Originally Posted by Crzytxn
I made the trip to Harry Hines, and Walnut Hill. About 9:30 PM last night. The DPD officers had everything locked down pretty well. pull over several people.... for what appeared to be just cruising the area.
If you are just driving down the road and you are not waving at the ladies and trying to get their attention and you are not breaking any traffic laws and you don't have any hits on the license plate of your vehicle, they can't stop you without probable cause.
There are a lot of legitimate businesses and warehouses down there up and down Harry Hines from Northwest Highway all the way up toward 635 selling all kind of goods and many are tucked away with no obvious signage on the street.
So they saw me drive up and down the same stretch more than once?
I am looking for one of those businesses and I will even find a few that are tucked away, put them on my phone, and if they pull me over, I am going to this unfinished furniture place or that oriental rug place or the Indian Middle Eastern Bazaar import place.
I never been there before and I never been down here before so I am a bit lost.
That's not against the law!