Originally Posted by Whirlaway
By Thomas Sowell:
American schools today are similarly undermining American society as one unworthy of defending, either domestically or internationally. If there were nuclear attacks on American cities, how long would it take for us to surrender, even if we had nuclear superiority – but were not as willing to die as our enemies were?
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/01/teaching-...C6taZr6Yt21.99
Yeah, more World Net Daily propaganda trash. He and you are basically attacking all our teachers and school administrators (not to mention our educational "elites" in our universities) as either traitors or too stupid to understand and stop a "conspiracy" that is foisting this upon us. Pathetic of him and you. I used to respect conservatives even if I didn't agree with them. Very sad.
Very few "lefties" think "American society ... (si) one unworthy of defending, either domestically or internationally." We just don't think Americans or America is perfect and we question the ways in which we defend America both domestically and internationally. Most of us, and the best of us, strive to understand how we can make America "A shining city on a hill" knowing that we are fallible and human and will never achieve that completely. We don't think going backward (nostalgically) will make America better and are just not satisfied with the status quo either, but we are hopeful, not fearful of the future and change.
The right today has become completely unfaithful to American and their own "values" because they continually demonize moderate conservatives (RINOs), moderates and progressives/lefties for having different views (and sometimes different lifestyles, religions and even physical characteristics) than they have and they are usually not willing to (now) even agree on a shared set of facts or trusted sources. The right today is against much of what it was for and even the ideas it came up with a decade or two before (so their values must have changed or been abandoned). The right seems to more and more want to only consider facts that support their own views. This led to their complete surprise in being beaten by Obama in 2012 (only listening to their own echo chamber) and if they continue will lead to the destruction of the Republican party (from within) and the loyal opposition (which has no longer been very loyal at all or very patriotic attacking on any issue including foreign relations and wars where they feel they can get an advantage).
It seems they have taken George W. Bush's famous, "you're either with us or against us in the fight against terror" and truncated the last five words and applied it to everything, even their fellow Republicans and conservatives. This is a movement, party and people driven by fear and fear alone and grasping for power by any means possible (the ends justify the means because they assert they are the only true Americans). Fear of anyone or anything different, fear of a loss of power and prestige, fear of foreigners, even fear of equality or new or different freedoms. It is truly sad when loyal, wise, thoughtful and even revered Republicans like Lincoln, Roosevelt, Eisenhower and even Nixon, and especially their views and policies, would be repudiated and labeled RINOs and unpatriotic in today's party. Completely pathetic and it goes to the credibility of anything someone like Whirly would post. With attitudes like that why would anyone give credence to anything they say or do?