Originally Posted by Jemma Martin
Obama is a fucking cunt who wishes Trump would grab his pussy because Obama is a pussy!
If Trump was an ECCIE hobbyist(he's actually a hobbyist, but on a bigger scale), would you still charge him 300/hr to just grab your pussy and flat ass or would you let him do it for free because you voted for him?
Originally Posted by Trey
We will see soon how it goes. I don't see anything positive coming with trump just war. Hillary wasn't great but this guy is scary to me. First time I can say I have a real fear for our country. I hope I'm just overreacting and the trump administration leads to peace and not new wars. The guy is hated by so many here and abroad. I expect some riots like we've never seen and or attacks on the scale of 911. Like I said though hopefully I'm just overreacting.
Like I said bruh, this muthafucka doesn't have a clue. He only wanted the power and to be able to say he's the leader of the free world. He even said that shit in an interview back in '88. He knows that he can lie and get away with shit because of how brainwashed he thinks republicans are. And I agree, he seem like someone that doesn't handle rejection well and would go the fuck off at any given moment.
His hoe-ish ass wife doesn't really want to move into the White House. Guess she likes Trump Tower better and would rather not be in the spotlight. Too late hoe, you're the new First Lady so get up off your ass and go to work!
I'm just gonna sit back and laugh when all the stupid ass middle and lower class folks that voted for him start complaining about him not doing what he said he would do when he gets into office. He doesn't give any fucks about ANY of them!