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Old 04-08-2011, 04:38 PM   #256
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I have the best AA clientele in the universe...except DED, of course, he just doesn't know how to do me right.
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Old 04-08-2011, 04:46 PM   #257
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Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan View Post
So you have 2 clients who want to see you at the same time. One is a black physician and the other is a white dude who works for Home Depot. You won't see the black dude, right?

Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.

I don't care what color your skin is. As long as you are clean and respectful it's all good. Don't want to see me because I see black clients? I don't care...I don't want to see your racist ass either.

Ok, now I have a headache.

Nope. YOUR statements are the best of this thread.
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Old 04-08-2011, 05:02 PM   #258
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I am an oriental with advanced degrees and a professional. I treated my encounters with respect and like a friend. I left early when I finished and never demanded my full hour. Perhaps, that is why I have over 30 OK's from P411 and counting.
There are times when I sent in a request through 411, I never got a reply from some providers. I got an e-mail notification when they reviewed my profile. Not saying it is discrimination.

I feel you pain, brother.
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Old 04-08-2011, 05:29 PM   #259
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Originally Posted by ibechill View Post
Yall need to take this thread to the Dr. Phil Show.
pahahahahahahahaha .............love it!!! i agree ....
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Old 04-08-2011, 05:49 PM   #260
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I love all races. Now who wants a cocktail?
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Old 04-08-2011, 06:18 PM   #261
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Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan View Post
LMAO seriously dude....that's the most idiotic statement I have ever read.

Off track...Tulsa, wth is up with your avatar? LMAO

Back on track.....Ok EA, I'm tired of biting my lip. I guess imma be the female version of Rambro Creed today. *protective suit on*

It really cracks me up when race threads pop up. It's bullshit. Sure, a lot of pimps are black but....so are whites.

The Craigslist killer-white
Most serial killers-white
According to the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), for instance, in 2005 86% of white homicide victims were killed by other whites. (sorry, couldn't find newer statistics)
Crimes against those I cannot specify-white
when my envelope was shorted-white
those who overstayed their welcome-white
the guy who popped up at my incall uninvited-white
the crazy MFer in Dallas stalking and raping all the providers-Hispanic
the guys who try to slip off the condom or want BBFS-white
most of the alert threads I read are against-you guessed it, white!
when I was sexually assualted-white
the most feared gangs-Latino/Hispanic

I have yet to hear about a black person lynching someone or dragging them behind a pick up truck to their death. I have never seen a group of blacks running around center city with hoods and white sheets. Have you? I mean, do you ever wonder why most crimes you see on TV involve blacks? Did it ever occur to you that the media plays a role in that? They don't report white on white crime very often unless it's really grisly and gross. Gee, I wonder why....

I could go on and on. I am in no way against a woman's preference. I totally understand the lack of sexual attraction to another race. I mean, we are attracted to every white guy that comes through the door because he is 6' tall, has a 6 pack and looks like Brad Pitt, right? And no, not all black guys have big dicks and want to pound you for an hour. No, not all white guys have little dicks. If you believe that, you obviously have never fucked EA.

What I don't understand, and NEVER WILL....is basing your decision to not see someone based entirely on the color of his skin. Even if you based your decision on "something that happened," give me a break. If I refused to see white clients based on something that happened in my past, hell.....I would never have any clients! I have never, I repeat NEVER had a black client do me wrong. I have never had a black client with poor hygiene. Why? Because 99% of the time they are upstanding guys. They know they are being watched and judged with more scrutiny based on the fact that they are black. Therefore, they are on point with their behavior.

So to "me," and it's just my opinion, not seeing someone just because he is black is the BIGGEST CROCK OF HORSE SHIT I have ever heard in my life. I mean, do you clutch your purse when you walk by a black person? If you are in an elevator with a bunch of white biker dudes, you don't get nervous then? When that Islamic dude comes to see you, does that thought cross your mind you might be beheaded once he leaves? No, you don't. Why? Cuz they aren't black right?

So you have 2 clients who want to see you at the same time. One is a black physician and the other is a white dude who works for Home Depot. You won't see the black dude, right?

Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.

I don't care what color your skin is. As long as you are clean and respectful it's all good. Don't want to see me because I see black clients? I don't care...I don't want to see your racist ass either.

Ok, now I have a headache.

My simple way of saying Bigger is better, but lugging this thing around sure hurts my back
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Old 04-08-2011, 06:47 PM   #262
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Fiinaally.......Ram-bro has come BACK.............to Eccie!!!

[I hope the Rock doesn't treat me like a Jabroni for that horrible impersonaton of him]

7 (I think) points of reference. I'm touched.

That was pretty good, Meg.

This has to be, without doubt, a record for an NBA thread.

I would like to thank all those posted supportively on behalf of the 'good fight'.

For everyone else.............I'm sorry you feel that way.
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Old 04-08-2011, 06:59 PM   #263
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Most of the NBA chicks are not worth drooling over.
That includes the one that have posted in this thread.

This next link is not for squeamish.
The turd that did this must have been a black guy that dyed his hair blond and wore blue contacts.
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Old 04-08-2011, 07:28 PM   #264
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Originally Posted by Chloe Love View Post
I love all races. Now who wants a cocktail?
You have it right Chloe, now I'll take that cocktail.
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Old 04-08-2011, 07:28 PM   #265
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@Hotlips a.k.a Meg,

Whoopsie! U just made my day...I think I love you now
Like I said earlier, NBA policy = I dont like black people, but I dont many people to know that, so I just hanging on the word "preference" to justify the fact that I am a possible racist.
Glad to see there are still genuine providers out there
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Old 04-08-2011, 08:04 PM   #266
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Originally Posted by rickyjames View Post
Blacks have more STDs. It's just a fact. Look it up at the CDC. So that could be one reason.
I take from this post that you are not a AA male, and being there's a few posts that say their preference is due to Personality & Attitude, and your personality & attitude definitely needs some major work.

And to comment on this thread everyone has the right to have a preference (some just have the preference for invalid reasons, being for the actions of others & if that's your reasoning you will find those actions fit into all races), and if you don't fit that preference you will be wasting your money & time to force the meeting as it will probably will not be a enjoyable experience. Just to be clear there are some valid reasons that some have, for example, I had one provider contact me from a ISO I posted, and in my response I identified myself to avoid problems later, which then I got the decline and her reasoning was her upbringing which is sometimes very hard to get around, but by the end of our communication her exact words were if she ever decided to change her mind I would be the first she would contact.

Originally Posted by hot lips_houlihan View Post
LMAO seriously dude....that's the most idiotic statement I have ever read.

Off track...Tulsa, wth is up with your avatar? LMAO

Back on track.....Ok EA, I'm tired of biting my lip. I guess imma be the female version of Rambro Creed today. *protective suit on*

It really cracks me up when race threads pop up. It's bullshit. Sure, a lot of pimps are black but....so are whites.

The Craigslist killer-white
Most serial killers-white
According to the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), for instance, in 2005 86% of white homicide victims were killed by other whites. (sorry, couldn't find newer statistics)
Crimes against those I cannot specify-white
when my envelope was shorted-white
those who overstayed their welcome-white
the guy who popped up at my incall uninvited-white
the crazy MFer in Dallas stalking and raping all the providers-Hispanic
the guys who try to slip off the condom or want BBFS-white
most of the alert threads I read are against-you guessed it, white!
when I was sexually assualted-white
the most feared gangs-Latino/Hispanic

I have yet to hear about a black person lynching someone or dragging them behind a pick up truck to their death. I have never seen a group of blacks running around center city with hoods and white sheets. Have you? I mean, do you ever wonder why most crimes you see on TV involve blacks? Did it ever occur to you that the media plays a role in that? They don't report white on white crime very often unless it's really grisly and gross. Gee, I wonder why....

I could go on and on. I am in no way against a woman's preference. I totally understand the lack of sexual attraction to another race. I mean, we are attracted to every white guy that comes through the door because he is 6' tall, has a 6 pack and looks like Brad Pitt, right? And no, not all black guys have big dicks and want to pound you for an hour. No, not all white guys have little dicks. If you believe that, you obviously have never fucked EA.

What I don't understand, and NEVER WILL....is basing your decision to not see someone based entirely on the color of his skin. Even if you based your decision on "something that happened," give me a break. If I refused to see white clients based on something that happened in my past, hell.....I would never have any clients! I have never, I repeat NEVER had a black client do me wrong. I have never had a black client with poor hygiene. Why? Because 99% of the time they are upstanding guys. They know they are being watched and judged with more scrutiny based on the fact that they are black. Therefore, they are on point with their behavior.

So to "me," and it's just my opinion, not seeing someone just because he is black is the BIGGEST CROCK OF HORSE SHIT I have ever heard in my life. I mean, do you clutch your purse when you walk by a black person? If you are in an elevator with a bunch of white biker dudes, you don't get nervous then? When that Islamic dude comes to see you, does that thought cross your mind you might be beheaded once he leaves? No, you don't. Why? Cuz they aren't black right?

So you have 2 clients who want to see you at the same time. One is a black physician and the other is a white dude who works for Home Depot. You won't see the black dude, right?

Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.

I don't care what color your skin is. As long as you are clean and respectful it's all good. Don't want to see me because I see black clients? I don't care...I don't want to see your racist ass either.

Ok, now I have a headache.

And thank you hotlips_houlihan for your post, as most have blinders on and only want to see what they want to see
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Old 04-08-2011, 11:16 PM   #267
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Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan View Post
LMAO seriously dude....that's the most idiotic statement I have ever read.

Off track...Tulsa, wth is up with your avatar? LMAO

Back on track.....Ok EA, I'm tired of biting my lip. I guess imma be the female version of Rambro Creed today. *protective suit on*

It really cracks me up when race threads pop up. It's bullshit. Sure, a lot of pimps are black but....so are whites.

The Craigslist killer-white
Most serial killers-white
According to the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), for instance, in 2005 86% of white homicide victims were killed by other whites. (sorry, couldn't find newer statistics)
Crimes against those I cannot specify-white
when my envelope was shorted-white
those who overstayed their welcome-white
the guy who popped up at my incall uninvited-white
the crazy MFer in Dallas stalking and raping all the providers-Hispanic
the guys who try to slip off the condom or want BBFS-white
most of the alert threads I read are against-you guessed it, white!
when I was sexually assualted-white
the most feared gangs-Latino/Hispanic

I have yet to hear about a black person lynching someone or dragging them behind a pick up truck to their death. I have never seen a group of blacks running around center city with hoods and white sheets. Have you? I mean, do you ever wonder why most crimes you see on TV involve blacks? Did it ever occur to you that the media plays a role in that? They don't report white on white crime very often unless it's really grisly and gross. Gee, I wonder why....

I could go on and on. I am in no way against a woman's preference. I totally understand the lack of sexual attraction to another race. I mean, we are attracted to every white guy that comes through the door because he is 6' tall, has a 6 pack and looks like Brad Pitt, right? And no, not all black guys have big dicks and want to pound you for an hour. No, not all white guys have little dicks. If you believe that, you obviously have never fucked EA.

What I don't understand, and NEVER WILL....is basing your decision to not see someone based entirely on the color of his skin. Even if you based your decision on "something that happened," give me a break. If I refused to see white clients based on something that happened in my past, hell.....I would never have any clients! I have never, I repeat NEVER had a black client do me wrong. I have never had a black client with poor hygiene. Why? Because 99% of the time they are upstanding guys. They know they are being watched and judged with more scrutiny based on the fact that they are black. Therefore, they are on point with their behavior.

So to "me," and it's just my opinion, not seeing someone just because he is black is the BIGGEST CROCK OF HORSE SHIT I have ever heard in my life. I mean, do you clutch your purse when you walk by a black person? If you are in an elevator with a bunch of white biker dudes, you don't get nervous then? When that Islamic dude comes to see you, does that thought cross your mind you might be beheaded once he leaves? No, you don't. Why? Cuz they aren't black right?

So you have 2 clients who want to see you at the same time. One is a black physician and the other is a white dude who works for Home Depot. You won't see the black dude, right?

Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.

I don't care what color your skin is. As long as you are clean and respectful it's all good. Don't want to see me because I see black clients? I don't care...I don't want to see your racist ass either.

Ok, now I have a headache.

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Old 04-09-2011, 12:06 AM   #268
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Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan View Post
LMAO seriously dude....that's the most idiotic statement I have ever read.

Off track...Tulsa, wth is up with your avatar? LMAO

Back on track.....Ok EA, I'm tired of biting my lip. I guess imma be the female version of Rambro Creed today. *protective suit on*

It really cracks me up when race threads pop up. It's bullshit. Sure, a lot of pimps are black but....so are whites.

The Craigslist killer-white
Most serial killers-white
According to the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), for instance, in 2005 86% of white homicide victims were killed by other whites. (sorry, couldn't find newer statistics)
Crimes against those I cannot specify-white
when my envelope was shorted-white
those who overstayed their welcome-white
the guy who popped up at my incall uninvited-white
the crazy MFer in Dallas stalking and raping all the providers-Hispanic
the guys who try to slip off the condom or want BBFS-white
most of the alert threads I read are against-you guessed it, white!
when I was sexually assualted-white
the most feared gangs-Latino/Hispanic

I have yet to hear about a black person lynching someone or dragging them behind a pick up truck to their death. I have never seen a group of blacks running around center city with hoods and white sheets. Have you? I mean, do you ever wonder why most crimes you see on TV involve blacks? Did it ever occur to you that the media plays a role in that? They don't report white on white crime very often unless it's really grisly and gross. Gee, I wonder why....

I could go on and on. I am in no way against a woman's preference. I totally understand the lack of sexual attraction to another race. I mean, we are attracted to every white guy that comes through the door because he is 6' tall, has a 6 pack and looks like Brad Pitt, right? And no, not all black guys have big dicks and want to pound you for an hour. No, not all white guys have little dicks. If you believe that, you obviously have never fucked EA.

What I don't understand, and NEVER WILL....is basing your decision to not see someone based entirely on the color of his skin. Even if you based your decision on "something that happened," give me a break. If I refused to see white clients based on something that happened in my past, hell.....I would never have any clients! I have never, I repeat NEVER had a black client do me wrong. I have never had a black client with poor hygiene. Why? Because 99% of the time they are upstanding guys. They know they are being watched and judged with more scrutiny based on the fact that they are black. Therefore, they are on point with their behavior.

So to "me," and it's just my opinion, not seeing someone just because he is black is the BIGGEST CROCK OF HORSE SHIT I have ever heard in my life. I mean, do you clutch your purse when you walk by a black person? If you are in an elevator with a bunch of white biker dudes, you don't get nervous then? When that Islamic dude comes to see you, does that thought cross your mind you might be beheaded once he leaves? No, you don't. Why? Cuz they aren't black right?

So you have 2 clients who want to see you at the same time. One is a black physician and the other is a white dude who works for Home Depot. You won't see the black dude, right?

Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.

I don't care what color your skin is. As long as you are clean and respectful it's all good. Don't want to see me because I see black clients? I don't care...I don't want to see your racist ass either.

Ok, now I have a headache.

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Old 04-09-2011, 12:13 AM   #269
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as a newbie here, but not to the hobby, i hate when i get sterotype, as a black man, i been told we are pimps, i had a bad experiance so on and so on, but i have had a lot of issues with white people but still know, that all white people arent the same, just like black people arent all the same
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Old 04-09-2011, 12:23 AM   #270
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Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore-- another "no black men," thread-- only this, and nothing more."

@OP... You're missing in action. You started this semi-train wreck. I hope you return and look at all the opinions, all wide and varied. And hopefully, you can find a gold nugget... somewhere in here.

@hotlips... you are so amazing.

Okay... as you were...

Trooper H
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