Originally Posted by JCM800
Just a normal Saturday afternoon for Trump voters.
Fucking shameful.
And you were mod for this forum? You're a dumbfuck.
Originally Posted by JCM800
This wasn't an assault on the first amendment. That's what is used as an excuse to justify these type of hate rallies.
Trump's rhetoric during his entire campaign and even now after the election does nothing but fuel idiots like the alt-right.
Just double down on stupid. Yeah, many of the same people who twice voted for Obama voted for Trump. This was well documented after the election.
A Federal judge agreed this was a first amendment issue that why he had the permit re-issued. BTW, I've read that the Antifa and another group also had permits. That's one of the reasons why the judge ruled the way he did.
Originally Posted by lustylad
What a dumbass post! Have you told the ACLU they are "justifying hate" whenever they defend the First Amendment? Only a moron would equate the two.
What you libtards can't get through your impenetrably thick skulls is how your readiness, indeed your eagerness, to dispense with the Constitution for people you disagree with will inevitably boomerang on you if you succeed. The rights you seek to take away from other Americans will, in turn, be denied to yourselves.
Where was your outrage when Madonna told a hate rally she often dreamed of blowing up the White House? Or was she merely exercising her free speech rights?
JCM has WTF's reading comprehension and inability to form logical conclusions disease.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
So if someone dies ...
.... then it's the fault of the ""conservative" protest"?
I suspect most of them were breast fed ... both sides ...
... end breast feeding ... someone was struck by a car!
You're an ambassador of what? (That's a rhetorical question"!)
Being a dumbass...
Originally Posted by JCM800
You really think the guy who drove into the crowd did it because of free speech suppression?
Again, exhibiting WTF's symptoms. Deliberate misinterpretation.
Originally Posted by JCM800
So the alt-right rally wasn't Trump supporters? ....really?
Again, exhibiting WTF's symptoms. God, you're a dumbass.
Originally Posted by JCM800
So that statue is more important than a persons life?
Again, exhibiting WTF's symptoms. Inability to form logical conclusions. We have wars over laws that take a lot of lives.
Originally Posted by JCM800
I stand by my previous posts.
If you want to support the nazi fucks from that rally then that's your fucking problem.
Double down on stupid. Deliberate misinterpretation of a situation. The Alt+right (or whoever they were) had guns. No gunfire from them reported. No other major violence reported from Alt Right. Other than the car incident it was a peaceable demostration on one side.
Who here is supporting the Klan or White Supremists? Nobody. They do have rights just like all Americans. That's what is being supported.
Originally Posted by bambino
I condemn ALLhate groups. Just like Trump does. Do you know what all means?
No because JCM is a dumbass. Not just this thread but others. Dumber than the bat his avatar carries.
What gets me is how JCM and many of the media's take is that everything has to be IMMEDIATELY disavowed. Like President Trump is supposed to saunter out every ten minutes and re-affirm every disavowal. Wasn't Trump supposed on a vacation?
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
alt-left is new left from the 70's re-branded.
this includes antifa.
The Alt left is an arm of the Dim Socialist party. They are being funded by Progressives bitter with the last election. The media eats up this fake news.