Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
I lost 23 lbs since I been on the meds so put that in your pipe and smoke it - why don't you tell us how much you weigh? I am pretty sure you are not some in shape fitness fanatic. Just admit you could lose some weight also - if you had a great bod why are you on Eccie with 2 different handles paying for hookers?
Oh, you're quite the funnyman, Lubed Wideass!
OK, I'll tell you how much I weigh. At an even six feet in height, I tip the scales at 175. (Just to be clear, that's
pounds, not kilograms.) I'm not sure you'd call me a "fitness fanatic," but I'm in pretty good shape. Avid cyclist, for one thing. Also work out with a personal trainer several times a week when I'm in town.
If I have two different handles, why don't you tell us what the other one is? Will you try that? Of course not; you're too cowardly. But even a coward could cry to the mods, right? Why don't you do that and attempt to get me banned for multiple handles. I'm sure you'd love that, wouldn't you, dumbass?
And it was quite a hoot when you posted a few weeks ago that you know a provider who saw me and she told you that I'm overweight. Here's another clue for your ignorant ass: Although I have seen a couple of providers from P411 in the past, none have any idea what my handle is here. I do not read or write reviews or answer provider ads posted on this site. Joined for the men's lounge and sugar daddy discussion forums.
So that's three strikes for you, genius.
Long ago, Texans had a term for people like you:
"All hat, no cattle!"