Hmm, I admit to not reading all 13(!!) pages of this.
But I will say that I have two hard and fast rules.
1. If you cannot put together a decent sentence when contacting me (with punctuation, reasonably good spelling) then I won't see you. Does this mean I have an educated pimp?
2. NBA. Based on an incident that happened 7 years ago (6 years before I started doing this). And the few AA men that have contacted me and asked were very sweet about it. If it had anything to do with projecting other people's behavior onto them I would have given them a chance. But I cannot and will not ever again be in the same room with a naked black guy. If it had been an Indian, Asian, Native, White guy then I guess my policy would instead be for one of those. Which sucks. My first kiss was with a black guy.

My mom has been dating a black guy for the last year. But that door is closed for me.
You don't know the reasons that people make these decisions.