Originally Posted by Justin Heranus
Here you will run into the trolls and just ignore them. As with any boards you will have them and just have to learn to ignore and be thick skinned. There are actually a lot of great guys and gals here when you do take the time and look. With me I have a couple that know about both my lives. They are close and trusted friends on here and a couple are not on here. Hell a week ago I was standing in a Tops parking lot talking to one of them because my job had brought me up into their area and I had not been able to catch up with him in a while. With some of the people I understand it is very dangerous to let people know both lives. There is to much at risk and others there is not as much at risk. From my stand point it is nice to have the people there that you can talk to or have your back when you need. I know a couple of them if I ever got pinched they would do every thing they could to help me out and I would do the same for them with out a second thought. With out that I would be standing out in left field with my thumb up my ass trying to figure out who I could turn to with out any major shock or damages. Best advice I could give you is get to know some of the people. Figure out who you can and can not trust. Then go from there. I have a provider that I had been talking to for over 2 years. We txt back and forth, both vent at times when need be. Or we just shoot the shit with each other. In all that time and talking with each other we still have yet to ever meet face to face. She has never once asked for money or anything else. Just wanted some one to talk to. Honestly it is pretty cool to have that. Just figure out what works best for you and it will come together. It has been a long time since I wrote a book response lol. Figured what the hell.
Very interesting and very apt. Something that has been written to Trisha more than once before [but does she ever bother to open her mail?]!!
Not all of existence is "business", nor is everyone on the prowl, as you illustrate.