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Old 08-26-2016, 01:48 PM   #16
Mr MojoRisin
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Originally Posted by bon69 View Post
There is a difference between Liberalism and Socialism.
Yes there is a difference. But they both have similarities one being neither is worth a flying fuck.

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Old 08-26-2016, 01:49 PM   #17
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Pitting half the country against the other half doesn't do the two-party system any favors. It's been a struggle to avoid gridlock, which, this election year could be the beginning of the end of two parties controlling the votes. One party would just as soon vote for Hitler vs. the other party's despicable candidate.

Info on candidates is presented and packaged by the media in such a slick, believable way that you're left wondering if it's the truth or bullshit. There's way more out there now to digest but it seems to come down not to what the candidates are saying; it's what the media are saying ABOUT THEM. You would think with the rapid-fire fact-checking happening, candidates would be less inclined to bullshit us. But I think they think us constituents will forget a 10-second sound bite, lost in hundreds of sound bites. How many voters will hear a disgusting story on one candidate 10 minutes before they vote and choose that as the deciding factor?

I don't think it matters any more who the POTUS is; a lot of the job is ceremonial anyway. If you've lived to be 60, has your personal life been as drastically affected because of what a President has done, said or because of a S. C. Justice they appointed? Are you thinking of fleeing your country as thousands of Syrians did? Are bullets whizzing by your mother's head when she goes to the market?

You're not wasting your vote by voting Libertarian or Green. This may be the year they get more votes than ever because of the first sentence in this post. I'm just not going to vote for the sake of voting AGAINST the other candidate.
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Old 08-26-2016, 02:29 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Prolongus View Post
Pitting half the country against the other half doesn't do the two-party system any favors. It's been a struggle to avoid gridlock, which, this election year could be the beginning of the end of two parties controlling the votes. One party would just as soon vote for Hitler vs. the other party's despicable candidate.

Info on candidates is presented and packaged by the media in such a slick, believable way that you're left wondering if it's the truth or bullshit. There's way more out there now to digest but it seems to come down not to what the candidates are saying; it's what the media are saying ABOUT THEM. You would think with the rapid-fire fact-checking happening, candidates would be less inclined to bullshit us. But I think they think us constituents will forget a 10-second sound bite, lost in hundreds of sound bites. How many voters will hear a disgusting story on one candidate 10 minutes before they vote and choose that as the deciding factor?

I don't think it matters any more who the POTUS is; a lot of the job is ceremonial anyway. If you've lived to be 60, has your personal life been as drastically affected because of what a President has done, said or because of a S. C. Justice they appointed? Are you thinking of fleeing your country as thousands of Syrians did? Are bullets whizzing by your mother's head when she goes to the market?

You're not wasting your vote by voting Libertarian or Green. This may be the year they get more votes than ever because of the first sentence in this post. I'm just not going to vote for the sake of voting AGAINST the other candidate.
I agree the system has it flaws and you are spot on about your comments on the POTUS being ceremonial. For all the Clinton bashers- when she gets elected your life will be no different today than 4 years down the line. I can't say the same for Trump because I truly believe he doesn't have the temperament or the experience to do the job of POTUS and he comes off as someone who wouldn't listen to advisors.
In the United States you have fools who will for the POTUS base on one or two issue like gun control or abortion.
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Old 08-26-2016, 10:21 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt View Post
I agree the system has it flaws and you are spot on about your comments on the POTUS being ceremonial. For all the Clinton bashers- when she gets elected your life will be no different today than 4 years down the line.

no different if you already live is a dictatorial repressive regime .. America rejects this. bitch

I can't say the same for Trump because I truly believe he doesn't have the temperament or the experience to do the job of POTUS and he comes off as someone who wouldn't listen to advisors.

considering her advisors will be packed with nwo neocons who she is ass kissing for their money and power

In the United States you have fools who will for the FOTUS base on one or two issue like gun control or abortion.
do your mean the FOTUS? aka the FAGGOT of the United States? this is Barry Soetoro and his chitown fag world.

oh the glory of chitown faggism!!!




the above is awesome! why?? because it was published by the huffagpost!! the second most fagtard libtard publication not named Vox.



the FOTUS. ayayayhgagagahahahaha

the FAGGOT of The UNITED States!!!!

do you really think all these media outlets are just making this up???? yeah .. i bet you do.
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Old 08-26-2016, 10:27 PM   #20
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I would advise my brothers to avoid this conversation... It's an 0zombie Crock of SHIT!

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Old 08-26-2016, 10:32 PM   #21
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
I would advise my brothers to avoid this conversation... It's an 0zombie Crock of SHIT!

Here are your brothers whiffy.

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Old 08-26-2016, 10:54 PM   #22
Jackie S
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I have been around a long time. I base my opinions on what I have seen through the decades.

Hillary Clinton is a despicable person. She is a pathological liar. She is a money grubbing cunt, who is responsible for many of the problems we are facing in the world due to her tenure as Secretary of State.

It baffles me how people can support her.
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Old 08-26-2016, 10:54 PM   #23
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here you are with your brothers ...

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Old 08-26-2016, 11:20 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by RelaxationJunkie View Post

So with all that said... I don't hate your average Democrat. We care about different things. Sometimes, we care about the same things. I for one used to work for several large insurance firms... I am FOR Obamacare. Well, maybe not Obamacare, but a system like it, where people can't be denied coverage or dropped by their insurers when they've been paying their premiums faithfully. I've seen how greedy insurance carriers are, and my opinion is that something like healthcare can't be left entirely to market forces. The latest scandal is this Epi-Pen business of raising the price over 400% in the last few years. We do need a national healthcare plan, to keep these pharmaceutical companies and insurance providers in check with how much they charge. So that's one thing I agree with Democrats, something needed to be done, and Obamacare is what we got. Would have been better if Republicans didn't waste so much damn time trying to kill it vs making it better.

In the individual market, you have sick people buying the health insurance, healthy people not buying the insurance. This creates a large negative risk pool, which the health insurance companies do not want to deal with. Thus you have health insurance companies getting out of the individual market. They will just sell group insurance plans to companies.

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Old 08-26-2016, 11:32 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post

In the individual market, you have sick people buying the health insurance, healthy people not buying the insurance. This creates a large negative risk pool, which the health insurance companies do not want to deal with. Thus you have health insurance companies getting out of the individual market. They will just sell group insurance plans to companies.

then by your own post you admit what a colossal FAILURE ACA aka ObamaCare is

nice job idiot

what stupid shit will you post next? the World Wonders ...
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Old 08-27-2016, 12:15 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt View Post
I agree the system has it flaws and you are spot on about your comments on the POTUS being ceremonial. For all the Clinton bashers- when she gets elected your life will be no different today than 4 years down the line. I can't say the same for Trump because I truly believe he doesn't have the temperament or the experience to do the job of POTUS and he comes off as someone who wouldn't listen to advisors.
In the United States you have fools who will for the POTUS base on one or two issue like gun control or abortion.
Do you think, Lube Wideass, that two or three leftist justices on the SCOTUS won't affect your daily life? Where will you be when your guns are confiscated? They can do that. Where will you be when your free speech rights are limited? They can do that? What will you do when due process becomes meaningless? They can do that. They are SCOTUS. they can interpret the Constitution to mean whatever the hell they want it to mean. Two or three more justices who support the "living Constitution" bullshit, and that is what will happen.

We don't need liberal or conservative justices. We need justices who will interpret the Constitution as it was written, with the original intent of the drafters in mind. Clinton's influence on the Court will drastically change our country, and not for the better, unless you want government control of everything. And if you want that, don't call yourself an American!
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Old 08-27-2016, 04:18 AM   #27
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
there have been a few rumors that Obama is gay, even fewer on him being a muslim.

There is a book by Dan Bongino (sp), a former secret service & house of representative. I don't know what he says in there. I'm sure he has some negative comments about Obama.

however, that news examiner story is fake. there is no book "The Black House" on Amazon by Paul Horner. There are books "Black House", but its fiction and by different authors. the writer got hoaxed into writing that piece.


He even tried to pass himself off as Banksy. lol!
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Old 08-27-2016, 02:01 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by bon69 View Post
First off, I am an independent and right now I couldn't vote for either. My question is about how each of you feel about the opposite candidate's supporters. With all this rhetoric from each side, I see hatred for the other like never before. I see hate speech about wanting to hurt or even kill the other candidates and their supporters on many sites. Why? Do some of y'all feel that much hate to want horrible things done to one another? We are all on the same side and all are Americans and it is healthy to have difference of opinions but I'm concerned about how low the level has become. I just can't see Americans vs. Americans as a good thing but of only to our enemies. Seriously, what are some of y'alls view of your political adversaries?

Its not equal hatred. . . Trump suggested that his supporters (2nd amnd supporters) shoot Hillary Clinton.
Hillary has never suggested the assassination of Trump.

Trump has offered to pay legal bills of supporters who punch protesters in the face. . . Hillary has not.

Trump made fun of a reporters physical disability because he was critical of Trump (google: Trump mocks reporter with disability). Hillary has not.

the two candidates and the two camps are not equal. I'm not arguing Hillary is mother Teresa, but on an asshole scale. . . Hillary is about a 4, Trump is an 11.
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Old 08-27-2016, 02:21 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by southtown4488 View Post
Its not equal hatred. . . Trump suggested that his supporters (2nd amnd supporters) shoot Hillary Clinton.
Hillary has never suggested the assassination of Trump.

Trump has offered to pay legal bills of supporters who punch protesters in the face. . . Hillary has not.

Trump made fun of a reporters physical disability because he was critical of Trump (google: Trump mocks reporter with disability). Hillary has not.

the two candidates and the two camps are not equal. I'm not arguing Hillary is mother Teresa, but on an asshole scale. . . Hillary is about a 4, Trump is an 11.
You take after hildebeest, SuckClown, you're a congenital liar. Hildebeest did make a statement that implied someone might kill Odumbo in 2008, and per exposed emails the DNC -- feloniously managed by hildebeest minions -- did pay agitators to agitate against and confrontationally disrupt Trump rallies, SuckClown.
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Old 08-27-2016, 03:14 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by southtown4488 View Post
Its not equal hatred. . . Trump suggested that his supporters (2nd amnd supporters) shoot Hillary Clinton.
Hillary has never suggested the assassination of Trump.

Trump has offered to pay legal bills of supporters who punch protesters in the face. . . Hillary has not.

Trump made fun of a reporters physical disability because he was critical of Trump (google: Trump mocks reporter with disability). Hillary has not.

the two candidates and the two camps are not equal. I'm not arguing Hillary is mother Teresa, but on an asshole scale. . . Hillary is about a 4, Trump is an 11.
Trump was joking off the cuff. Hillary and Bill have actually eliminated rivals and witnesses. They have fewer scruples than the Gotti family. And probably a greater body count.
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