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Old 04-05-2014, 11:43 PM   #16
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War crimes. Crimes against humanity. Perjury. Corruption. Fraud. Influence peddling.
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Old 04-06-2014, 12:23 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
2. Watch the following youtube video and imagine you are one of the jumpers. Would your last thoughts be "I hope when they catch the guys who did this, they don't hurt them"?
By that logic the police should just take anyone arrested for murder and beat and torture them because the victims might like it if they did.

Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer View Post
You smoked his sorry commie faggot head with that one - good job!
No, he didn't and BTW, good name calling, but ad hominem attacks are the last refuge of the weak minded.

The whole point is not to resort to the same level of barbarity that your enemy does. We fought WWI for that ideal as well as WWII, but have been back slipping ever since. The "barbarity" is part of why we despised the so-called Communists of the U.S.S.R., China and their satellites, the Hun and the Nazis and so many allied with them.

We despised the British in 1776 for their barbarities and habeas corpus is one of our most cherished values, yet we acted as if a whole religion declared war on us (and Osama bin Laden neither spoke for Islam nor was the leader of Afghanistan) and every Muslim had some hand in planning or carrying out an act of war so it was OK to just lock 'em up and torture them, take them to black sites, etc....

Legally, it might be tough to make the case and prove it that Cheney, Rumsfeld and possibly Bush committed high crimes and misdemeanors (treason might be one to start with though) enough to lock them up. I'd certainly like to see it done so the truth of how we got into Iraq finally came out. There is no doubt that Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Pearl and others were following the PNAC script (that never came close to achieving reality) and they screwed that up too through gross incompetence. We definitely won't allow charges to be brought internationally though on the basis of war crimes since it would affect all future Presidents and their cabinet and advisers.

Alternatively, Cheney and Rumsfeld should probably be locked up for criminal mismanagement. Fucking up the Afghanistan invasion by starting Iraq and also fucking Iraq up beyond all belief. I'm still waiting for the Iraqi flowers welcoming us as liberators (watch out, there is an IED under that flower pot!) and all that wonderful Iraqi oil paying for the war. They are the ones that should STFU.

I don't know where COG managed to add Hillary and Obama to that since they only voted for and against the authorization. Maybe he is still hung up and delusional about Benghazi.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post

The video is a tribute to those who were murdered, CBJ7. You're a despicable POS, CBJ7.
Too bad you seem to think they are the only ones who deserve tribute. Hundreds of thousands were killed and injured as a result of both Afghanistan and Iraq, most of them innocent Afghanis and Iraqis who never asked for either war, yet I'm sure you think they deserved it by their mere nationality or religion. I think you are equally despicable if not more so with your nonsensical jingoistic rants and hatred of anyone different from yourself.
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Old 04-06-2014, 12:54 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Want to add demagogue to your resume CJ. Lets take it apart, what about the Iraq invasion was illegal? I'll warn you ahead of time. If you say it is because you think he lied about WMDs (though some were found) then you have to admit that Obamacare passed because of lies and it is illegal. You can't claim illegality due to a partisan vote like Obamacare. The use of military force was authorized by a bipartisan vote. So do you care to try to answer?

Indefinite detention? How long did we hold the German POWs during World War II? For the duration. How long will the war on the west by Islam continue? Until we die or they quit. In other words, for the duration.

Systematic torture??? That is a bit of a stretch. Most of our "torture" techniques are mental instead of physical. Take a look at the movie Zero Dark Thirty. They one thing that they claim to be so bad is water boarding. The same thing we do to our own people as part of resistance training. So it can't be torture. Systematic??? You better do some research about torture in places like Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, Communist China, Tojo's Japan, or Saddam's dungeons. Want to hear of severed limbs, glass rods inserted into penises, hot irons, and family tortures. Why do you hate this country so much that you make up these unrealistic claims?
I didn't say a word about anything other than the fact they were back making $$ off dead soldiers and lies... YOU brought up Iraq not me. Everyone knows you have a huge problem with comprehension and you're a dumbass
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Old 04-06-2014, 01:07 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
War crimes. Crimes against humanity. Perjury. Corruption. Fraud. Influence peddling.
Let me make it easier for you. Think like a prosecutor. You must make individual charges. You can't say that Al Capone is a murderer, a thief, a bootlegger without proof and hope to get a conviction.

War Crimes: Will you charge the Congress as well for authorizing war?

Crimes Against Humanity: This will be a first. To charge an American president after the Indian Wars and the Atomic Bomb.

Perjury: This one is interesting since I don't Bush or Cheney has testified in any court.

Corruption: This is a general term. Not useful in a legal sense.

Fraud: Specifics. Will you charge Obama as well?

Influence Peddling: Not a legal charge but another general term.

Clean up your case and get back to us. Watch a few episodes of Law and Order to get the feel.
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Old 04-06-2014, 01:08 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by LordBeaverbrook View Post
I don't know where COG managed to add Hillary and Obama to that since they only voted for and against the authorization. Maybe he is still hung up and delusional about Benghazi.
No, that's not it. I'm just not blinded by partisanship.

When it comes to Democrats, you look like this:
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Old 04-06-2014, 01:09 AM   #21
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"Legally, it might be tough to make the case and prove it that Cheney, Rumsfeld and possibly Bush committed high crimes and misdemeanors (treason might be one to start with though) enough to lock them up."

You do know that any treason has to be witnessed. If you don't have the witness then any charge you make is only that.
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Old 04-06-2014, 01:11 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Let me make it easier for you. Think like a prosecutor. You must make individual charges. You can't say that Al Capone is a murderer, a thief, a bootlegger without proof and hope to get a conviction.

War Crimes: Will you charge the Congress as well for authorizing war?

Crimes Against Humanity: This will be a first. To charge an American president after the Indian Wars and the Atomic Bomb.

Perjury: This one is interesting since I don't Bush or Cheney has testified in any court.

Corruption: This is a general term. Not useful in a legal sense.

Fraud: Specifics. Will you charge Obama as well?

Influence Peddling: Not a legal charge but another general term.

Clean up your case and get back to us. Watch a few episodes of Law and Order to get the feel.
Your tiresome defense of all things Bush is as ignorant as what the Obamatons do. I don't need to watch TV. It's in all the papers. Take off your red-colored glasses and join reality.
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Old 04-06-2014, 01:13 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
I didn't say a word about anything other than the fact they were back making $$ off dead soldiers and lies... YOU brought up Iraq not me. Everyone knows you have a huge problem with comprehension and you're a dumbass

That same shameful, ridiculous charge...you should probably faces charges and someday you probably will.
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Old 04-06-2014, 01:17 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Your tiresome defense of all things Bush is as ignorant as what the Obamatons do. I don't need to watch TV. It's in all the papers. Take off your red-colored glasses and join reality.

I don't do this very often with you but you are an idiot. I criticized Bush for his amnesty program, his nomination of Harriet Meirs, his lack of commitment to the war in Iraq between 2005 and 2007, and his lack of commitment to the war in Afghanistan after 2004. If you want to be taken seriously then you should withdraw your statement while you have the chance. I do not support all things Bush. If you continue then it is a lie.
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Old 04-06-2014, 01:19 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I don't do this very often with you but you are an idiot.
Yikes, now we discover there are 4 Idiot brothers, JD, IB, JL and Hanoi COG. : hypo_h4h:

What next?
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Old 04-06-2014, 08:48 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I don't do this very often with you but you are an idiot. I criticized Bush for his amnesty program, his nomination of Harriet Meirs, his lack of commitment to the war in Iraq between 2005 and 2007, and his lack of commitment to the war in Afghanistan after 2004. If you want to be taken seriously then you should withdraw your statement while you have the chance. I do not support all things Bush. If you continue then it is a lie.
Ok. You support almost all thing Bush. The rest of my post stands. Happy now?

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Old 04-06-2014, 10:28 AM   #27
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by LordBeaverbrook View Post

The whole point is not to resort to the same level of barbarity that your enemy does. You mean like at the Gnadenhutten massacre and the Sand Creek massacre, LordBieberdick?

We fought WWI for that ideal as well as WWII, but have been back slipping ever since. Or the Washita Massacre, LordBieberdick?

The "barbarity" is part of why we despised the so-called Communists of the U.S.S.R., China and their satellites, the Hun and the Nazis and so many allied with them. Or maybe the St. Francis Raid, LordBieberdick?

We despised the British in 1776 for their barbarities and habeas corpus is one of our most cherished values, yet we acted as if a whole religion declared war on us (and Osama bin Laden neither spoke for Islam nor was the leader of Afghanistan) Then why did so many celebrate in the streets when they heard about 9-11, LordBieberdick? and every Muslim had some hand in planning or carrying out an act of war so it was OK to just lock 'em up and torture them, take them to black sites, etc.... Here's the definition for fatwa, LordBieberdick. Here's UBL's fatwa: http://www.unitedstatesaction.com/wa...aration of War, LordBieberdick.

Legally, it might be tough to make the case and prove it that Cheney, Rumsfeld and possibly Bush committed high crimes and misdemeanors (treason might be one to start with though) enough to lock them up. I'd certainly like to see it done so the truth of how we got into Iraq finally came out. There is no doubt that Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Pearl and others were following the PNAC script (that never came close to achieving reality) and they screwed that up too through gross incompetence. We definitely won't allow charges to be brought internationally though on the basis of war crimes since it would affect all future Presidents and their cabinet and advisers.

Alternatively, Cheney and Rumsfeld should probably be locked up for criminal mismanagement. Fucking up the Afghanistan invasion by starting Iraq and also fucking Iraq up beyond all belief. I'm still waiting for the Iraqi flowers welcoming us as liberators (watch out, there is an IED under that flower pot!) and all that wonderful Iraqi oil paying for the war. They are the ones that should STFU.

I don't know where COG managed to add Hillary and Obama to that since they only voted for and against the authorization. Maybe he is still hung up and delusional about Benghazi. Hildabeast did vote to to go to war in Afghanistan and to renew hostilities against Iraq.

Too bad you seem to think they are the only ones who deserve tribute. Dr. Shakil Afridi -- whom Odumbo, et al, betrayed -- deserves tribute, LordBieberdick. Hundreds of thousands were killed and injured as a result of both Afghanistan and Iraq, most of them innocent Afghanis and Iraqis who never asked for either war, yet I'm sure you think they deserved it by their mere nationality or religion. Most of those *innocents* who were killed were NOT killed by U.S. forces, LordBieberdick. I think you are equally despicable if not more so with your nonsensical jingoistic rants and hatred of anyone different from yourself. You're the one espousing nonsense, LordBieberrdick, and you'd do well to grow up and realize that there are evil people out there who would slit your throat just for the fun of it.

Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
Yikes, now we discover there are 4 Idiot brothers, JD, IB, JL and Hanoi COG. : hypo_h4h:

What next?
"Yikes", BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat?

What happened, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat? One of your reach-a-round buddies grab you right after he had his hands in the beer cooler, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat?
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Old 04-06-2014, 12:05 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post

yeah, a horseshit youtube vid really erases the fact Cheney and Rummy are back making money ...

And if you're a liberal...that's a radical idea!
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Old 04-06-2014, 12:07 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
That same shameful, ridiculous charge...you should probably faces charges and someday you probably will.

wrote that all by yourself didn't ya ??
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Old 04-06-2014, 12:33 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by TheDaliLama View Post
And if you're a liberal...that's a radical idea!

tell that to our resident radical liberal iffie ... aka Mr Youtube
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