Originally Posted by WTF
Why do you always resort to lying when you are getting your ass handed to you? The question was ...On a whore board is the word whore offensive?....it is not to the majority of posters. Just like nudity is not offensive to the majority of folks who down load porn. Except of course types like yourself who run around looking to get offended! Good Lord girl you need to chill the fuck out before the straight jackets come get ya.
Really it was a two part question "Do you get offended when you read the word whore or is called a whore by members here?"
Four possible answers
You are not offended by the word whore on a whore board , but you are offended by being called a whore on a whore board
You are not offended by the word whore on a whore board , and not offended by being called a whore on a whore board
You are offended by the word whore on a whore board , and are offended by being called a whore on a whore board
and the least likely
You are offended by the word whore on a whore board , and are not offended by being called a whore on a whore board.
really the poll possible answers should have been written this way, the way they are in the poll skews the answers to the affirmative to be ok with the word, and since you get one vote you don't get to answer the two part question in any meaningful way. also since this poll should of been geared for the ladies only since this is a primarily a female escort site with no male escorts, man whores just don't sell so who gives a rat ass if they like being called a whore ( I know this poll wasn't just for the ladies) any males answering the poll would make the results worthless.
And since these poll wasn't just geared to the ladies, it's less then worthless because most guys like being called manwhore, while all women may not like be called a whore
in truth
18 are ok with the word
8 like being called a whore, (how many are female vs. male we can't tell)
9 don't care for the word or being call one at all
So how many of the 18 that are ok with the word would like being called a whore
by using such a small sampling of board posters, I think saying it's ok with the majority of poster may be stretching it a bit.