Originally Posted by WTF
Don't try and talk facts with never! He was a ward of the state yet he cries about lending a helping hand to others!
He is the kind of person that would donate money to deny gay people the same rights he has, he does not want to bake a cake for a gay couple and he for damn sure does not want a darkie delivering him anything at his casa!
what the heck are you driveling about?
first, im against corporate cronyism which maybe was what he was posting about, hopefully it wasn't about some raise the taxes bull, and besides his post had no impact on anything I said
second, its not a cake , its a wedding cake, and im all for equal rights and religious freedom and liberty.
third, I have had more blacks in my home than you have had. I've lived with blacks before they were called blacks and Mexicans, yeah that's what they were called, in the same room for years, which you haven't. they are my blood brothers and you have no clue as to what you type about, but that's why you are you I suppose
the only thing you got right was I am a true son of Texas, as I was a ward of the state.