Originally Posted by XY
Have never met a bigger pool of chicken shits than right here in anonymous fruitcake land.
Make me do all the work.
who ever wanted or even asked you to "do all the work"?
is really the question that immediatly comes to my mind when i read that
first you need to qualify if people even have a choice here in the matter of even being
a "chickenshit" lol
here you are throthing like a psychotic lunatic over what most have already figured out.. but heh its your time..lol
Originally Posted by XY
Yes Amelia Angel (through grapevine hear she does)
i read in your "manifesto"
you "get off" on finding out other guys sexual proclivities?
did i read that correctly ?
maybe you could share that "article" again or just give an honest answer.
im sure someone could find it,
then maybe we could get into why or why not i would even take that question seriously.