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Old 05-26-2016, 10:31 PM   #16
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Can't be the only guy thinking - I see you charge $250 an hour, as long as you're doing that and counting the minutes of our encounter I'm worried about my nut, not yours. Your bf isn't worried about 60 minutes running out and he has to be good for you to want to continue to have sex with him; customers just have to be clean, nice, and have money for you to see them again. I see the hooker/John relationship for what it is, I'm not going to be falling in love with you wanting you to love me back and impress you with my fantastic sexual skills (even if I wanted that wouldn't happen but that's a different topic).

The communication comments are very true too, especially if you don't know your partner very well.

Finally, girls have said here they just want the guy to nut and be done with the appointment and there's so much talk of girls that fake enjoying sessions that I'm not going to keep going for fear you're really thinking you want me to hurry up and finish.
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Old 05-26-2016, 11:26 PM   #17
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Sure. The ones who see 5-10 guys a day may want them to just pop and go. For those who see 3-5 a week, why wouldn't they enjoy it.

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Old 05-27-2016, 12:05 AM   #18
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Personally I love it when my lady let's me know I have found her sweet spot...
Several, Ashley Apple, Ashtyn Belle, SexyAssDevyn, Kinky Little Nikki and Claudette Scott
Are VERY good at communicating in both body language as well as verbally what is pleasing them...
Every one of these ladies have "used" me as a personal sex toy at least once....I have explained that you hit yours, then I will get mine....thing is, when they get theirs I am having some of the best sex of my life....the sight of watching the look on their face as they literally screw my brains out is just damn sexy....
Ladies, tell me or at least " let your body talk" to me...when I find the sweet spot, encourage me....if you want FIV and/or FIA, take my hand and show me!!!!
Remember this about me....I WANT YOU TO REMEMBER ME !!!
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Old 05-27-2016, 02:33 AM   #19
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last i heard, it's called intercourse due to fact that communication exists between the two or more people involved.

sometimes that communication is one-sided "i got mine. thx"
sometimes that communication is two-sided "let's get ours!!!"
sometimes there is no communication other than "enter, get it, leave cash, exit"

and sometimes all reality is suspended and the people have what V-Ger and the 2nd in command experienced in "Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)".

communicate or dont. it really is simple.

pyramider, women dont have "orgasms".
they have
"orrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggass sssssssssssssssssssssssssssmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmms!!!"
and usually only if their partner follows all the verbal and non-verbal communications :^)
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Old 05-27-2016, 06:36 AM   #20
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I am too damn cynical of people. I never can trust if a provider is being "truthful" in her reactions. The wetness helps.

I do.enjoy daty/dato and the thought of the ladies truly getting off to what I am.doing is a turn on.
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Old 05-27-2016, 08:13 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by pmdelites View Post
.........and sometimes all reality is suspended and the people have what V-Ger and the 2nd in command experienced in "Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)"....
Ha! Good one, pm....nothing like a "cosmic-orgasm" I always say....

Persis Khambatta, Indian actress, played that role (Lt Ilia), btw. She was pretty damned hotttt, too (was crowned Miss India at age 17). Passed way too soon, though (heart attack at 49 yo....what a shame).
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Old 05-27-2016, 08:37 AM   #22
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Default I just read the body language

When the lady starts to press the top of my head with the palm of her hand, I go to exactly the rhythm and spot I know is hers - KABOOM !

Or, all of a sudden her thighs start to tremble and she puts my head in some kind of WWF wrestling hold, I know it's her time.

Probably the best thing I here afterwords is, with a big ass grin, " you are definitely not a quitter ".
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Old 05-27-2016, 09:39 AM   #23
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We guys have to deal with Illusion of passion issues.. ie. we never know if the gal we are with is getting anywhere really. I had a gal show me how she could produce all signs of getting off that the guys look for in their date..haha she was very skilled and had a reputation as extremely orgasmic.. She said she virtually never got off in a session. So when you are licking away you have to wonder... it can cause lack of interest.
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Old 05-27-2016, 09:42 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by DarkeyKong View Post
I like for the ladies to tell me exactly what they want, I listen very well. The thought of a woman getting her rocks off only supercharges my arousal and sets me up for a strong finish. Otherwise, it's just a guessing game as we don't really "know" each other. A lot of us get off on getting you off. In other words, help me to help you, this in turns help me to help myself. Make me make you cum and then I cum as a result.


Particularly with DATY, since it hasn't been on the menu in my private life for three decades, one does not get better without practice. . . and guidance!
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Old 05-27-2016, 10:07 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Chateau Becot View Post
Ha! Good one, pm....nothing like a "cosmic-orgasm" I always say....

Persis Khambatta, Indian actress, played that role (Lt Ilia), btw. She was pretty damned hotttt, too (was crowned Miss India at age 17). Passed way too soon, though (heart attack at 49 yo....what a shame).
i was wondering if anyone would get that reference!

just us movie veterans. today's young whippersnappers dont know anything before 2014.
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Old 05-27-2016, 12:34 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by tntangie View Post

A couple of guys are TOO GOOD.

Crazy good in fact.
Change the sheets all the way to flipping the mattress good.

But, that doesn't mean I expect that from everyone. But more than a couple of tongue flicks is required, you know?
Wow! I had no idea you keep a "crazy good" list. I wonder who is on it? Wait, dont reveal any names. Some lists are best to keep secret.

There is nothing better than a lady who wants, needs, craves and shares sex as much as the the guy she is erotically entangled with. Hello fireworks....... Or should i say, fountian works?
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Old 05-27-2016, 03:36 PM   #27
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Here's an idea... I pay you to get mine, and if in the process, you get your too, I get a discount... if you get more than me, you pay me for my services...

I guarantee you'll get many more O's if you implement this business model....
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Old 05-27-2016, 04:21 PM   #28
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Lol I like this thread angie goog topic. I am in this for me as well. I tell people all the time money is great. But if I'm going to have sex with someone I love hearing the moans but I need mine too.
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Old 05-28-2016, 12:40 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by tntangie View Post
The how much sex could you have thread got me thinking, and it reminded me of how often I get the feeling of, "I was almost really there!" Like for a big one.

Where a guy has been going down on me and if he just would have added FIV, or just gone a little bit longer.... but they just tongue it a little and kiss it and it's like, ha! Just kidding! Gotcha!

Or when we are fucking and he had a good rhythm and then switched it up all of a sudden, but I was obviously in a state of bliss.....It's like, yeah, you liked that, but nah, I don't want you to enjoy yourself at all.

Or when I'm riding on top, and then he starts getting all gung ho on me.... (which is not often, because I don't do CG very often, but when I do and I'm getting it, I want mine too).

Guys, you have to know that those of us that have been in this biz a while obviously enjoy what we do, and when we have the chance to get in a good orgasm from a session, we love to get it rather than pull one over on you.

So, why do you stop short? Do you want us to stop short on you right before you are about to bust a nut in our mouths, or change position right before you're going to hit the mother load?

Let us get ours too!
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Old 05-28-2016, 03:40 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Gbfsl View Post
Communication is critical. I can't imagine too many guys would stop what they are doing if they knew it was what you liked or that you were "so close". A simple, "don't stop" or a " just like that" anything to let us know you are near and I can't imagine anyone stopping early.

I consider myself a giver. I truly love giving as much as receiving in a session. But sometimes it is difficult to tell if what I am doing is getting you there or not.

So my suggestion is to let us know where you are in the whole process. Some ladies are easy to read, but many are difficult.

Speak up or forever hold your peace.
Your thread gives an excellent definition of the problem here. Many women expect men to read their minds, but no one can really do that.

(see the responses from the guys who think they know when they are getting women off, and then listen for the background laughing from the girls)

Girl, if you want something, you need to ask for it. Don't believe me, ask a shrink.
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