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Old 11-08-2017, 10:51 AM   #181
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Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter View Post
Dude....there's negro blood flooding the streets of Chicago and nobody on the inside there even blinking.

Plus those 3000 baby slaughters each day.

Americans love violence.

Just axs Hollywood.

BINGO!!!!! I'm just glad you're smart enough to realize you're proving my point / making my case for me.

Like I said once the Good conservative Congressmen start becoming targets they will turn on the NRA.....sad but true...these guys don't care about anyone but their own skins....they don't care about little kids dying in the streets...Sandy Hook meant jack shit to them...it's all about their own blood and skin in the game...Such is life.
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Old 11-08-2017, 11:00 AM   #182
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Originally Posted by bo1966 View Post
One last thing. This may clear up your mistaken description of him being just barely hit

According to MedStar Washington Hospital Center, the rifle shot to the Louisiana congressman's left hip “traveled across his pelvis, fracturing bones, injuring internal organs, and causing severe bleeding.” He went into shock and within hours received many units of blood via transfusion and underwent two operations.

this may sound savage but I wouldn't have batted an eye had he died. Why? Because these guys are deliberately deceiving people like you. They take your pride and patriotism and turn you into a robot. They are laughing at you at the end of the day...they need people like you to buy in to their fake patriotism because they know you actually may be a patriot...so they use you and feed off of your emotions to enrich themselves....it's a sad game they're playing with you...I feel sorry for the soliders dying under a President Trump..Regardless of your personal politics and beliefs....Trump is a guy has No Honor..he's a guy that literally was a paid for democrat his entire adult life...a guy in it for himself and his family....a guy who dodged the draft as many times as he's filed for bankruptcy...a guy who literally mocks vets joking about the purple heart and a guy who mocks POW's who would not leave the confines of being tortured unless all of his fellow POW's were released along with him...Johan McCain was literally willing to die for this country and Trump a man with NO Honor mocked him and has managed to get all of you to also mock and turn your backs on a true war hero....I think it's a disgsuting display of fake patriotism...yall are supposed to be the same people who thinks kneeling before a flag is disrespectful and yet you side with a man in Trump who openly mocks a man in McCain who was willing to give up his life for you. You guys are literally at the height of hypocrisy and there's no hope for yall...

this is a shining exmaple of the Republicans playing and toying with you guys emotions..They've played yall well...well indeed.
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Old 11-08-2017, 11:04 AM   #183
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Originally Posted by bo1966 View Post
Sistine. I wrote my opinion and as I stated, I'll respect yours. I disagree with you and that's OK. Just because I have mine doesn't make it anymore right than you believe your opinion is. I spent 20 yrs. and would gladly give 20 more assuring your right to have and express it. Is the NRA a domestic terrorist group? I don't think so because I'm a life member and that would include me. If you feel that's what I am. That's your right but just know I've seen terrorist up close and very personal. I'm not that, I know literally hundreds of NRA members. They are not that. None of them gave me either of my purple hearts. What they are seem to be people just like me. Respectful, grateful, just everyday people that want to live and have the right to hunt, own guns, and yes, defend themselves if needed. I don't know your background and don't presume too but if you had met some of the friendly faces with black mask that I met you'd probably pick different words to describe the members of the NRA. Maybe not and again, totally your right. God bless and I sincerely hope you'll consider rethinking the words you choose to describe fellow American's that simply want to exercise their rights and freedoms this country provides. One of them being your right to freely call a group " domestic terrorist"

There's an old saying "Not every Republican is a Racist but every Racist is a Republican". Same concept regarding the NRA and it's members as it relates to terrorism.
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Old 11-08-2017, 11:32 AM   #184
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I'm not gonna engage you dude. Your opinion is yours but nobody tricked me into being patriotic. I love my country and the NRA had nothing to do with my decision to serve. Also you should do your homework on the history of racism in politics. Lyndon Johnson's exact words" I'll have every nigger voting Democrat in 4 years" . It's a shame everything has to be broken down to race. I served with every color in the box. All Patriots. Some dead now. I didn't look at the guy firing over my shoulder as a color. Just a man as terrified as I was and doing whatever it took to make sure I got out before him and me doing whatever it took to make sure he got out
before me. If everyone would stop the race shit maybe we could focus on other stuff. But we won't. It gets proven everyday. People thrive on it. People thrive on creating issues that aren't real. Once you live through some serious shit and come out the other side wounded but stronger. You only fight the real battles from then on. Not the created ones. God bless man.
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Old 11-08-2017, 12:35 PM   #185
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Originally Posted by bo1966 View Post
I'm not gonna engage you dude. Your opinion is yours but nobody tricked me into being patriotic. I love my country and the NRA had nothing to do with my decision to serve. Also you should do your homework on the history of racism in politics. Lyndon Johnson's exact words" I'll have every nigger voting Democrat in 4 years" . It's a shame everything has to be broken down to race. I served with every color in the box. All Patriots. Some dead now. I didn't look at the guy firing over my shoulder as a color. Just a man as terrified as I was and doing whatever it took to make sure I got out before him and me doing whatever it took to make sure he got out
before me. If everyone would stop the race shit maybe we could focus on other stuff. But we won't. It gets proven everyday. People thrive on it. People thrive on creating issues that aren't real. Once you live through some serious shit and come out the other side wounded but stronger. You only fight the real battles from then on. Not the created ones. God bless man.

You've already engaged with me. There is no turning back. Don't run and whimper out now I can't stand people that do that...you spoke up now be a man about it..ok soldier. You say you love your country and I can respect that and I can see why you would feel that way but what's sad is you don't have the capacity to see why I don't love my country...Sure I live here and I appreciate some things about it but I don't love it and as a black man that is a very valid position if I so choose to feel that way...and before you try to tell me how good it is here...I've lived in several other countries and I'm well aware of those dynamics...fact is I would love no country not even the ones in Africa it's just who I am.

My issue with people like you is for as much as you may think you get it..you really don't. Sure you can go off and die for your country but I think you should you have been given a privledged position in society by virtue of your skin tone. See people like you always want to move past race because you're simply not affected by it. So you have no real true perspective. You mill about your day not even realizing your white privilege. In the context in which you live and exist it's easy peasy to just say: " hey guys let's move on from this race shit." Why? Because you're not affected by it...I personally think it's the cowardly way out...yall never want to address anything yall never want to look at life through the lens of the oppressed... of others. It's all about you and your comfort and privilege.

What makes this somewhat comical is yall are religious believing in Christianity and completely and thoroughly miss the mark of the Gospels. It's appalling and astounding to say the least but one thing it is...is truly comical ;-)
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Old 11-08-2017, 12:46 PM   #186
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bo.....sc and several others throw the race card and political card on the table in every thread they can find. It's just the way they are. If sc had ever been in battle he would have lasted maybe 2 days. Not because he can't shoot....he would have been shot in the back by his own. He will never understand and will go through his life blaming things on others. He comes across as smart enough to know better....but he's not. This website is supposed to be about whore mongering and things related to it. He has made it his person soapbox for his racial and political views. He will never stop unless management forces his to stop and I don't see that happening. The best thing to do is just ignore him. He must really hate who he is and what he can never be. Must be a hell of a way to go through life.
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Old 11-08-2017, 12:59 PM   #187
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Is the list of NRA members who did mass shootings somewhere in this thread? I've hunted for it and still can't find the damn thing.
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Old 11-08-2017, 01:07 PM   #188
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Originally Posted by tbone2u View Post
bo.....sc and several others throw the race card and political card on the table in every thread they can find. It's just the way they are. If sc had ever been in battle he would have lasted maybe 2 days. Not because he can't shoot....he would have been shot in the back by his own. He will never understand and will go through his life blaming things on others. He comes across as smart enough to know better....but he's not. This website is supposed to be about whore mongering and things related to it. He has made it his person soapbox for his racial and political views. He will never stop unless management forces his to stop and I don't see that happening. The best thing to do is just ignore him. He must really hate who he is and what he can never be. Must be a hell of a way to go through life.
oh just stop it...Hyperbole much? I bring legit topics and opinions and the only people that don't like or appreciate them are the disingenuous ones...you know the ones with secret and hidden agendas ...the ones that think I'm white because a black man can't be as knowledgeable as SC...don't be that type ok guy. I may have suppressed anger issues but I am also just as peaceful.. I just happen to have close associates that aren't anything like me...and are the complete opposite. At one point I thought maybe I shouldn't have these kinds of associates but I realized in the context of this world these are people you never abandoned because they will always have your back....and I will have theirs as well...you may not believe this but I have white republican friends as well...we just don't talk politics often...only money and women...;-)
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Old 11-08-2017, 05:51 PM   #189
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SC. God bless you man. Find peace. Semper Fi.( Look that up)
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Old 11-08-2017, 07:15 PM   #190
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tbone. I know man. I've dealt with people many times that are so miserable in their own existence they feel the need to rain the misery of themselves on everyone else. It's all good. I really do wish him peace and hope he find's it. I've been through way too much to give a flying redneck fuck about people who spend too much of the short time we have here looking for misery and creating it when needed.
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Old 11-08-2017, 07:33 PM   #191
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Originally Posted by USAsoldier View Post
A Tranny beat out a long time Republican politician last night for office..

Big fucking deal. Virginia was already a blue state, even Stevie Wonder could see Christie blew any chance of New Jersey turning back to red. No surprises last night.

You still have 3 more years to cry about Trump being POTUS, sucks to be you.
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Old 11-08-2017, 09:16 PM   #192
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the chip on their shoulder is actually a very large turd.
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Old 11-08-2017, 09:17 PM   #193
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
You've already engaged with me. There is no turning back. Don't run and whimper out now I can't stand people that do that...you spoke up now be a man about it..ok soldier. You say you love your country and I can respect that and I can see why you would feel that way but what's sad is you don't have the capacity to see why I don't love my country...Sure I live here and I appreciate some things about it but I don't love it and as a black man that is a very valid position if I so choose to feel that way...and before you try to tell me how good it is here...I've lived in several other countries and I'm well aware of those dynamics...fact is I would love no country not even the ones in Africa it's just who I am.

My issue with people like you is for as much as you may think you get it..you really don't. Sure you can go off and die for your country but I think you should you have been given a privledged position in society by virtue of your skin tone. See people like you always want to move past race because you're simply not affected by it. So you have no real true perspective. You mill about your day not even realizing your white privilege. In the context in which you live and exist it's easy peasy to just say: " hey guys let's move on from this race shit." Why? Because you're not affected by it...I personally think it's the cowardly way out...yall never want to address anything yall never want to look at life through the lens of the oppressed... of others. It's all about you and your comfort and privilege.

What makes this somewhat comical is yall are religious believing in Christianity and completely and thoroughly miss the mark of the Gospels. It's appalling and astounding to say the least but one thing it is...is truly comical ;-)
You lost me with your white privileged bullshit! LOL. The black community has laws specially for them that white people dont have. You get jobs, education, housing and a race based tax funded Black Congressional Caucuas to insure that the black privileged is not touched! The black community is broken and the mojority of them want to blame everyone else. Take you sill ass White privileged and blow it up your silly ass!
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Old 11-09-2017, 07:49 AM   #194
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this, right here. it aint rocket science. look for the countries' chart. U.S., second only to Yemen...
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Old 11-09-2017, 09:31 AM   #195
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Originally Posted by pxmcc View Post
this, right here. it aint rocket science. look for the countries' chart. U.S., second only to Yemen...
That study is like saying..."The more beans that are eaten, more people fart."

But pmx'er.....go read the last sentence and quote it back here for me.

It is truly golden.
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