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Old 05-14-2011, 08:27 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by KenAdams View Post
Heather, have you thought about financial counseling, maybe targeted at an earlier age? I did some math, and let me preface it by saying that I don't know all the possible expenses involved, but without posting specific numbers in an open forum, it seems to me that a person who has 3 appts a day, 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year is making some serious coin. To me, that's just a full-time job like any other person would have, except it's not 8-5.

For the casual person, maybe these numbers aren't realistic, but then they probably aren't in the hobby for the money and have another FT job. But for those ladies who do treat this as their full-time job, I don't see how they aren't banking/saving some serious cash.

Am I way off base here? Math doesn't lie, but the result is only as good as the knowledge of the data one is working with.

If a person were more frugal and finance conscience from the start, I don't think they would have problems walking away when it was time.

Just a thought from a different angle.

You have brought up a very interesting and important topic.

Your assumption would be incorrect. Not every lady in this business is seeing 3 clients a day, 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year. Some ladies see more, work less days, some ladies see less and don't work everyday. Also it depends on who the lady is and what she charges.

This business is like a roller coaster ride, it goes up and it goes down. The minute you think you can set a schedule for when your clients are going to call is the minute you're sadly disappointed. As much as we would like to have clients who all have standing appointments with us weekly, not all do.

Plus, take into account our lil monthly visitor. Which for some lasts the full 7 days.
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Old 05-15-2011, 03:45 PM   #17
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I for one think you idea is fantastic. I've met hundreds of women in this business from California, Florida, Texas and a few other states. I have actually left meetings with women before and had a tear in my eye because I just felt so bad for the woman. I met a lady here in Houston a few months ago and did her photos for her. She had a horrible story and was doing this because she had no other choices apparent to her.

I can tell you the worst thing I've ever seen. Goto the area around your local womens shelter. You will find women that have done the hardest thing in their life by getting out of an abusive relationship and now you will find them walking the streets and alleys around the womens shelter doing whatever they have to do for money for food or diapers for their kids. There is one is Pasadena and I hate driving past because I see normal women, down on their luck and doing unspeakable things for unspeakable prices just to survive.

The thought you have has crossed my mind many times. I know some guys on here that know me or know of me might give me shit, but I do have a heart!
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Old 05-16-2011, 06:52 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by KenAdams View Post
Heather, have you thought about financial counseling, maybe targeted at an earlier age? I did some math, and let me preface it by saying that I don't know all the possible expenses involved, but without posting specific numbers in an open forum, it seems to me that a person who has 3 appts a day, 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year is making some serious coin. To me, that's just a full-time job like any other person would have, except it's not 8-5.

For the casual person, maybe these numbers aren't realistic, but then they probably aren't in the hobby for the money and have another FT job. But for those ladies who do treat this as their full-time job, I don't see how they aren't banking/saving some serious cash.

Am I way off base here? Math doesn't lie, but the result is only as good as the knowledge of the data one is working with.

If a person were more frugal and finance conscience from the start, I don't think they would have problems walking away when it was time.

Just a thought from a different angle.

You have brought up a very interesting and important topic.
No you are RIGHT, but as with me and many other ladies, Fast money is spent faster than we make it, bad choices, BUT its the truth, I wish I knew now, what I knew when I started in this, BUT I can NOT turn back the hands of time!! Yes we could start now, BUT times are hard, and money is far and few & inbetween now, as the economy has taking a toll on alot of ladies!!! So by the time we do make it, something is due or PAST due!!! If I would have saved even just 50 bucks off every client, I would never have to work again!!!! I would have to work a lifetime to do that again!!! I like most ladies YOUNG & old, DO NOT want to stay in this business!!! NO Matter how much we say we love it, we love sex!!! Guys its NOT true!!! Most of us could have been in the real movies!! NOW dont get me wrong, I have regulars I love to see!!! But we have (dated) a very long time(lol) they are good friends now more than anything!! so its just hard to get out!!!
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Old 05-16-2011, 07:04 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Jack Flash View Post
I for one think you idea is fantastic. I've met hundreds of women in this business from California, Florida, Texas and a few other states. I have actually left meetings with women before and had a tear in my eye because I just felt so bad for the woman. I met a lady here in Houston a few months ago and did her photos for her. She had a horrible story and was doing this because she had no other choices apparent to her.

I can tell you the worst thing I've ever seen. Goto the area around your local womens shelter. You will find women that have done the hardest thing in their life by getting out of an abusive relationship and now you will find them walking the streets and alleys around the womens shelter doing whatever they have to do for money for food or diapers for their kids. There is one is Pasadena and I hate driving past because I see normal women, down on their luck and doing unspeakable things for unspeakable prices just to survive.

The thought you have has crossed my mind many times. I know some guys on here that know me or know of me might give me shit, but I do have a heart!
This is so TRUE, even women that never thought they would have to do this have done it!!!! they might not ever admit it!!!! BUT they have in one way or another!!! The shelters are NOT the best places in the world to be, I would live in my car before I went to a shelter!!! I just need a few people that really do have a heart, to help put this all together, I am NOT the smartest woman in the world, BUT I know that there is a way for this to be done!!! There's women in this world that have never knew anything else but this type of work, that dream of being"normal" in this cruel world!! I started out in this business for one reason, I was to Independent, and wanted to be on my own, so at 17 there was NO looking back!! I started out on Harry Hines, making tons of money, living in 300,000,00 dollar homes in Plano, Tx (paying$2800.00 a month in rent)while working the streets, 5 days a week!! I never thought the money would stop!! I made more than most people would ever think!! IT WAS Great, I LOVED it, Big Money, Big houses, Big cars!!! Nice clothes, lots of the finer things in life, but I did NOT have a plan, Lived day to day!!!I was 18, this was all mine, I was living the good life, years went by faster and faster, & now I live client to client!! Thanks for your input!!!! and I hope I will find the attention of just a few people, who knows what to do and how to do it!!!
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Old 05-19-2011, 06:38 AM   #20
Rachel Reid
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Females who really want to get out of the biz but have no skills...... YOU ARE always an instant hire on with selling automobiles. Clean drug test, no felonies, clean driving and you are hired! No experience. They will train you. good $ plus benefits.

It is long hours but women do very well in it if they are tuff enough to hang with it.
Very easy, good money, good back up plan to have in your pocket once you do it. Once you sell cars ...you will always have a job selling cars. Any state, any city. Quick hire on and almost instant. I do not sell automobiles now, but would do it again in a heartbeat if I HAD to.
Most car dealerships could care less about your past history in adult ent. as long as no felonies. EASY, EASY hire on and job for a woman who really wants to get out and start learning a new skill or two.
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Old 05-19-2011, 08:34 AM   #21
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If I may weigh in on the math question it would seem to me there is still quite a bit of cash floating around. And as such a program put together explaining money management in the macro and micro would be appropriate. Help set up SEP Roth IRA's, fixed indexed annuities and the like modestly funded from say 2 appointments a month and you have a pretty nice nest egg down the road. Even if funded at that level for only the first 3-4 years then as a percentage of a traditional salary down the road as providers transition out.

I know there are many other issues and factors but this would go a long way toward retirement and children's education.
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Old 05-25-2011, 12:49 AM   #22
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I agree with your sentiments, but as a tax preparer I have advised providers for a while now to put a little bit aside from each appointment to provide for later.
I think only one heeded my sage words!
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Old 05-25-2011, 01:40 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by HEATHERTHEMILF View Post
I am a Older Provider (40yrs old) I have been looking for places that help women, get out of this type of sexual oriented business, MEANING escorts, dancers ect. That are NOT on drugs, that do NOT have a money manager(pimp) That have children ect... The ladies that have gotten caught up in the fast money of the business, the ones that do want to find a way out, and transition into the real working world, There is NO places that help this type of woman ....

I would like to find a way to start a program, for these woman, A Real Way Out .... I would like to be able to help them find jobs, through temp. services, and contacting many other places that would consider hiring, ladies that are willing to move forward, I would like to become a NON Profit org. and accept pledges/donations ect.. to help these women, with there Bills for a certain amount of time,(maybe like 3 months) and then the next 3 months only help with half, while they get on their feet,save a little money and move on to living a normal life for themselves and their children.

Most people think that we are on drugs, been abused, came from a terrible family life ect... this is NOT true in everybody, I came from a normal family that made $100,000 a year ,No abuse.. the excitment of this lifestyle took over, I loved the LIFE in the FAST lane...

If anyone anywhere has any in put on what they think about this, Please feel free to let me know!! I am very interested in this!

Also if there are any woman interested in this, Please feel free to tell me what you think would make this a good program, for you and why!! If you do not mind sharing your story!!

We would only accept woman over 30, with children, who are drug free, and do NOT have a husband/boyfriend ect!! There would be a waiting list as we would only be able to help so many at one time, maybe when funding picks up for this we can take in more!!

Any info. you share will be used in putting all this together, And would you be willing to make donations(Guys & Gals) to help with this!

I will also be looking for churches in our local area to get involved as well, and maybe finding housing for some of the ladies that are homeless... There's so much I want to do to help, Thanks for your time!!


There is a place here that is kind of similar but they take so long to get you the help you need, most ladies quit & return to the business!!! It takes them 5-6 weeks to help you do anything!! Some ladies do NOT have that much time!!
Hi Heather, I read your thread. I would say your quest to help those in this industry is a most worthy cause. Iam sure there are many girls that would like to get back into the main stream or a traditional line of work. I think in order to acheive your endeavor you would need some financial backing from a government agency or organization. Individuals giving donations would never cut it alone. Secondly you would have to give the girl who really wanted to get away from this indudtry real hope. By this I mean offering an avenue for therapy if needed, help with job placement or financial stability while she was in her job search. Obvuiously helping escorts to resort to a more mainstream way of life is a sensitive subject. I can understand the challenges they would face if they really wanted to move on and people like you could surly give them some hope and direction. Making fast money to some can be like a drug. For instance a 25 year old escort asking 200 donation if she only saw one client a day that would turn out to be 5600 per month. Just think what a girl at 25 would have to do to make that kind of money in a normal job. So in order to get a program like this, which could be quite valuable financial backing is a major key and some sort of government or social support. Without that your success would be minimal.
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Old 05-25-2011, 03:16 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by HEATHERTHEMILF View Post
Very True, Alot of us are looking for a way out, completely out, so we do not have to use our bodies to pay our bills ect.....

This is so thoughtful! Thank you for posting this thread. There is another side of this life style that needs to be considered. Even as a stripper, it is hard to look beyond this profession and move on to more positive things. It is easier to fall into the negative.

Good Luck!
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Old 05-25-2011, 06:24 PM   #25
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Not meaning to drag this on, But I need ideas, to put it all together, I can get a 100 ideas and use the top 50 to really make it work, for us ladies!! and there's many of us out here, like my self, look at all the members here on eccie, theres alot, if everyone put in even 5 bucks to get this started, we would have more than enough to take off, and we would get supporters from here that will continue to donate some money, but we do have to get in the light before we can shine!!! and let other people see what good we are doing!! theres got to be a way for us!!! young & older, to get the help we need, with out being homeless ect..... Please just inbox me any ideas, and we can go from there!! There's even ladies here that are smart enough to work for this planned venture and could help to make it work, and they are NOT professional counslers but we would give the best advice, only because we have been here and know the struggle first hand!! and believe me, women here have had the hardest times, and for us to share it, if it would help others, we would have no problems doing that!!! I know we can NOT save the world, BUT there is alot of us that want a way out, with just a little help!!! just a little push!! If I had someone to pay my rent, just my rent for 3 months, I would be out of this for good!!! with no looking back!! My part time job, is training me right now for a $20 hr job, when I'm done, but it will take me 2-3 months to finish training!! and there's a way to get this done, I want to open up a legit business in 6 months, and from there train other people, on what I am learning, and its a never ending business!! always a demand for it!! and in the right location, it can make 70,000 a year plus easy!!! there's so many things these ladies want to do, but can't ...if they are anything like me.... scared to go to far from the incall location, might miss a call!! (lol) its not right but its true!! we do not want to miss any money, I work part time 9am til 1pm... and I get mad at work if I'm missing calls!!! This is why its so hard to get out!!! But I have to stay strong and stay at my training to get where I want to be!! There's to many other ways to get out of here... easy jobs with weeks of training...cna 4 weeks only $600... bartending 2 weeks less than $700, there's so many things!!! that these ladies can do that want a way out!!... we could pay for their schooling, and their rent until the get their 2nd check ect... I know there has to be a way!!! Just please send me any ideas ladies & gents have a good evening!!! sorry to babble on.... but hey!!! I cant do it alone!!!!
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Old 05-26-2011, 01:52 PM   #26
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Perhaps set up a scholarship fund to help the ladies get trained in another vocation?
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Old 06-02-2011, 12:48 AM   #27
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YES, I am in. We need providers helping non providers and women getting out of the business that have been abused.

I have been talking about this, and now we need action. We can set up a non-profit or a Foundation.
Please talk to me at zentaos@mac.com
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Old 06-02-2011, 09:49 PM   #28
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Guys/Gals check out http://www.newfriendsnewlife.org/ This program does work, it takes time, but if you stick with it, you will make it, I have 2 friends that have been going for aprox. 6 weeks, and they love it, if you are wanting help try this place, and DO NOT think it is a over night magic shop....it takes time!! But they will help you so much!!!! ALSO... FEEL FREE GUYS/GALS TO MAKE A DONATION TO A GREAT CAUSE!!
Any amount helps these ladies out...a great deal, this place does so much for the ladies & their children as well!!! Its a wonderful program!! and its free just come ladies if you really want to try!!!
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Old 06-07-2011, 07:24 AM   #29
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do you mind mailing me a copy to my plan is for the other end off things the young girls that feel there is no other way
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Old 06-07-2011, 07:27 AM   #30
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can you sent me a copy as well
Originally Posted by Andrea Davis View Post
Hello Heather,

Before my mother died she had a business plan to help women. I have a lot of information and the 501 c 3 already. Please contact me and I can try to mail you her life's work.

xoxo Andrea
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