Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
so I'm checking http://mcsafetyfeed.org/incidents.php
and see
07:51:00person trapped other than in a motor vehicleBAY FRONT LA S/ORCHARD PARK BL, Irondequoit Laurelton Fire
most times when see "person trapped other than in a motor vehicle" its in the city and its part of break in. On way in or out. But if ya google map the area, there is nothing ta break into. WTF I almost want to drive over and take a look. Dang I hope it makes the news
unoccupied Cadillac Escalade broke ice, empty and possibly abandoned. There was no reason to believe anyone in the vehicle had failed to get out, and no search was planned in the vicinity.
mmmmmmm got ta be more ta story
so far boring
maybe read me some spa999. Na, not that bored yet.
Hay spa,
add some osd dead in Irondequoit Bay near a boat launch near a abandoned pimps caddy or some shit. Your good at that shit of make it up.
shhhhhhh I'm dead next to the engine and the IPD has not found me yet. The pimp looking for a new caddy ta steal. My Dodge taint up to his standards at pimping out. Fucking pimp almost drove off leaving you as you in dress to short ta hide your dick. And ya your pissed as ya broke a high heel chasing after him. And lost a wig in the Caddy as it broke ice. And ya got a run in stockings ta boot.
some BS like that, maybe I can read it without falling asleep
but but but shorter please and thank you
roo story to long for me ta read. Remember I have A.D.D. and O.C.D.