As we all know, both the Republican and Democrat parties have changed names and political sides of the spectrum.
Southern Democrats of yesteryear were hardly liberal just as Republicans in Lincoln's era were hardly like the conservatives of today.
So yes, the KKK is indeed a conservative organization. Find a Klan member, call them a liberal and see how that reacts. That should tell you enough. Even though you may wish your side wasn't associated with them, they certainly identify themselves with you and there isn't nearly enough opposition to them from the conservatives.
The military is just another extension of our government. You can try and justify expanding it all you want, but it's still another expansion of our government, which conservatives claim to be against. Of course, they're also all about subsidies for large businesses as well but no, those aren't handouts
The "homosexuals have the same rights as heterosexuals" argument is bullshit, just like it was bullshit in the past to argue that it was legal to restrict marriage to within the same race even though everyone has the same rights to marry... within their race. The focus of marriage is that we as a society want to promote long term relationships between couples because that promotes a stable society. That relationship between two homosexual individuals is the same as between two heterosexual individuals and should be recognized & protected in the same way.
And you still haven't addressed marijuana use - want to talk about how your party stands on that?
Yes, we've established that conservatives want rules for everyone. The more rules the better for them, especially if they get to be the ones making the rules (but of course only rules that apply to "other" people).