Originally Posted by hogfan4201
Please come back, pretty please
Naughty by nature, wild by choice!
Thankful for a sweet friend who sent me this sexy piece of lingerie, the gorgeous necklace which has my birthstone in the center of the heart, plus a fun dress I cannot wait to wear! It’s all perfect & you are greatly appreciated!
@hogfsn4201, I’m back!!! I could never stay gone forever!!! Although I do love my NWA guys & gals & missing them already, I missed you & others in Little Rock just as much! I’m thankful to have friends in both locations!
Happy Sunday Funday to all!
Sending good vibes to those headed back to school & especially to the parents who get the joy (or torture) of waking our little loves up early again, forcing them out of bed & dragging them into another school year bc summer break is officially OVER!!!!