I don't HAVE to be first. I need the illusion of being first. If there are no wash cloths available afterwards, that's not a good sign. If there are no wash cloths OR hand towels, that's pretty scary. If there's no cloth of any kind and only baby wipes, ummm.....yikes!!
I prefer wash cloths. It at least makes me FEEL like I'm first.
Condoms in the trash can?
Of course, flushing them is bad for the septic system. I used to rinse my condoms out. Not for reuse, but to simply empty it of the contents (does that seem nasty to do that?). I stopped for a while, but I think I'm going to start doing it again.
Maybe I should just take it with me on the way out and dump it in a dumpster somewhere. Leaving it, full of 'contents', just screams potential trouble to me.