Originally Posted by Spurman19
Wow I find this absolutely hilarious being called racist. You guys know nothing about me. So when a comedian cracked so I joke about black people I guess that's being racist? So when people say that black people can't swim or afraid of dogs that's being racist? I call it realistic. If you can't handle that then please do not comment on this thread I will point out the facts as they are. And if you feel the need to send me a PM about how races I am please don't put it right here.
lol... what fact did you point out exactly again? In the middle of this all, unexpectedly, you said: "And not to be racist yes the dip shit was black..." So what again, exactly, does this persons race have to do with how you were screwed over? I even asked, if you're not being racist why are you mentioning race, and you haven't answered it. Instead, you make some comparison that isn't even applicable. Also, where was the 'joke' here?