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Old 08-07-2020, 09:02 AM   #211
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Sailor boy - nothing about capitalism unbridled , Chinese collusion, marxism being peddled to the masses, and the Racism of the NBA and OBLM.
All just fine with the DPST;s!
now - go kow-tow to Chairman Xi - NBA is in his pocket.
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Old 08-12-2020, 11:55 AM   #212
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So with the riots in Chicago a few days ago, did Commissioner Silver disavowed BLM? I saw one BLM masked official pitifully defend them as a way for people to feed, cloth and shelter themselves.

I'm not making this up. If the NBA is going to co-brand itself with BLM, then they need to be held accountable. It wasn't just the Tesla, Apple and Gucci store that vandalized but many small business owners. Perhaps LeBron can donate to those in need.

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Old 08-12-2020, 11:56 AM   #213
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Old 08-12-2020, 12:05 PM   #214
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I love this handle! It screams silliness, and ridiculous foolishness.
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Old 08-12-2020, 12:07 PM   #215
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Originally Posted by pfunkdenver View Post

I love this handle! It screams silliness, and ridiculous foolishness.
are you speaking from experience, pfunkster?

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Old 08-12-2020, 04:44 PM   #216
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
Sailor boy - nothing about capitalism unbridled , Chinese collusion, marxism being peddled to the masses, and the Racism of the NBA and OBLM.
All just fine with the DPST;s!
now - go kow-tow to Chairman Xi - NBA is in his pocket.
That is just so awkwards on every level, oebsy. Is any of it true? Can yous substantiates any of it?

Looks just like basketballs to me. I’ll have whatever yous are having!

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Old 08-12-2020, 05:27 PM   #217
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
So with the riots in Chicago a few days ago, did Commissioner Silver disavowed BLM? I saw one BLM masked official pitifully defend them as a way for people to feed, cloth and shelter themselves.

I'm not making this up. If the NBA is going to co-brand itself with BLM, then they need to be held accountable. It wasn't just the Tesla, Apple and Gucci store that vandalized but many small business owners. Per
haps LeBron can donate to those in need.


BronBron James is the most racist man in America.

recall his "charter" school he started in Akron? funded mostly by the taxpayers.. not BronBron and it isn't really a charter school

Who's paying for LeBron James' new I Promise school? LeBron or Akron Public Schools?


By Patrick O'Donnell, The Plain Dealer

CLEVELAND, Ohio - You wouldn't know from all the national coverage that LeBron James isn't paying for everything at his new I Promise School in Akron.

He's paying for part of it. A good part of it.

But it's also a public school within the Akron school district, which means that taxpayers will pay for the bulk of the costs.

The exact breakdown of expenses for the new I Promise School is unclear, since the district and the LeBron James Family Foundation are still sorting out final details of their contract. But the district will pay more than half the costs - perhaps around 75 percent - once it is fully running.

District officials are walking a fine line this week as they try to explain how the new school, which aims to help at-risk students, will work.

On the one hand, James and his foundation are making a huge gift to the city and its students to complete a vision James says he has been developing for years.

The foundation says it's spending about $2 million for the school's first year, including startup costs. It has also committed to spending $2 million or more a year when the school has grown to capacity. The exact amount is still to be determined.

In addition, James' name is also instrumental in drawing the community support that will let the school help some of the most struggling kids in the city.

"This school would not have happened without the partnership with LeBron James," said district Treasurer Ryan Pendleton.

On the other hand, I Promise is a district school. It's not a private school or even a charter school, a form of public schools that are funded with tax dollars but are privately-run.

Though James will have a huge influence on the school, I Promise will be run by the district.

It's a district-owned building. The district will hire and pay the teachers and administration. Kids will ride district buses to school. And they will all eat the free breakfast and lunch the district gives all students.

I Promise will eventually cost about $8 million a year to run out of the district's regular budget, covered mostly by shifting students, teachers and money from other schools, the district says.

"The coverage made it look like the whole thing is his," said district spokesman Mark Williamson. "He did a lot, but taxpayers should know it's their investment too."

James and his Family Foundation have donated millions over the last several years to the school district and to kids in the city where he grew up. Some have come through the dropout prevention program he started called I Promise, which identifies kids who are falling behind in school and offers support to keep them enrolled, learning and on the path to graduation.

The new I Promise school gives the program a home to concentrate services. It will take in in about 120 students per grade, selected by random lottery from students who are behind their peers in classwork. That's a quarter of Akron's at-risk students at each grade level, the district says, but the I Promise program will continue working with the other students who remain at other schools.

Since the school is new, it opened this week with just the third and fourth grades, but it will add grades each year until it covers first through eighth grade.

The foundation says it has spent about $2 million this year, largely to redesign and refurnish the building at 400 West Market St., a district building which has been used for several schools over the years. Most times, it was a temporary home for students while their main school was being demolished and rebuilt.

About $500,000 of the foundation's contributions this year, and likely more, will continue. Those cover extra teachers to reduce class sizes to 23 students per-teacher at most, staff training and I Promise's after-school program.

That only covers two grades, so those costs will quadruple to $2 million a year as the school grows to all eight grades.

The $2 million would be about a fifth of the schools total costs, but the foundation's share will also increase in other ways.

This year's costs also include hiring two people to manage the "wraparound" social services the school will have for students. The school will follow the same pattern of providing social services to students - like counseling, health checkups, food pantries, clothing and tutoring - used by districts like Cincinnati and Cleveland, along with a few other Akron schools.

The foundation will hire a coordinator for the school, who will work with different service agencies to locate help for students. Sometimes other agencies provide the services for free, though there can be costs at times.

How much these costs increase over time is still not determined.

James and the foundation have also provided each student with a bicycle. James has said that he used to ride his bicycle to escape his neighborhood at times, so he wants students to have them.

And then there is James' offer of free tuition at University of Akron to students in the program who graduate. They're not official costs of the school, which stops at eighth grade and doesn't include high school, but are part of the program's mission.

James announced the scholarships in 2015 for students that were in the I Promise program. The foundation says there are about 1,300 students already eligible for the scholarships between third and 10th grade, with the new I Promise School students to be added.

No scholarships have been given yet. The first eligible students wouldn't graduate high school and start college until 2021.

The university, not the foundation, is guaranteeing those scholarships, though the two are hoping to raise money to cover some costs.

The university and foundation are also working to develop an "I Promise Institute" at the university's InfoCision Stadium to manage and improve the program, study how it is working. In addition, the university will place student teachers at the new school.
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Old 08-13-2020, 08:02 AM   #218
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That article is long...

Anyway, if James wants to help fund a charter school, fine although it sounds a bit segregationist and shady but I'll withhold judgement.

My exwife worked in a charter school. There are many students who don't fit well in a traditional school. Some people are starting to wake up to that with the "school at home" COVID model. There are also some students who are just outright criminals. They are of all colors.
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Old 08-13-2020, 08:07 AM   #219
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It is interesting - I remember the integration of my Texas school district - it went peacefully and worked well due to concerned parents workinig to end segregation.

Now the OBLM and DimLibs are stridently pushing segregation as an advantage for blacks.
The cancel culture and those who demand an end to math, science, history, and civics as

Racist" - those who knoweth not history are condemned to repeat it.

if we let the radical DimiLibs and their Marxist ideal take over America - it will be civil war to oust the Bastards.
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Old 08-13-2020, 08:15 AM   #220
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
It is interesting - I remember the integration of my Texas school district - it went peacefully and worked well due to concerned parents workinig to end segregation.

Now the OBLM and DimLibs are stridently pushing segregation as an advantage for blacks.
The cancel culture and those who demand an end to math, science, history, and civics as

Racist" - those who knoweth not history are condemned to repeat it.

if we let the radical DimiLibs and their Marxist ideal take over America - it will be civil war to oust the Bastards.
Did yous enlist yet? I’m sure General Trump has a special position in mind just for yous for your much anticipated civil race war.

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Old 08-13-2020, 08:17 AM   #221
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A complete inability to post anything relevant to issues - Thank you - XiNN acolytes!
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Old 08-13-2020, 08:46 AM   #222
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RTM and put him on ignore. Hopefully he'll be gone faster and for longer than last time. Thanks for not quoting him.
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Old 08-13-2020, 08:50 AM   #223
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Again, I don't understand why NBA Commissioner Adam Silver hasn't addressed the issue of why the NBA cobrands with a communist organization that sponsors riots and why no one in the media is asking about it.
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Old 08-13-2020, 08:56 AM   #224
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
That article is long...

Anyway, if James wants to help fund a charter school, fine although it sounds a bit segregationist and shady but I'll withhold judgement.

My exwife worked in a charter school. There are many students who don't fit well in a traditional school. Some people are starting to wake up to that with the "school at home" COVID model. There are also some students who are just outright criminals. They are of all colors.
If LeBron wants to make an argument that blacks are better off in an all black school, I will not disagree with him.
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Old 08-13-2020, 09:16 AM   #225
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Here's a video of Ariel Atkins who is organizing riots and lawlessness. She's supposedly a BLM spokesperson. Notice the similarity in voice, speech patterns, key words and body language to OAC. Were they trained by the same people?

Why is the NBA supporting this?
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