Originally Posted by I B Hankering
$3.4 billion -- not Odumbo's bullshit lies -- is the more realistic projection of how much it will cost to preform these surgeries over the next ten years ... and that doesn't include the cost for hormone therapy, work days lost for recovery or cost to cover unforeseen complications resulting from surgery, etc. Odumbo's numbers are lies just like he lied about how much Odumbocare would cost.
( Washington Free Beacon)
The fact of the matter is that they are both estimates.
You choose to believe one and discount the other.
I know this.....if there were is no elective surgery throughout the military or hormone treatment then transgendered should be able to serve in the military without prejudice.
So no matter which cost projection correct , it would not make a flying fuck.
Trump took the chickenshit way out to play to a homophobic base.
I'm not for the government paying for any of that shit, including Viagra.
I'm also not for the government discriminating on the grounds of sexual orientation.