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Old 11-24-2020, 01:10 PM   #226
winn dixie
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post

The 1st post is a lame attempt at claiming you aren't stupid because you claim to have a diploma. Who cares one way or the other?

What's really disturbing is the fact you've had more than one person that posts on this board in your basement.

The second post sums up the essence of you as a person.
You'll say anything and rely on "you can't prove it didn't happen". You have no proof of any of your pet conspiracy theories.
But you still have fake outrage when no one takes you seriously. You'll believe anything that backs your narrative.
blah blah blah munchie

All wrong! You believe everything the lsm tells you too!
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Old 11-24-2020, 02:22 PM   #227
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Originally Posted by winn dixie View Post
blah blah blah munchie

All wrong! You believe everything the lsm tells you too!
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Old 11-24-2020, 03:50 PM   #228
winn dixie
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That smell is getting to you charmin boy
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Old 11-25-2020, 11:24 AM   #229
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
I owe you an apology.

That's two now in two days ( when Tiny confirmed I predicted a Trump lose ). This is a trend I like, keep it up.

I disagree with your position but having looked back you’ve never explicitly stated you believe there was massive voter fraud.

So you disagreed with a position I never took. This has happened numerous times.

But you have implied that voter fraud is a real thing which is technically a distinction with a difference.

No, I didn't "imply" that voter fraud is a real thing, it is and has been proven many times. It is only the amount that is in question and whether it would be enough to over turn the election with "massive" being the current topic of discussion which of course I never said or implied was happening, only that I was willing to let the accusations play out in court. One would think, you being an attorney and all, that you would support that idea, that a court room is the place where final decisions are made. It is the very basis of our democracy.

You know as well as anyone that a few disparate cases of fraudulent vote does not make for massive or pervasive fraud.

I do which is why I never made any such statement that I believed it had occurred. I heard that it had and said I was willing to see the matter play out in court before I make a determination.

The whole “let’s see how it goes in court” is the ‘hedge’ so you can claim that you weren’t believing that voter fraud was massive but that it exists.

Oh, a "hedge" was it. Couldn't be that it was just a sincere observation because you know me so well, huh? That is merely you "projecting" on to me what you want to hear and want to be true. Just take my words as what I believe and leave out what you want them to say. "Hedging" is one more thing I do not do.

The existence of a few cases here or there likely happens every election and should be prosecuted.

Oh, so now they should be prosecuted and not just dismissed out of hand because one believes they wouldn't change the outcome which I believe has been your stance till this very minute?

But what’s being proclaimed is that there’s so much voter fraud that elections are being stolen.

Not by me. Not once. So in the future, when you are having a discussion with me, please stick with what I say not what others are "proclaiming" and assume that I agree with them. I believe it would make for a more interesting and truthful discussion.

Do you believe that to be the case?

Asked and answered.

Can you say that you don’t believe there’s election altering fraud?

Wouldn't know ( and neither would you ) till the outcome in court. Why I need to keep explaining this to a lawyer, is a mystery to me.

Can you say that voter fraud on a massive scale is a falsity?
The decisions in court so far are leaning that way and we may have seen the last of them at which time I will render my decision that no massive fraud on a scale that would alter the outcome of the election has been proven.

What I also said early on in the debate when I think 5 states were left to be called, was that Trump had to win all 5 and Biden only needed one ( Nevada ) to win. So I said it was very unlikely that Trump could win. That was another hint that I had accepted a lose by Trump. I guess you missed that or was it, is it, that you really don't care what I say, you merely substitute what you think I said. It's annoying.

Then I produce information known only to those who watch Fox News, that Senator's Klobachar and Warren warned in public statements that I posted, that Dominion voting machines and software previously used couldn't be trusted and should be investigated, this before the election ever happened.

Then when Trump's legal team says the same damn thing, it's "what are these crazy Republicans talking about". It's very frustrating to have all this information one gets from Fox news, public information printed in the Times and Post and then Democrats act like they never heard it before. Not only completely unaware of it but use their own arguments against Republicans for suggesting it. WTF is that all about?

And I notice that not you or anybody else on the Left even acknowledge this. Why? Because it would interfere in the narrative you want out there and nothing can interfere with the narrative, certainly not the truth. It's all very exasperating the lengths Democrats will go to all the while blaming Republicans for doing the same thing, which they do.

It would be so damn refreshing if everybody just acknowledged facts, the truth and let the chips fall where they may.

I can help but wonder what would have happened if the Trump team was successful in getting one case, that of Dominion voting machines and the software used before a judge and Senators Klobacher and Warren were called to the stand to testify as to what they had uncovered to make them say they should be investigated.
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Old 11-25-2020, 01:19 PM   #230
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You wrote all of that to essentially hedge. You don’t need the court cases to play out to know whether you believe or believed that there was massive voter fraud. That’s the question that you didn’t answer because you’re hedging. Which is exactly what I said.
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Old 11-25-2020, 01:55 PM   #231
winn dixie
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
You wrote all of that to essentially hedge. You don’t need the court cases to play out to know whether you believe or believed that there was massive voter fraud. That’s the question that you didn’t answer because you’re hedging. Which is exactly what I said.
The old i was for it before i was against it schtick?

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Old 11-25-2020, 01:56 PM   #232
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Originally Posted by winn dixie View Post
The old i was for it before i was against it schtick?

Toooooo dummbbb foorrrr wwooorrrdddss
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Old 11-25-2020, 02:00 PM   #233
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
Toooooo dummbbb foorrrr wwooorrrdddss

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Old 11-25-2020, 04:06 PM   #234
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Let's look at your bullshit.

Originally Posted by sportfisherman View Post
Is there an overly tedious word parser in the house ?

Is there someone in the house that cannot accept his take or word to be challenged and yet he accuses others of the same ?

Does he then embark on some long diatribe when basically he has been told "We aren't buying his bullshit" ?

There has been no significant fraud. so you admit that there was fraud but you disagree with the amount. How much fraud is acceptable? In a state like California the fraud could be a million votes but it wouldn't change anything but local elections. I guess you're okay with that. In a state like Georgia it could be thousands of votes changing the outcome of presidential, Senate, and local elections...but you're okay with that. Remember, you have already admitted fraud took place.

Trump and Trumpers just don't like that many straight up conventional voters,mostly democrats but some Republicans as well,that were more Covid conscious than Trump chose to vote early in-person or by mail-in.do you understand what this dribble is supposed to mean?

Additionally many citizens of color and some poor as well voted by mail-in early.Some states such as Pennsylvania by their state law cannot even screen,open,or count those till election day. so now you cry racism despite the FACT that more black and Hispanic voters went for Trump than any other republican candidate in 80 years. You sound like a racist whose people are running away from the plantation. Is your real name Jim Crow?

Trump and Trumpers don't want these people to be able to vote or be able to participate in OUR democracy. we worry about the millions who shouldn't be voting more than once, or illegally, or stupidly. Speaking of which, do we know who Biden voted for?

They feel it is THEIR democracy. actually, it's a republic and not a democracy

Their influence is being diluted.They don't like that.

Does it hurt when you step on your own dick?
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Old 11-25-2020, 04:13 PM   #235
dilbert firestorm
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we live with bullshit year round.

so why don't we just feed the bullshit to the pigs. pigs like bullshit.
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Old 11-25-2020, 05:42 PM   #236
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
You wrote all of that to essentially hedge. You don’t need the court cases to play out to know whether you believe or believed that there was massive voter fraud. That’s the question that you didn’t answer because you’re hedging. Which is exactly what I said.

Let me use your favorite expression DUMB, DUMB, DUMB! Believe or believed? Your giving me the choice of "do I believe now or did I ever believe"? See what I mean by tying yourself in knots and digging a deeper hole than you are already in when you try to explain yourself?

Did you mean to write believe or don't believe? How about, I neither believe or believed but "I don't know"? I guess if admitting one doesn't know something because it isn't finished being adjudicated, no attorney when asked in a press conference how the trial will turn out had better not respond with "I don't know" cause he will be accused by 1blackman1 of "hedging" because he can't comprehend that there is a third choice other than believe or not believe.

Is "I don't know" not a choice in your book? I have to say I believe or believed?

It's not hedging because it's an honest answer. "I don't know ( and neither do you ) until the last case has been presented. If no proof is supported by a court, then and only then will I be convinced, that no fraud massive enough to over turn an election, is the final decision. The fact that I have to explain this to an attorney, is mystifying.

You better hope nobody with the power to strip you of your law degree is reading this or you are in serious jeopardy of losing that license to DUMBERY!

Who is going to win the two seats in Georgia? Would "I don't know" be "hedging" or a reasonable answer. But in 1blackman1's world, one must commit to believe or believed.

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Old 11-25-2020, 05:45 PM   #237
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You just need to give it up, old man. You're making a fool of yourself.
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Old 11-25-2020, 06:03 PM   #238
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
You wrote all of that to essentially hedge. You don’t need the court cases to play out to know whether you believe or believed that there was massive voter fraud. That’s the question that you didn’t answer because you’re hedging. Which is exactly what I said.

Looking at another case. Did you need a final ruling by Mueller since it never got to a court, to know if Trump conspired with Russia to interfere in the election?

You obviously believed he did and you were proven wrong by saying "yes, I believe he did".
Me, I said, "I'll wait for the proof and if it is proven, I would vote to impeach". The intelligent answer.

Was the FISA process on the up and up? Adam Shitt for brains said it was and I assume you said you believed it was! Problem is, in the end ( will substitute and admission of guilt for a court case ) council for the FBI lied. None of us knew that till the end when all the evidence was presented. So you were wrong in your believe AGAIN.

Had you said I don't know if the FISA process was on the up and up, it is being investigated as we speak, you would have been correct but for some strange reason, you don't seem to grasp this concept of, I don't know, I'll wait for the process to be over.

And you're an attorney? If Joe were here, he would say "Come on man"!
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Old 11-25-2020, 07:12 PM   #239
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Dude, what the fuck are you talking about. You’re clearly just saying shit at this point.

Firstly I write what I meant. Do you believe or did you believe previously that “massive fraud” exists. It’s not complicated at all. Damned simple actually. Stating that “you’ll wait for the courts to decide” is a hedge. I suspect that you believe it but you know how dumb it sounds so throwing it to the court decisions is a great fall back. If it’s thrown outta court then you didn’t believe it but you’re being fair minded. If it’s supported in the courts your real belief is supported.

Commit, make a definitive answer. Do you believe that massive voter fraud exists? Do you believe that voter fraud goes beyond a few people on both sides here or there commit voter fraud? Do you believe that there’s some massive conspiracy to commit and hide voter fraud?

Just be honest.

As for the impeachment and Russia collusion, how is that at all relevant to the present conversation. Oh, it’s not. It’s a distraction.

As I stated previously, your whole “waiting on the courts” is a lie and a bad one. You have an opinion and you have beliefs. I believe voter fraud exists in a relatively few cases without much effect. I believe the idea of “massive voter fraud” is a bunch of conspiratorial bullshit. It won’t be proven because it doesn’t exist.

Your turn
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Old 11-25-2020, 07:15 PM   #240
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Originally Posted by Lapdog View Post
You just need to give it up, old man. You're making a fool of yourself.

Yeah, because I set such a high value on your opinion.

The guy that describes himself as a lapdog.



Definition of lapdog
2: a servile dependent or follower

I guess you know yourself better than I do.

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