Originally Posted by Precious_b
You can tell the judge it was ethical if you knowingly higher people who are not licensed, not pulling a permit for work, not qualified for doing the work when someone has a loss, is injured or is killed by saving a buck.
Hiring an illegal immigrant isn't a crime, though.
You were certainly talking Billy when you said he allegedly raped someone. That's rich from you.
No, I was attacking Hillary for attacking the women who were accusing Bill. I thought women were to be believed? Hmm?
You ducked it when I cited the cheetos propensity assaulting women.
But you didn't cite it.
Also breaking campaign finance law with his signature on the check and cohen taking the fall for it.
I mean, he did finance his own campaign.. so of course his name would be on the back of any given check because it was HIS money. It wasn't like he had any Super PACs funding him.
Prove the women you say were raped.
I never said he raped him. I said he allegedly did. And that Hillary attacked the women accusing him. Also, Monica had literal cum on her blue dress. Wonder where that came from.
Where is the ruling in court againt Clinton?
He was impeached, dude.
Until then, you can't say they are victims.
That's why I've been saying alleged. Are you enjoying attacking a straw man?
You need to retract what you've been saying about the lady with the latest Supreme Court Justice.
No, I don't. Because NONE of her witnesses backed her up on her stories. She's been CAUGHT lying. Her own stories contradict her own past. She barely remembered anything.
You can't have it both ways.
Never said I did. I said Bill allegedly raped women and that the real target was Hillary attacking the women who were accusing him. You act like both of them were saints above scrutiny. They're not. They're pieces of shit.
I'm reconsidering reading that link. Make me
So, I give you a link that details what happened in Haiti, you refuse to believe it and are continually asking me to prove to you why they suck? Meanwhile, you give me editorials and conspiracy theories from partisan sites? Pathetic.
And you gonna still say he didn't know anything about the kids in cages, eh?
Is it his job to know what every agency is doing in every city and in every room? No.
Micromanage, eh? Are you also telling me he doesn't listen to his advisors and act on their input?
Right.. I'm sure his advisers ask him "Sir, are we going to keep kids locked up in cages like Obama did?" You act like Trump is looking over everyone's shoulders. No, he's not.
Lord knows it's stephen miller who is the one that contribute the most to trumps immigration policies.
Writing a policy isn't the same as managing the acts of every agent, ever.
Right down to use the kids as a political weapon.
Mm hmm... because Democrats never use people as political weapons, right? Like, they don't try to use women, blacks, and LGBT as political weapons.
Hell, some would say he's militarizing them as much a terrorist attach a bomb to kids and send them to the market place.
No, only someone as ignorant as you would say that. The rest of us know better.. well, may not Chung.
But i guess you wouldn't say anything if the kids came through the northern border. Maybe they'll see Santa Claus up there.
I have a problem with anyone coming here illegally, period.
Man, ima gonna have to start making a list of all the things you assume I am. Liberal, communist, what else?
Aren't those two heterogeneous?
No. Being classically liberal means you generally advocate for more freedoms of ideas. Dave Rubin is an example of a classical liberal. I don't always agree with classical liberals but at least I know they don't want to fuck up the country like commies such as you do.
And you still haven't listed a definition for evil.
Actually, I did. You're just so bent out of shape attacking a straw man that you fail to attack it.
You can't unhitch it from the word moral, can you.
You're the one who brought it up because you're losing the political discussion.
And your obivious lack of such makes it near impossible for you to list a definition to something you can't understand.
Nope. I just don't need to turn this into a philosophical discussion about good/evil, moral/immoral because YOU can't argue politics properly.
It seems that only money is what you understand and nothing else.
Um... yeah?
Here, we are fundamentally different.
Yes. We are fundamentally different. I want to people to keep more money they earn. You want to take it. Ergo, YOU are immoral.
And when I see that Brinks truck following a hearse, i'll know it's you.
I would never want to drive a Brinks truck. Too much pressure.
And you are saying that those world leaders who took the bull by the horn and halted the spread of the virus, and curtailed great loss of life, did not do it?
But they didn't half the spread of the virus. They just paused it. Guess what? People are getting infected again. You cannot stop this virus. It's not some neighbor who will go away. EVERYONE is going to get it. And curtailed the loss of life? Several countries have had several deaths.
It was the leaders of provinces/counties/etc that stopped the loss of life from the epidemic without any leadership from their respective heads of state?
I don't know how other countries managed the virus. But I do see the numbers. They didn't stop shit. People got infected. People died. You want to know what other countries didn't do though? HAVE STUPID ASS PROTESTS AND RIOTS BY THE TEN THOUSANDS IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC.
I don't see what a corpse has to do with testing, but that's me. Dead is dead and the U.S. of A. is definitely a world leader here.
You can be positive for covid, die of a heart attack and your death will be ruled as a "covid death."
And that document we base our laws on does a good job of separating states rights from federal. But someone is trying to fuck that up.
Yes, his name is Joe Biden when he says he wants to MANDATE mask wearing federally.
You may list shortcomings but his mistakes are still sticking in your craw.
Trump has made many mistakes. I've literally never said the man was flawless. But you keep thinking that I'm saying that. As does Chung. You people have this penchant to attack strawmen.
If trump can't hit those people you listed, you should do it.
I'm sure a lot of Americans wouldn't mind going after Congress.
And yes i'm ignorant to some things. But I have no problem admitting that. And have the ability to learn what has been brought to light.
I gave you a link explaining the Haiti situation and Clinton. You haven't read it yet. No, dude. You do NOT have the ability to learn. You are ignorant in your views and because you don't want to move an inch in your apparent defense for the left, you remain willfully ignorant.
Too bad you ain't a better teacher in getting your POV across on a hooker board.
It's not my job to teach you. Never said it was. Everything I say is readily accessible in other outlets. It's up to you to read things you don't normally want to read. But you're too afraid to do that. Typical commie
That's a low bar to achieve.
No, your arguments the bar. And everyone is better than you in that regard.
Now to see what the repubs have on tv tonight.
I only watched the Nick Sandman video