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Old 02-18-2014, 06:16 PM   #241
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Well obviously Indys 50 fee and 3 preferred provider policy went over like a lead balloon - it is clear the market spoke

So now they have have come close to adopting the ECCIE model - guys room access for reviews or you can pay - with still some vouches required but a more relaxed 2 and they can be from the same person

Guess they are trying to fix their mistakes

Oh No Oh No Mr Bill (PI) Oh no tell me you're not afraid the Kingdom was going to crumble on you I guess the though or your girls coming over here made your ass twitch and now you change the game now for 50 bucks or some lame reviews you get to go green and go to the guys room

I think this is like Obama Care the only people they are signing up are the ones they canceled the health care plans on. Indy's turns 4,000 green squares blue to get you to pay or do reviews of fat hoes.

Then they are going to maybe make you green what an ass he is right on the edge tip toe on the line long enough you cross it sooner or later.
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Old 02-18-2014, 07:29 PM   #242
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I just posted my thoughts in the thread.

Seems to me, as I have been probably the most vocal person saying it from day one, that it finally sank in that the review system, was fucked and worthless from Day one.

What I don't like is that its been admitted again, that the site is all about the providers, and helping them extract as much cash from the men as possible.

I hope that the next backlash is against those same providers who have held the honest guys NUTS in the fire, since the site began its existence.

However, the failure to recognize that both parties in this biz should be treated as equals, still bothers me.

Then again, if you are shacked up with a provider, you can't see the issues from just the guys side can you?

And that hasn't changed either.
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Old 02-18-2014, 07:50 PM   #243
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Originally Posted by amishgangster View Post
Can you imagine the riot that would ensue if I posted that review over there? The more I think about that the more I'm starting to like the idea LMAO

They would NEVER let that review stay up. In fact, I bet its worth at least 2 WPs and perhaps a 30 day vacation
I think a bunch of us would donate all our indybux to you if you did post it there

Oh yea, what indybux. Hell, why does it matter they were worthless anyway. not sure why anyone is upset at losing them

But I would love to see some real reviews like your melicious one get posted over there rather than the fluff that does get posted
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Old 02-19-2014, 06:06 AM   #244
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I am no hooker board historian and I'm not really part of the scene anymore. You can call the Indys review system worthless and the provider centered approach wrongheaded but I don't think you can really argue with PI's past success.

I joined ASPD and Indys sometime in 2007, lurked on both sites for roughly a year and became a regular poster on Indys by 2008 and had a presence there until I left "for good" I think in early 2012. I am sure others remember the sequence of events better than I but the way I remember things, ASPD was the dominant Pittsburgh board in 2006 when Indys became a posting board. By 2008 virtually no one was posting on ASPD and no local providers were advertising there. Indys has been the dominant board ever since.

You could say that ECCIE is gaining a foothold, but I'm not sure that's true. It looks to me like ECCIE in Pittsburgh is three or five banned Indys members together with five or seven current Indys members BSing a few times every day. I don't really see an influx of providers, reviews or tons of new ads. It doesn't look like a "revolution" to me, but that remains to be seen.

PI's practical problem is that he wants to extract money from a site that he has been giving away for free for years. More than that, the site is probably as devalued currently as it could possibly be. His legal problems dictate that. He also has lots of competition. The rate he wants to charge, $50 per year, though not expensive, is higher than his competition. Moreover, I would assume that he is using the money to pay his legal bills. Though I do think that's a legitimate business expense, it's an expense that his customers will not see as improving the site. He can't say that he is using the additional revenue to make things better.

Personally, I think he made a tactical mistake by trying to charge the guys room separately. As a practical matter, you could post anything in coed or in "unvouched" Indy's that you can post in the guys room. So, in a way his own product D values the product he's trying to sell. I just don't think that will work. In his shoes, I would have charged everyone, girls and guys a minimal fee for one year or a larger fee for lifetime membership. I would've done away with the Silvermine. That might be a radical change, however, I think it would've had a better chance of working then what he ended up trying. I think changing his mind every month or two will only hurt his cause. We will see. He has navigated difficult waters before and he may now. I, for one, am rooting for him.
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Old 02-19-2014, 10:49 AM   #245
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Originally Posted by 5By5 View Post
I am no hooker board historian and I'm not really part of the scene anymore. You can call the Indys review system worthless and the provider centered approach wrongheaded but I don't think you can really argue with PI's past success.

I joined ASPD and Indys sometime in 2007, lurked on both sites for roughly a year and became a regular poster on Indys by 2008 and had a presence there until I left "for good" I think in early 2012. I am sure others remember the sequence of events better than I but the way I remember things, ASPD was the dominant Pittsburgh board in 2006 when Indys became a posting board. By 2008 virtually no one was posting on ASPD and no local providers were advertising there. Indys has been the dominant board ever since.

You could say that ECCIE is gaining a foothold, but I'm not sure that's true. It looks to me like ECCIE in Pittsburgh is three or five banned Indys members together with five or seven current Indys members BSing a few times every day. I don't really see an influx of providers, reviews or tons of new ads. It doesn't look like a "revolution" to me, but that remains to be seen.

PI's practical problem is that he wants to extract money from a site that he has been giving away for free for years. More than that, the site is probably as devalued currently as it could possibly be. His legal problems dictate that. He also has lots of competition. The rate he wants to charge, $50 per year, though not expensive, is higher than his competition. Moreover, I would assume that he is using the money to pay his legal bills. Though I do think that's a legitimate business expense, it's an expense that his customers will not see as improving the site. He can't say that he is using the additional revenue to make things better.

Personally, I think he made a tactical mistake by trying to charge the guys room separately. As a practical matter, you could post anything in coed or in "unvouched" Indy's that you can post in the guys room. So, in a way his own product D values the product he's trying to sell. I just don't think that will work. In his shoes, I would have charged everyone, girls and guys a minimal fee for one year or a larger fee for lifetime membership. I would've done away with the Silvermine. That might be a radical change, however, I think it would've had a better chance of working then what he ended up trying. I think changing his mind every month or two will only hurt his cause. We will see. He has navigated difficult waters before and he may now. I, for one, am rooting for him.
Who said there was a revolution going on? I'm sure some here would like to see PI get the electric chair and the lights turned out. I'm not one of them. Indys is good for the local hobby scene, so is Eccie. Eccie may not ever be the dominant board here, but there is a slow trickle going on. I can't see why an astute provider wouldn't utilize a few boards to advertise. Makes business sense to me. As for the Indys banter on Eccie? So what. It's hobby related and bound to happen.
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Old 02-19-2014, 01:04 PM   #246
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I wasn't intending to criticize ECCIE in any way and I don't think there is anything wrong with discussing Indys here. I like reading ECCIE now. I was addressing Devo's post where he says the Indys review system was worthless from day one and that the provider oriented nature of Indys was a major problem with that site. I disagree with both assertions. My point was that when Indys took control of the market from ASPD it FELT like a revolution was going on in the local hooker board landscape and I think that the provider oriented nature of that site was one of the reasons for its success. There are others. Indys was just a better product all the way around.

Devo didn't say a revolution was going on but I was comparing the present time to what happened on the local scene from 2007 to 2008. ECCIE is more or less the successor to ASPD and I think it has basically the same review system ASPD had that Devo advocates. Whatever is happening with ECCIE and Indys now doesn't feel like a revolution to me. It feels like a couple of people who like each other are hanging out in a new place . Nothing wrong with that at all. My point was that if ECCIE does become a major player in the local market at Indys expense, it won't be because the mindset at Indys regarding reviews is somehow flawed. There would be other factors coming into play.
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Old 02-19-2014, 01:22 PM   #247
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
I can't see why an astute provider wouldn't utilize a few boards to advertise. Makes business sense to me.
And it makes perfect sense to the "astute" providers.
Most of the professional ladies don't limit themselves to just one or two boards but rather use any number of boards.
Some are more area specific than others and not all of them encourage any kind of discussions. Some even limit the discussions to just the hobbyists viewpoints and ladies only place ads. And others have no areas for discussions at all.

Some encourage discussion with little or no effect, and IMHO the "discussion" side of the majority of the boards I visit has fallen off, especially in the past couple of years.
That's probably why no one can see any perceptive change or "revolution" in people moving from one board to another.

As for the "value" of one over another, well that is subjective and basically depends on what you hope to gain from each one.
Info or income.
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Old 02-19-2014, 01:39 PM   #248
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Viva la revolution!!!

Providers should use each and every board. I don't think most ladies know how many potential clients they are missing by not utilizing national boards. Clients that use TER, date check Eros p411 and Eccie have no clue what Indys is.
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Old 02-19-2014, 01:53 PM   #249
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Originally Posted by 5By5 View Post
I wasn't intending to criticize ECCIE in any way and I don't think there is anything wrong with discussing Indys here. I like reading ECCIE now. I was addressing Devo's post where he says the Indys review system was worthless from day one and that the provider oriented nature of Indys was a major problem with that site. I disagree with both assertions. My point was that when Indys took control of the market from ASPD it FELT like a revolution was going on in the local hooker board landscape and I think that the provider oriented nature of that site was one of the reasons for its success. There are others. Indys was just a better product all the way around.

Devo didn't say a revolution was going on but I was comparing the present time to what happened on the local scene from 2007 to 2008. ECCIE is more or less the successor to ASPD and I think it has basically the same review system ASPD had that Devo advocates. Whatever is happening with ECCIE and Indys now doesn't feel like a revolution to me. It feels like a couple of people who like each other are hanging out in a new place . Nothing wrong with that at all. My point was that if ECCIE does become a major player in the local market at Indys expense, it won't be because the mindset at Indys regarding reviews is somehow flawed. There would be other factors coming into play.
Glad you clarified, I was getting the impression you were being a pompous, condescending jerk. Lol. I agree about the reviews. I don't see a big difference between here and Indys. There's negative reviews on both sites. The difference being the providers can read them on Indys. To be honest, I liked it. Nothing more entertaining than a 5 page bullshit argument on Indys after a negative review. Some were classic. I put a high entertainment value on them and looked forward to the next one. One thing I find amusing tho. Some folks are very protective of their hooker site. It's like people thinking their Country Club is so much better than the one down the road. Truth is, you can enjoy yourself anywhere, it's what you make of it and tune out the bullshit you don't like.
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Old 02-19-2014, 02:53 PM   #250
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Originally Posted by Devo View Post
I just posted my thoughts in the thread.

Seems to me, as I have been probably the most vocal person saying it from day one, that it finally sank in that the review system, was fucked and worthless from Day one.

What I don't like is that its been admitted again, that the site is all about the providers, and helping them extract as much cash from the men as possible.

I hope that the next backlash is against those same providers who have held the honest guys NUTS in the fire, since the site began its existence.

However, the failure to recognize that both parties in this biz should be treated as equals, still bothers me.

Then again, if you are shacked up with a provider, you can't see the issues from just the guys side can you?

And that hasn't changed either.
Once again Devo you are on the mark , I never seen grow men being taken advantage of thinking they are in a group when all the time it was not about them being a part of Indy's but Indy's using them and now they will use them even more. Make them pay more and yes PI admitted its about the providers and we know why he is very close to a couple of them .50 bucks oh no wait you can do five reviews and maybe we let you be green its not automatic.So let see it was 50 bucks and three vouches could be around lets say you do Hours that is 650 Now let me change if because we had complaints so 5 reviews and no money oh what a help now that is 1000 what a nice guy.

The basic concept was always and will always be if I lock up the escorts I control the show.
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Old 02-19-2014, 06:52 PM   #251
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Originally Posted by loneshark View Post
Once again Devo you are on the mark , I never seen grow men being taken advantage of thinking they are in a group when all the time it was not about them being a part of Indy's but Indy's using them and now they will use them even more. Make them pay more and yes PI admitted its about the providers and we know why he is very close to a couple of them .50 bucks oh no wait you can do five reviews and maybe we let you be green its not automatic.So let see it was 50 bucks and three vouches could be around lets say you do Hours that is 650 Now let me change if because we had complaints so 5 reviews and no money oh what a help now that is 1000 what a nice guy.

The basic concept was always and will always be if I lock up the escorts I control the show.
LS, why all the vitriol bro? What did PI and Indys do to you? I got banned for life and it doesn't bother me in the least. I seriously doubt PI controls his girls. I've seen 3 Indys girls since December and may see one tomorrow. Are you a member there? The cost is equal in comparison with ECCIE. If you want guys room access on either site you'll pay one way or another no matter what Pistolero says. Lol. My only beef with PI is that he picked favorites. You reap what you sow. No biggie. Maybe Jinny will chime in here. Is the provider experience better on Indys than other sites? I can't answer that.
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Old 02-19-2014, 08:13 PM   #252
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each site is what you make it. I've never had problems on either site with mods or PI or whatever

I only got pissed when whiners over there belly ached about the good natured joking and jesting that went on................and now indys is imho alot more boring since most of us do our good hearted jesting here

PI had a great idea with indys and I wish him nothing but the best. I never understood why some just love to kick a guy for no reason

dont like indys? dont go on it

and this fucking post is not meant for anyone in picticular before there is any whining
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Old 02-19-2014, 08:31 PM   #253
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Originally Posted by chizzy View Post
each site is what you make it. I've never had problems on either site with mods or PI or whatever

I only got pissed when whiners over there belly ached about the good natured joking and jesting that went on................and now indys is imho alot more boring since most of us do our good hearted jesting here

PI had a great idea with indys and I wish him nothing but the best. I never understood why some just love to kick a guy for no reason

dont like indys? dont go on it

and this fucking post is not meant for anyone in picticular before there is any whining
What he said.

Fucking whiners
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Old 02-19-2014, 09:40 PM   #254
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Originally Posted by chizzy View Post
each site is what you make it. I've never had problems on either site with mods or PI or whatever

I only got pissed when whiners over there belly ached about the good natured joking and jesting that went on................and now indys is imho alot more boring since most of us do our good hearted jesting here

PI had a great idea with indys and I wish him nothing but the best. I never understood why some just love to kick a guy for no reason

dont like indys? dont go on it

and this fucking post is not meant for anyone in picticular before there is any whining
I couldn't have said it better Chizzy. With one exception...male moderator is an assclown.
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Old 02-20-2014, 07:16 AM   #255
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