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Old 03-31-2020, 08:01 PM   #166
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Now, I listened to this update. Both Faucci and Birx said the original data from China didn’t point to a Pandemic. Trump WAS listening to them. That’s a fact. China has been dishonest from day one.
Make any excuse you want but the fact is, Trump has made many bad mistakes regarding the virus since January, and even as far back as 2018 when he dismantled the pandemic response team, and more people are going to die than what would have if he played it better from day one. China aren't the only ones who have been dishonest. I posted a montage of his dishonesty, but you refuse to acknowledge the truth, that your guy is a con man. You people come up with excuse after excuse to try and avoid acknowledging that fact.
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Old 03-31-2020, 08:03 PM   #167
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What a clown:

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Old 03-31-2020, 08:29 PM   #168
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Heard the same update Bambino. Agree with the point you are making, but facts have never mattered to anti-Trumpers
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Old 03-31-2020, 09:31 PM   #169
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Now, I listened to this update. Both Faucci and Birx said the original data from China didn’t point to a Pandemic. Trump WAS listening to them. That’s a fact. China has been dishonest from day one.
I watched it too. Dr. Fauci pushed back at Acosta questions around the U.S. not acting early. “In a perfect world, it would have been nice to have known what was happening there (in China). We didn’t. But I believe that we acted very early.

And Fauci also said that the US acted early based on facts known at the time

Alas we know facts don't matter to the anti-Trump crowd here who continue to lie and spread falsehoods
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Old 03-31-2020, 11:02 PM   #170
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Now, I listened to this update. Both Faucci and Birx said the original data from China didn’t point to a Pandemic. Trump WAS listening to them. That’s a fact. China has been dishonest from day one.
Of course you should never trust the CCP nothing but lies come from them!
Perhaps one day we can delight in watching the Chinese people drag them out and shoot every damn one of them on TV in Tianenmen square like Saddam was hanged for us all to see if we so desire!
But it is also a fact that Faucci and Brix were not on the ground in China, and we had intelligence assets in place that were, and they did give him warnings that something terrible was coming our way ack in January and he ignored it!
Because he doesn't trust the intelligence community.
You always listen to the man on the ground in the action.
But of course he wouldn't know that because he managed to buy his way out of military service three times.
After taking the action to close the borders with China, he stopped instead of doubling down and finding out what the fuck was going on as he should have!
But instead this moron called it a hoax a political ploy for the Dems to one up him!
I love that Fox News fired the stupid bitch that parroted the hoax bullshit, they would have shit canned Hannity too but he brings in too much money, but notice how serious hes taking it now!
Another loud mouthed asshole, with a tiny brain!
Even when it was ripping Italy a new asshole Trump still ignored it!
The only reason that makes sense to me as to why he started to listen to those doctors is I am reasonably sure that it was explained to him that his legacy would be that of Americans dying in droves!
That is most likely why he seems to have finally sobered up about the economy vs lives!
No he did not disband the CDC, but did cut their funding.
And he did disband the pandemic response team created by Obama, I am sure that they were professionals at the top of their fields and I am sure that Obama took great care in choosing them.
And I am sure things would have went a bit differently had this guy not been so determined to dismantle everything done by Obama!
And before you start about Obama I didn't care for him either but he's light years ahead of this knuckle head even so far as just being Presidential, the easiest thing a president can do it requires no real effort, this guy shows his ass almost everytime he opens his mouth!
The fact is I blame the Dems for putting this guy in office, we got a black guy elected let's get a woman in too, dispite the fact that nobody could stand her.
The fact is he fucked up and his own neighborhood is now being ravaged!
And he accuses the doctors of NY of hoarding Fucking Wow what can you say to that?
Fuck him!
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Old 03-31-2020, 11:16 PM   #171
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Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh View Post
What did you not understand when I said: "When we have less of this equipment than we need, yes, it's a mistake to ship it outside the country?" I don't know what we shipped to Italy, but if it was ventilators and masks, then yes, it was a mistake.

None of us have any control over Xie. What he does or doesn't do does not excuse what Trump does or doesn't do.
You're not very sophisticated, are you? You glom onto superficial talking points and don't bother to drill deeper. Look, I'll make this as easy as possible for your little pea brain to grasp by posing a simple question:

Would an educated estimate of our "needs" on February 7th be the same as an estimate of our needs today?

If you were at all curious or sophisticated, you might try to put those 17 tons into perspective. How much of our national stockpiles of masks, etc. were shipped to China on Feb. 7th? 17 tons is miniscule and insignificant. I'm sure it was quickly replenished. But you don't even want to ask those obvious questions. Your goal is simply to throw out anything to make trump look bad, however small and meaningless.

And then there's this... hey, it looks like China even shipped some of the same stuff back to us last weekend!

"A plane from Shanghai arrived in New York Sunday morning carrying 12 million gloves, 130,000 N95 masks, 1.7 million surgical masks, 50,000 gowns, 130,000 hand sanitizer units, and 36,000 thermometers."

Let's see... you say it was a big mistake for us to ship supplies to China on Feb. 7th. Was it also a big mistake for us to accept supplies back from them last Sunday? Give it a shot - I'm sure you can figure out a way to slam trump both coming and going.

Your refusal to comment on Xie's actions is unbelievably lame. Do you decline to comment on anything Putin does because "none of us has any control" over him? Didn't think so. The truth is you are a brazen hypocrite seeking to apply a double standard by which trump is smeared for doing the exact same thing China's leader is praised for.

Which raises an interesting question... why are you parroting the Chinese government's propaganda?

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Old 04-01-2020, 06:16 AM   #172
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And when he's not posting here, 1pittsburgh writes for the Global Times, an official mouthpiece of the Beijing regime, under the pseudonym of Hu Xijin. Check out his latest twitter post:

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Old 04-01-2020, 07:00 AM   #173
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Ok...I'm serious about this. If we could just reel it in a bit...away from the bipartisan perspectives....

Can we discuss conspiracy theories? What are some of the more memorable ones yinz have heard? Does anybody have one of their own?

My favorite/worst one is from the Q people who think that the quarantines are so President Trump can round up the Cabal pedophiles and expose and prosecute the richest and most powerful people in the world who traffic children (an extension of Pizzagate).

It's actually a delusion based in wholesomeness and faith in humanity, i suppose, so I can't fault them for THAT, but if there is such a thing, then i dont believe any one nation or entity would ever bring it to light publicly.

My theory on this is the same theory I'll give for anything that can be a conspiracy, and this oversimplification is that somebody or something pissed off the central bank big time. I was thinking along the lines of perhaps there was too big a discrepancy between the numbers of projections and actuals when it came to our economy.
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Old 04-01-2020, 07:02 AM   #174
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
Of course you should never trust the CCP nothing but lies come from them!
Perhaps one day we can delight in watching the Chinese people drag them out and shoot every damn one of them on TV in Tianenmen square like Saddam was hanged for us all to see if we so desire!
But it is also a fact that Faucci and Brix were not on the ground in China, and we had intelligence assets in place that were, and they did give him warnings that something terrible was coming our way ack in January and he ignored it!
Because he doesn't trust the intelligence community.
You always listen to the man on the ground in the action.
But of course he wouldn't know that because he managed to buy his way out of military service three times.
After taking the action to close the borders with China, he stopped instead of doubling down and finding out what the fuck was going on as he should have!
But instead this moron called it a hoax a political ploy for the Dems to one up him!
I love that Fox News fired the stupid bitch that parroted the hoax bullshit, they would have shit canned Hannity too but he brings in too much money, but notice how serious hes taking it now!
Another loud mouthed asshole, with a tiny brain!
Even when it was ripping Italy a new asshole Trump still ignored it!
The only reason that makes sense to me as to why he started to listen to those doctors is I am reasonably sure that it was explained to him that his legacy would be that of Americans dying in droves!
That is most likely why he seems to have finally sobered up about the economy vs lives!
No he did not disband the CDC, but did cut their funding.
And he did disband the pandemic response team created by Obama, I am sure that they were professionals at the top of their fields and I am sure that Obama took great care in choosing them.
And I am sure things would have went a bit differently had this guy not been so determined to dismantle everything done by Obama!
And before you start about Obama I didn't care for him either but he's light years ahead of this knuckle head even so far as just being Presidential, the easiest thing a president can do it requires no real effort, this guy shows his ass almost everytime he opens his mouth!
The fact is I blame the Dems for putting this guy in office, we got a black guy elected let's get a woman in too, dispite the fact that nobody could stand her.
The fact is he fucked up and his own neighborhood is now being ravaged!
And he accuses the doctors of NY of hoarding Fucking Wow what can you say to that?
Fuck him!

So, you like Trump as much as BerryBerry?
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Old 04-01-2020, 07:06 AM   #175
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The reason we are were we are is not any one single person's fault. It's because of politics, nationalism, and simply underestimating this virus's ability to spread.

Nothing to this extent has ever been experiences in modern history. Our response to combat the Corona virus is essentially being made up as it is happening. Could it have been handled better, yes. But again, it was no single individual who was responsible for it. It wasn't something that could have been predicted fast enough to avoid it because of the incubation time and how readily it spreads.

Working in the health care field I can tell you that everyone that does is anxious and concerned with what is projected to come. It's no joke and blaming politicians, governments, the neighbors who got back from Italy on vacation, isn't going to change what is right now. It is here now. It will get worse. This said, it will also get better. It may take months but it has to take its course.

Moving forward, my only hope is our health care systems and national outlook towards infectious outbreaks change fundamentally. We as a nation have a lot to lose and maybe with this our reponse to future pandemics can be more orderly and planned, because this can serve as a base reference to draw from and learn from.

Try not to make mountains out of ant hills because that isnt going to help now.

Everyone that can, stay safe. Keep your distance. Practice good hygiene. And hopefully this will be just a small swell in the ocean and not a tidal wave that we can all look back on and say we got through it together.
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Old 04-01-2020, 07:59 AM   #176
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Originally Posted by swtslnce View Post
The reason we are were we are is not any one single person's fault. It's because of politics, nationalism, and simply underestimating this virus's ability to spread.

Nothing to this extent has ever been experiences in modern history. Our response to combat the Corona virus is essentially being made up as it is happening. Could it have been handled better, yes. But again, it was no single individual who was responsible for it. It wasn't something that could have been predicted fast enough to avoid it because of the incubation time and how readily it spreads.

Working in the health care field I can tell you that everyone that does is anxious and concerned with what is projected to come. It's no joke and blaming politicians, governments, the neighbors who got back from Italy on vacation, isn't going to change what is right now. It is here now. It will get worse. This said, it will also get better. It may take months but it has to take its course.

Moving forward, my only hope is our health care systems and national outlook towards infectious outbreaks change fundamentally. We as a nation have a lot to lose and maybe with this our reponse to future pandemics can be more orderly and planned, because this can serve as a base reference to draw from and learn from.

Try not to make mountains out of ant hills because that isnt going to help now.

Everyone that can, stay safe. Keep your distance. Practice good hygiene. And hopefully this will be just a small swell in the ocean and not a tidal wave that we can all look back on and say we got through it together.
Very good and accurate post!! I can sit here and write tons of “failures” from both sides of the aisle. The fact is nobody saw this coming. At least not to this degree. People have a hard time grasping that. The natural tendency in the social media age is to place blame.
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Old 04-01-2020, 08:47 AM   #177
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Not true people did see it coming and told Trump it was gonna be bad.
It doesn't matter what the Dems were doing Trump ultimately is the boss!
Trunp was busy playing with his calculator while he should have been dealing with this shit, you know he was told about it quickly.
And really Bam, much like berry berry and captain browneye he has only one arrow in his quiver, this is beyond his scope. And we the American people will pay, for his ineptitude,
All you guys that like this guy probably do so because of what he dose for your portfolio, taxes and some enjoy his deviseness.
But a president must be multifaceted something this guy definitely is lacking
I do liked the way he handles China but still that's business his one and only skill, I'm sorry I forgot he also lies a lot but he's not very good at it, so we won't count that as a skill!
But Hillary would have been making trips to China to blow Xi, he's good on China!
Honestly we cannot even say that his heart was in the right place because he only really cares about himself and we know his brain wasn't, he keeps that in his watch pocket.
He is the leader of the free world he doesn't get a fucking mulligan, not of this magnatude.
You must be smart enough to realize your not a fucking expert and listen to those that are.
And to be playing the governors the way he is, I don't like your additude so fuck off!
God help us all!
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Old 04-01-2020, 08:52 AM   #178
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
Not true people did see it coming and Trunp was playing with his calculator while he should have been dealing with what was coming.
And really Bam much like Berry berry and captain browneye he has only one arrow in his quiver, this is beyond his scope. And we that American people will pay, for his ineptitude,
Honestly we cannot even say that his heart was in the right place, we know his brain wasn't.
He is the leader of the free world he doesn't get a fucking mulligan.
You must be smart enough to realize your not a fucking experts and listen to those that are.
God help us all!
Never said I was an expert. You’re certainly not. But you’re certainly entitled to your opinions. Carry on.
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Old 04-01-2020, 09:25 AM   #179
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Never said I was an expert. You’re certainly not. But you’re certainly entitled to your opinions. Carry on.
Am I'm not referring to you I am I am referring to Trump, and you are correct if I were the president I would not take consultation from me either.
But he is surrounded by experts and how many times has he pushed them aside?
And I don't know how many time I heard him say" I know about theses things " when clearly he hasn't neither a medical degree or a clue!
He clearly is a egotistical moron!
When he said he could shoot someone in the street without consequences, that is one time he wasn't lying!
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Old 04-01-2020, 10:11 AM   #180
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
Not true people did see it coming and told Trump it was gonna be bad.
It doesn't matter what the Dems were doing Trump ultimately is the boss!
Trunp was busy playing with his calculator while he should have been dealing with this shit, you know he was told about it quickly.
And really Bam, much like berry berry and captain browneye he has only one arrow in his quiver, this is beyond his scope. And we the American people will pay, for his ineptitude,
All you guys that like this guy probably do so because of what he dose for your portfolio, taxes and some enjoy his deviseness.
But a president must be multifaceted something this guy definitely is lacking
I do liked the way he handles China but still that's business his one and only skill, I'm sorry I forgot he also lies a lot but he's not very good at it, so we won't count that as a skill!
But Hillary would have been making trips to China to blow Xi, he's good on China!
Honestly we cannot even say that his heart was in the right place because he only really cares about himself and we know his brain wasn't, he keeps that in his watch pocket.
He is the leader of the free world he doesn't get a fucking mulligan, not of this magnatude.
You must be smart enough to realize your not a fucking expert and listen to those that are.
And to be playing the governors the way he is, I don't like your additude so fuck off!
God help us all!
Of good, we have another person (he of the multiple handles on here) posting pure unsubstantiated BS. Have to laugh at his post for how silly it is. But here, to be fair lets give him a chance to post evidence on just the first sentence:

"Not true people did see it coming and told Trump it was gonna be bad.

Please post facts from real sources showing this is true. We will wait.
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