved; therefore, no one senator believed he could be individually held accountable for the act. Another similarity is both events were scheduled take place in March; though this year’s portentous “Ides of March” hap is destined to arrive some fourteen days earlier than in 44 BC.
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Old 02-23-2013, 09:10 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
the sequester is serious????

are you kidding me?

the only thing serious about an 82 billion dollar reduction in the INCREASE of government over a ten year period is it lack of seriousness

the demagoguery is atrocious

of course it would be good to be able to address entitlements, which, with this president, is impossible

should this sequester happen, obama will, most likely, in his cynical manner, have his minions cut away at some needed service in each department to make the american people suffer in an evil contrivance to sway public opinion and thus put pressure on congress to once again RAISE TAXES, instead of buckling down and cutting the idiotic waste in every department

you could decrease the pay of these civil service workers to the average pay of those in the private sector and save much more than the sequester cut
+1. All O'Blunder is doing is scaring the LIV's out there with more deception, deflection, deceit, distraction, and, oh, lies. Of course, once again with cooperation of the MSM.
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Old 02-23-2013, 11:41 AM   #23
JD Barleycorn
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I wouldn't say 14 days. They had a different calendar in those days. In fact they had a calendar named after the poor fellow who got knifed.

As for the tyrant Obama and his corrupted ilk; THE KING HAS NO CLOTHES! He is revealing himself to the masses if they had the courage to look upon him.
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Old 02-23-2013, 11:34 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Fast Gunn View Post

Who was the dumb ass that came up with this odious thing staring us in the face?
That dumbass would be your guy, Barack H. Obama, direct from his mouthpiece Jay Carney

On Tuesday, Obama appeared at the White House with a group of police officers and firefighters to denounce the sequester as a “meat-cleaver approach” that would jeopardize military readiness and investments in education, energy and readiness. He also said it would cost jobs. But, the president said, the substitute would have to include new revenue through tax reform.

At noon that same day, White House press secretary Jay Carney shifted position and accepted sequester paternity.

“The sequester was something that was discussed,” Carney said. Walking back the earlier statements, he added carefully, “and as has been reported, it was an idea that the White House put forward.”
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Old 02-23-2013, 11:40 PM   #25
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FastGoon has finally grasped the fact that Obama is a dumbass! Mark your calendars!
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Old 02-24-2013, 05:47 AM   #26
i'va biggen
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You guys wanted spending cuts,you are getting spending cuts ,and still bitching.LMFAO
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Old 02-24-2013, 06:36 AM   #27
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Well, I was sure that someone would be itching to throw this thing back in my face when I posted it, but didn't think a mod would be so eager to stir up shit.

Quickly scanning the article, President Obama says that the sequester was not something he proposed, but that it was proposed by Congress.

At any rate, the origin of the measure is murky, but the fact is that it was intended to be so onerous that both sides would be forced to come to an agreement. So what happened to that rationale?

It does make one wonder if common sense deteriorates as the deadline approaches. Blaming the other side for the mess is not the right way to govern. It's just a way to continue the senseless fight.

. . . The unfortunate fact is that no deal seems to be on the table and the clock is ticking. People will be furloughed when this thing slams into place and flights will be delayed and it will certainly not help the economy already struggling to get up to speed.

Originally Posted by Chica Chaser View Post
That dumbass would be your guy, Barack H. Obama, direct from his mouthpiece Jay Carney

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Old 02-24-2013, 09:13 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Fast Gunn View Post


At any rate, the origin of the measure is murky,
its only murky to the purposely blind
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Old 02-24-2013, 09:27 AM   #29
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Well, so you say, but the issue is not quite so simple and not black and white, hence the murky aspect. The sequester was put in place to force both sides to come to a better solution than automatic and draconian spending cuts, but the logic broke down somewhere.

Congress has already demonstrated how they prefer to weaken the President on any issue rather than cooperate even at the risk of hurting the country.

. . . This problem is artificial and man made, but the consequences of the sequester will be real and still negatively affect this country at a time when the economy needs forward motion, not more stalling.

Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
its only murky to the purposely blind
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Old 02-24-2013, 09:49 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Fast Gunn View Post
Well, so you say, but the issue is not quite so simple and not black and white, hence the murky aspect. The sequester was put in place to force both sides to come to a better solution than automatic and draconian spending cuts, but the logic broke down somewhere.

Congress has already demonstrated how they prefer to weaken the President on any issue rather than cooperate even at the risk of hurting the country.

. . . This problem is artificial and man made, but the consequences of the sequester will be real and still negatively affect this country at a time when the economy needs forward motion, not more stalling.
the moaning about the sequester is merely a tool in obama's hand to use to try to raise taxes, it has minimal economic affect..... it will, by evil contrivance, perhaps be used to show the bad affect of cutting government when by rights it should have no affect...just by paying government workers what the private sector makes would save much more than the supposed cut...

why is it that such a cut in the INCREASE in spending has such bad affect when raising taxes in a bad economy is the thing to do? the answer is, because obama rules by grievance.
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