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Old 11-02-2011, 02:48 PM   #181
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Originally Posted by Daddio View Post
Don, seriiously? You wouldn't take Sam Bradford over Schaub? There is no comparison in arm strength. The Dirty Sanchez and Dalton may have been a stretch but I would take thiwm both over "Dopey" if I were the GM, they can both move and extend the play while Schaub is helpless. I am a hater tho, I just can't stand to see "Dopey" be so slow getting rid of the ball. If he gets blitzed and everybody in the stadium can see it coming but the Schaubler acts like it is a surprise to him.

With all this said I wanted Sage back in the day, and if he didn't do his Rosencopter spin and fumble vs Indy, he might be our QB today. Poor Sage was trying to be the man so bad and get the first down to ice that game and then got popped and helicoptered. I was so bummed. Sage does not have very good pocket awareness but niether does Schaub.

Playoffs or bust baby!!

I still want Kubiak fired also, who has he outcoached? NOBODY!!! Give me Gruden and we are a Super Bowl Contender even with "Dopey"
Right now, today, I would take Schaub over Bradford. Absolutely, what has Bradford done so far in his career? Schaub has lead his teams to a .500 multiple times and lead the league in passing. Bradford is too young to take right now over Schaub. He's also injury prone, lots of QB's have had great arm strength that have failed, ie Jamarcus Russell. Maybe in a few years Sam might be better, but right now? No way. And I don't like the fact that he couldn't get his team in the post season last year against a terrible defensive unit like Seattle, granted they beat the Saints in the first round, but they were not a good defensive squad. And this year, the Rams win-less with him! They were projected to win their division and have by far been the most underachieving team in the NFL, along with the Colts.

As far as Sanchez, he's shown nothing special as a QB, other than managing the game, which isn't asking for much. The Jets are successful because of their defense.

As far as Dalton, he's just a rookie, granted a good one, and I could see him being better than Schaub in the future, but right now, he's too young to take our Texans team and win a Championship. That is something Schaub can achieve in the next couple of years, or so.

Personally, there are lots of QB's I'd want over Shcaub, but none of them are the ones just mentioned. A motivated (which will probably never happen) Vince Young, David Gurrard, Freeman, Matt Ryan, Jason Cambell, Kevin Kolb, and jay Cutler would be guys I'd consider taking over for Schaub right now, those guys could at least win right now instead of in the future. And even with this list, I'd take Schaub over all of them.

Man, I feel so ashamed and sick to my stomach that I'm defending SCHAUB this much, I hated this man with an irrational passion just a couple of years ago. I need to take a shower.
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Old 11-02-2011, 03:18 PM   #182
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Ok Don you peaked my interest why did you hate "Dopey" a few years ago?

Granted I like Schaub some, he is a quality guy, and trys real hard, doesn't make excuses, is tough for his gangly build, and is trying to be and is the team leader.

He is what he is tho, weak armed, Inaccurate under pressure, and a sitting duck because of his lack of mobility.

Isn't that a Brian Adams song? Sing this to the summer of 69 song

"He's a quality guy and he tries real hard, Sage Quit, David Carr got married, the game we gained 69 yards! Oh when I look back now, Kubs shouldn been canned, those were the worst days of our lives, oh yeah the game we gained 69 yards, oh yeah, back in the fall of 2002 oh yeah,

Now as i'm standin here, Foster just ran 69 yards, if we'd mix in a screen pass, he'd probably get 69 more, those were the best plays of Kubs life. Yeah, oh yeah those plays that gain 69 yds. Yeah un huh, Wade Phillips saved my ass, oh yeah,

Ok its getting lame, I wil stop now, However

McNair is nutless too, Kubs should have already been canned.
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Old 11-02-2011, 08:45 PM   #183
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There is nothing worse than a weak armed quarterback! Joe Montana barely had enough arm strength to reach Dwight Clark in the back of the end zone! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1dGou2dEAg
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Old 11-02-2011, 11:04 PM   #184
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Yes Joe Montana could move, roll out, pump fake, keep rolling out, pump fake again then float a pass withvmasterful touch to dwight Clark in the back of the end zone for a great play. No way on earth could schaub do that!!!!!!!!!
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Old 11-03-2011, 02:41 AM   #185
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Man, even mentioning Montana - who is arguably one of the greatest QB's of all times - in the same sentence with Matt Schaub (I mean Dopey) is a crime in itself. As they say on MNF..."come on man"....

So what do you boys think about the Texans being accused of being a dirty team? I fucking love it. It's about time we got an attitude and developed a swagger. It all starts with Cushing & The Ninja. I love those 2 guys...

What else does Jason Allen need to do to start?
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Old 11-03-2011, 04:37 AM   #186
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I am not suggesting Schaub is as good as Montana was. I was merely making the point that arm strength is not the know all, end all, as some are making it out to be. As was pointed out, Montana (and many others) were able to do quite well despite the fact they did not have superior arm strength. Because of a very effective running game, Schaub is not required to throw as much as in previous years. That is a good thing! Through half of this season, Schaub has a qb rating at just under 100 and an outstanding 8.3 yard average per pass attempt. He plays hurt and is certainly the offensive leader of the team. I am not saying that he is worthy of top tier qb status but should be given strong consideration for the next level! Top 5? No! Top 10? He is certainly in the ballpark! Just sayin'!!!!! I agree with Satin that Allen should be starting but coaches seem to give a lot of leeway to players they drafted in the first round. To his credit Kareem Jackson has played much better than he did in 2010 but that is not saying much! He still has a long way to go! Cushing is playing at an all pro level. I do not necessarily believe their defense is one of the top defenses in the league but they are getting closer every game!
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Old 11-03-2011, 10:37 AM   #187
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I am a big Texan fan and have been a season ticket holder since the rebirth. Schaub is successful because of the system we run. He actually runs it very well. I like Schaub but just fear he is the weak link for us to making it very far this year or any year. When the chips are down and the opponent is bringing the pass rush, Schaub cannot deliver for us. To win you have to burn them when they blitz so they won't keep blitzing. We either get a throw away or a terrible pass. When other teams bottle up our run game and it depends on Schaub to win it for us, we have about a 25% chance of victory. I hope he proves me wrong.

Jason Allen is actually pretty scary to have in coverage, K Jackson is too. Remeber Jason Allen was waived by the Dolphins. Our secondary is playing alot better this year however but the pass rush is 3 times better which definately helps the secondary. I was hoping the Brandon Harris kid would be starting by now, but he hardly ever sees the field.

Cushing is a monster! I hope they don't test him again cause he looks angry which is great!! I call it the Cushing Cornhole, when he grabs a guy as he is tackling him and gets on his back and wraps him up like he is going to butt fuck him hard!!!

I also like us being called dirty, I hope each team we play calls us dirty from here on out!! That would be a good sign that we have dominated them.

My predicition this week, Texans 31 Browns 17.
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Old 11-03-2011, 04:39 PM   #188
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Originally Posted by Daddio View Post
Ok Don you peaked my interest why did you hate "Dopey" a few years ago?

Granted I like Schaub some, he is a quality guy, and trys real hard, doesn't make excuses, is tough for his gangly build, and is trying to be and is the team leader.

He is what he is tho, weak armed, Inaccurate under pressure, and a sitting duck because of his lack of mobility.

Isn't that a Brian Adams song? Sing this to the summer of 69 song

"He's a quality guy and he tries real hard, Sage Quit, David Carr got married, the game we gained 69 yards! Oh when I look back now, Kubs shouldn been canned, those were the worst days of our lives, oh yeah the game we gained 69 yards, oh yeah, back in the fall of 2002 oh yeah,

Now as i'm standin here, Foster just ran 69 yards, if we'd mix in a screen pass, he'd probably get 69 more, those were the best plays of Kubs life. Yeah, oh yeah those plays that gain 69 yds. Yeah un huh, Wade Phillips saved my ass, oh yeah,

Ok its getting lame, I wil stop now, However

McNair is nutless too, Kubs should have already been canned.
Alright, brother. Since you've asked for it, here are the reasons why I hated Schaub for the longest time (2007-2009). First off, his look, I hated it. He looked, (and still does) like a scrawny guy, I thought that I could whip ass in a real fight if I wanted to, plus he's bald. And he didn't look like he had any passion or charisma for me to get behind him. And his first year here, nothing but wins over shitty teams and ass-kickings against the good ones, and he always seemed to pad up the stats during garbage time during blowouts. Also, he was slow as Fuck and constantly threw moronic pick six's and INT's. But worst of all, I couldn't stand how people defended him, my hatred of him escalated because of it. I saw threw the Bullshit with this Fucker.

Now you're probably confused by reading that, but that was my thinking at 16-17 years old when I was in high school. And I didn't start listening to Sports Talk Radio shows until 2010, so I wasn't aware that he had critics. And it seemed that all the students, and teachers, loved the guy, I was disgusted by all the pandering that he got.

Then however, during the 2009-10 season, I started to realize that I was being too hard on him, because I had been holding him up to the standards of Peyton Manning and Tom Brady, or the way I play QB in Madden. It was irrational. Terrell Owens and Randy Moss were two of my favorite players growing up, so I watched a lot of Tom Brady and Tony Romo. The Texans pretty much were mediocre as Fuck during my high-school days so I rooted for the Cowboys and Pats as my secondary teams, not with a passion, but just because I wanted to see my guys (Owens and Moss) Succeed. During those years, I got to see a lot of Tony Romo, He's a fascinating guy to watch, has a lot of great play-making abilities, and I easily would have wanted him over "Dopey" any day of the week.

Furthermore, I will always view Tony Romo as a Bitch, for running off my man, Owens, when I believed (as most fans did) they could have won a SuperBowl had he stayed with them for a few more years. And since Owens has been gone, I think his productivity has declined, despite having another great receiver (Miles Austin, a man who I love btw. Because back when I played Madden in 2008, I'd pick the Cowboys and have Austin as my Kick Return guy, and he was rated a 98, I beasted with him in that position, so I felt somewhat like a proud father when he achieved the success he had during the 2009 season)Anyway... I still have respect for the way Romo plays, and his abilities, but long-ass story short, I'm aware that every QB has their flaws, and you have to deal with what you have.

And I know it's contradicting when I say he's lead the league in passing the past few years, while also saying he's gotten a lot of good stats in garbage time. But last year, and second half of the year before that, he's been good enough in my book, and I've seen far less talent in the league. And I'm content with him, I believe we can be very successful with him Quarterbacking this team.

Christ, I feel like I just posted a ClusterFuck of thoughts that I've just wanted to unleash for the last couple of years rather than explain why I now support Schaub, hopefully it sounds like a little of both. Ahh well, I tried men.

And what song is that?! I'm unfamiliar with Brian Adams.
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Old 11-03-2011, 08:28 PM   #189
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Fuck Don you are making me feel old. Just STFU would you?

You mean to tell me you are a youngster and already know about Eccie? You are going to be one jaded old fucker before your done. JK.

Tigers don't change thier stripes, meaning Schaub aka "Dopey" is what he is. Average. As I heard Lou Holtz mumble tonight, average means you are the best of the worst or the worst of the best = Schaub

Go to bed early young man, stay in school, and don't do drugs.
Doesn't know who Brian Adams is, fuck me I'm old!!
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Old 11-04-2011, 04:21 PM   #190
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Keep 'me coming Daddio....I'm loving it...

Well it looks like Hardesty is out for the Browns and also Peyton Hillis. Hillis is in a funk over a contract dispute and also the latest to validate the " Madden Curse". (yes it's real)

On top of that, the Browns have the 28th ranked offense in the NFL. I smell a 21 point ass-kicking...

Don't feel bad Don, I don't know who Brian Adams is either, but I'll google him...
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Old 11-04-2011, 04:31 PM   #191
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Originally Posted by Daddio View Post
Fuck Don you are making me feel old. Just STFU would you?

You mean to tell me you are a youngster and already know about Eccie? You are going to be one jaded old fucker before your done. JK.

Tigers don't change thier stripes, meaning Schaub aka "Dopey" is what he is. Average. As I heard Lou Holtz mumble tonight, average means you are the best of the worst or the worst of the best = Schaub

Go to bed early young man, stay in school, and don't do drugs.
Doesn't know who Brian Adams is, fuck me I'm old!!
This is no country for old men, Daddio. Satin knows.

It's an interesting adventure, I'll credit Tiger Woods for this hobby though, great man. Jaded old Fucker, I like the sound of that, yeeeyah

I will never argue against anything the great, Lau Holtz has said.

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Old 11-04-2011, 05:16 PM   #192
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Originally Posted by Wakeuр View Post
You're such a homer...
I am the ultimate "homer" and I make no apologies for it. Win, lose or draw, I always support my Houston teams. Be it the Texans, Coogs, Stros, Rockets or even the Owls (except when they are playing my Coogs!) Truth be known, I attended numerous Oiler games in both Jeppesen and Rice Stadiums prior to moving to the Astrodome! Yes, I go wayyyyyy back!

Originally Posted by Don91 View Post
I would like nothing better than seeing the Coogs in the national championship game but I do not see it happening this year. Eat 'em up, anyway!

As it relates to Gruden becoming the Texans head coach, that is much less likely than the Coogs winning the whole enchilada this year. Given a choice between Gruden and Cowher, I would much rather have Cowher! (That does not necessarily make Cowher the best choice, it is just the one I would prefer between the two) In any event, I suspect that Kubes will be at the helm next year and hopefully several years beyond. The only way that Kubes won't be here next year would be for the Texans to bomb out in the 2nd half of the season.

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Old 11-05-2011, 09:09 AM   #193
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Default Mid-season rankings...

Well, the mid-season numbers look pretty good for the Texans...

Total Offense (yards per game) - # 7 (395 yards)...

Passing (yards per game) - #11 (253)...

Rushing (yards per game) #4...(142)....

Total Defense (yards per game) - #3 (287).....:m fr_omg:

Not bad at all especially with all the injuries we have had....& the fact we have a QB named "Dopey"...
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Old 11-05-2011, 01:49 PM   #194
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Originally Posted by Satin View Post
the fact we have a QB named "Dopey"...
We could do worse than Schaub! In fact I would go out on a limb and say a hell of a lot worse. I am of the opinion that football fans have a tendency to hold the hometown QB to a different standard than other NFL QB's. Why? Because they want their guy to play like Peyton Manning, Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady every week. Dallas fans hold Romo to the same elevated standard, just as they do in 90% of the NFL cities. Football fans see the highlight plays of every NFL QB every week but they seldom see the lowlight plays of any QB other than the hometown guy.

Every QB can't be as good as Manning, Rodgers or Brady every week and that frustrates the fans. They want their QB to be among the best in the NFL and there can only be a select few occupying those lofty positions. At the end of the day, Schaub would be an upgrade over most starting QB's in the NFL. If you would rather have anyone other than Schaub, you might want to think again.

There is an old saying: Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it! As for me, I remember David Carr!!!!!
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Old 11-05-2011, 02:13 PM   #195
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
We could do worse than Schaub! In fact I would go out on a limb and say a hell of a lot worse. I am of the opinion that football fans have a tendency to hold the hometown QB to a different standard than other NFL QB's. Why? Because they want their guy to play like Peyton Manning, Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady every week. Dallas fans hold Romo to the same elevated standard, just as they do in 90% of the NFL cities. Football fans see the highlight plays of every NFL QB every week but they seldom see the lowlight plays of any QB other than the hometown guy.

Every QB can't be as good as Manning, Rodgers or Brady every week and that frustrates the fans. They want their QB to be among the best in the NFL and there can only be a select few occupying those lofty positions. At the end of the day, Schaub would be an upgrade over most starting QB's in the NFL. If you would rather have anyone other than Schaub, you might want to think again.

There is an old saying: Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it! As for me, I remember David Carr!!!!!
I agree 100% with the whole post!
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