Originally Posted by berryberry
LOL, you have been around Bambino - I think you know what is going on here and on a couple other threAds 
Hey there berryberry, please stop saying what I am and am not doing. I am a big girl and can decide that for myself.
The very act of posting on a board such as this can be considered posting online "ads"
If MY business was any of your business, I'd tell you.
There is a reason I am not responding to this person at all...and unless you are a Sex Worker, it's NONE of your business.
Please respect my boundaries and stop talking about MY business model. I will never offer services to you and I will never ask your advice on the Sex Work industry, therefore what I do is nun ya bizness.
**Can we please keep this on topic now? If you don't like nice topics, might I suggest not clicking on them?
The topic is TITS or ASS, which makes your cock harder?**