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Old 08-25-2021, 12:32 PM   #211
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Again, another bad grammar filled, long winded diatribe that completely avoided the question. The question had nothing to do with vaccines. It was focused on mask mandates. Please READ:

So you are saying you agree with Ron DeSantis because DeSantis believes each parent should decide for themselves if their child should wear a mask.

But on a couple other comments you made that I can decipher. You do realize the vaccine is not available to anyone age 12 and under, don't you? And you do realize there is no FDA approval for the vaccine for children age 13-15 - it is still experimental. You continuing to insist they have to get these vaccines like other vaccines is completely wrong. Or are you just spouting off bullshit on a subject you don't know anything about?

And you do realize of course no one is required to buy health insurance - your rants insinuating they are to the contrary
Crickets. Why am I not surprised. Bypass proven wrong yet again - it must get tiring for him
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Old 08-25-2021, 01:31 PM   #212
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Oh, nothing to see here, just the Democrats casually admitting they concealed 12,000 American deaths to keep one of their Dear Leaders in power. I'm sure they'll never do anything like that again.

BREAKING: New York Gov. Kathy Hochul acknowledges nearly 12,000 more deaths in the state from COVID-19 than had been publicized by her predecessor, Andrew Cuomo.


But hey, lets watch the low information voters blame Ron DeSantis for this too
You are off topic, don't pirate my trend for your hatred of another democrat . This isn't about New York, It is about Florida and the governor doing nothing to prevent people from getting sick or sicker or trying to help getting rid of the virus.
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Old 08-25-2021, 02:04 PM   #213
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Originally Posted by chizzy View Post
Popular vote means nothing brother. Every poll had her winning the electoral count in florida and pa

Polls really are useless most of the time because it all depends on who is polled and where. There are very few polls that can honestly say they hold no political bias one way or the other

And this is off topic but for the record, I said weeks ago the delta strain would peak in august and then start to go away..... numbers now show it reached its peak in many of the southern states and will also do so up north soon

And again kids do not need masks especially under 12 years of age. They simply do not get that sick. Still under 400 have died from covid and everyone had an underlying condition
Not to mention, if you try to mask little kids, lol I have been in the elementary schools... does anyone hear actually think those little kids wear them all day properly? Lmfao

Masking kids is insane and goes against the science
You are right on one thing not as many kids get the virus as adults. If they do get it it usually isn't as bad. Kids can carry the virus and give it to other people and people that have a weak immunity of all ages. Their are cases that young healthy kids do get it and die from it. You are right, not the same percentage.

As far as Hillary, I don't want to get to that with this trend.Their were reasons a few weeks before the election.

I already have people trying to rob this topic of Florida and the governor not doing enough to prevent the virus from spreading.
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Old 08-25-2021, 02:08 PM   #214
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Originally Posted by bypass View Post
You are off topic, don't pirate my trend for your hatred of another democrat . This isn't about New York, It is about Florida and the governor doing nothing to prevent people from getting sick or sicker or trying to help getting rid of the virus.
Oh so you aren't going to try to blame Ron DeSantis for all the people Cuomo killed in NY? Shocking. You have blamed DeSantis for everything else even though Florida has been far better in terms of the important covid metrics compared to NY and other blue states

Florida has 22.2% of at risk population while California has just 14.1% ... Tell me again, who did better?

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Old 08-25-2021, 02:28 PM   #215
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Just like your trends, stay on topic. This is nothing about New York and any other state but Florida.
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Old 08-25-2021, 02:42 PM   #216
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Originally Posted by bypass View Post
Just like your trends, stay on topic. This is nothing about New York and any other state but Florida.
LOL - you can't handle the truth. Your initial post had a link to an article falsely ranking Florida compared to other states. So yes, it is exactly about other states as well. And as been shown over and over, Florida has done a far better job on the most important Covid metrics than your favored blue states.

But you refuse to learn. You refuse to read. You refuse to face facts. You just keep pushing your bullshit DNC DeSantis is bad talking points because you apparently can not understand the actual facts and because you are scared shitless of DeSantis winning in 2024

And that doesn't even mention the large number of rambling nonsensical posts you made on this thread that had zero to do with Florida
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Old 08-25-2021, 06:53 PM   #217
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Originally Posted by bypass View Post
Just like your trends, stay on topic. This is nothing about New York and any other state but Florida.
Oh fuck off with that. You made the topic about Florida, comparing it to other states is 100% relevant
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Old 08-25-2021, 07:26 PM   #218
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Had some free time tonight and found reading these what 15 pages of input very interesting. Just throwing my 2 cents into the mix.

As far as the the discussion itself, both sides have used statistics from a couple of sources. I was reminded about what my wise old statistic's professor said when I was in my final class with him. Every group was given the same statistical data to work with, but each group was asked to prove a specific point but we did not know that they were different.

After the presentations we discussed them in class. Finally the professor said that anyone can make the same statistical data prove any point they want. It is all a matter of how the data is presented, and the premise of who is presenting it.
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Old 08-25-2021, 07:30 PM   #219
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Originally Posted by Mark56 View Post
Had some free time tonight and found reading these what 15 pages of input very interesting. Just throwing my 2 cents into the mix.

As far as the the discussion itself, both sides have used statistics from a couple of sources. I was reminded about what my wise old statistic's professor said when I was in my final class with him. Every group was given the same statistical data to work with, but each group was asked to prove a specific point but we did not know that they were different.

After the presentations we discussed them in class. Finally the professor said that anyone can make the same statistical data prove any point they want. It is all a matter of how the data is presented, and the premise of who is presenting it.

Two things......

1. Great ass pic in ur avatar

2. Excellent point on stats....
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Old 08-25-2021, 07:40 PM   #220
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
Oh fuck off with that. You made the topic about Florida, comparing it to other states is 100% relevant
I got points for doing that with Berry's topic. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. It was a post about a President and I compared to another President and got points. Just saying.
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Old 08-25-2021, 07:41 PM   #221
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Another one of those poll's. Worth reading.

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Old 08-26-2021, 05:05 AM   #222
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DeSantis would win Florida By 10 points if he was the nominee.
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Old 08-26-2021, 10:10 AM   #223
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Originally Posted by bypass View Post
I got points for doing that with Berry's topic. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. It was a post about a President and I compared to another President and got points. Just saying.
That is as bad as you saying "it was a post about a person" so "I made a post about a completely unrelated person".

You apparently not only have trouble comprehending basic facts on various subjects as shown time and time again, but you can't understand the difference between:

1. you trying to blatantly change the subject on a thread about senile Biden because it made him look bad

2. you posting an article literally COMPARING Florida to other states and getting bent out of shape when other people ALSO COMPARE Florida to other states
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Old 08-26-2021, 10:16 AM   #224
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Originally Posted by bypass View Post
Another one of those poll's. Worth reading.

I love when you post self owns.

You do realize that:

1. That poll is from a far left polling organization
2. That poll shows Floridians WANT TO RE-ELECT DeSantis as Governor
3. That the question about him running for President is meaningless without context. Because first they asked DEMOCRATS and of course 90% of them are scared shitless about DeSantis running like you are and said no. Second, there are people who don't want to lose him as their Governor given how great a job he has done. Third, until President Trump declares he is not running, people will continue to support him and not want other Republicans to run against Trump
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Old 08-27-2021, 01:45 PM   #225
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"More people in Florida are catching the coronavirus, being hospitalized and dying of Covid-19 now than at any previous point in the pandemic,

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