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Old 12-20-2017, 09:24 AM   #166
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Can you show me one conviction from the Benghazi witch hunt? Which went on for like 4 years...

Trump has hurt himself by being so god damn chummy with Putin@!
As I recall the e-mails clearly showed that Hillary was lying about Benghazi.

I also recall the Clinton foundation received a lot of money from the Russians over Uranium one and Bill himself was paid $500,000 for a speech in Moscow. We now know that Obama was well aware of all this bribery and the FBI had a under cover agent involved also. Sounds like the Clintons were the ones pretty damn chummy with Putin. Can you show me any evidence of the Russians paying Trump any money like they did the Clinton's?
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Old 12-20-2017, 09:34 AM   #167
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Originally Posted by goodolboy View Post
As I recall the e-mails clearly showed that Hillary was lying about Benghazi.

I also recall the Clinton foundation received a lot of money from the Russians over Uranium one and Bill himself was paid $500,000 for a speech in Moscow. We now know that Obama was well aware of all this bribery and the FBI had a under cover agent involved also. Sounds like the Clintons were the ones pretty damn chummy with Putin. Can you show me any evidence of the Russians paying Trump any money like they did the Clinton's?
WTF doesn't know WTF he's blabbering about. The Russian bullshit with Trump was, and IS, a "straw man" and a deflection from the reality .... like WTF calling people a racist because he is ... and "gay" because he is ... and "outing" because he does!

That's why he buys into that shit. It sounds like him.

The "Trump-Russian" claim has been ongoing for over a year and a half ... or more ... and not one shred of "EVIDENCE" ABOUT IT!

The "World's Smartest President (Obaminable) and "Presidential Candidate (HillariousNoMore)" (sarcasm alert!) and the "World's GREATEST Law Enforcement Agency (FBIing) has NOT COME UP WITH ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE OF ANY COLLUSION BEFORE THE ELECTION BY TRUMP OR THE TRUMP TEAM TO THROW THE ELECTION!! NONE! ZERO!

And anyone who claims there is any found is a dumbass!

Just like what happened with the "predator" accusations by the Liberals against the Conservatives there is now "blow back" of their own predator behavior and their own COLLUSION with the Russians!!!!

That's all the accomplished, because they actually thought they could keep Trump out and get him out before his administration and Congress started uncovering the turds in the sand pile. And that's what is happening now. Nixon thought the same thing! Difference: He was in office. HillariousNoMore didn't get elected so she's not there to cover up the shit! It backfired on their asses. The herd is getting thinned and it will continue to be thinned for the next seven years.
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Old 12-20-2017, 09:43 AM   #168
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
WTF doesn't know WTF he's blabbering about. The Russian bullshit with Trump was, and IS, a "straw man" and a deflection from the reality .... like WTF calling people a racist because he is ... and "gay" because he is ... and "outing" because he does!

That's why he buys into that shit. It sounds like him.

The "Trump-Russian" claim has been ongoing for over a year and a half ... or more ... and not one shred of "EVIDENCE" ABOUT IT!

The "World's Smartest President (Obaminable) and "Presidential Candidate (HillariousNoMore)" (sarcasm alert!) and the "World's GREATEST Law Enforcement Agency (FBIing) has NOT COME UP WITH ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE OF ANY COLLUSION BEFORE THE ELECTION BY TRUMP OR THE TRUMP TEAM TO THROW THE ELECTION!! NONE! ZERO!

And anyone who claims there is any found is a dumbass!

Just like what happened with the "predator" accusations by the Liberals against the Conservatives there is now "blow back" of their own predator behavior and their own COLLUSION with the Russians!!!!

That's all the accomplished, because they actually thought they could keep Trump out and get him out before his administration and Congress started uncovering the turds in the sand pile. And that's what is happening now. Nixon thought the same thing! Difference: He was in office. HillariousNoMore didn't get elected so she's not there to cover up the shit! It backfired on their asses. The herd is getting thinned and it will continue to be thinned for the next seven years.
Well, Hillary did say that" “If that fuck ing bastard wins, we all hang from nooses!”
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Old 12-20-2017, 10:40 AM   #169
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Originally Posted by goodolboy View Post
Well, Hillary did say that" “If that fuck ing bastard wins, we all hang from nooses!”
Languishing in a cell is fine with me. If Martha can, she can!

Now the FBI agents may not enjoy it so much.

HillariousNoMore is too fucking ugly to be anyone's squeeze at the Saturday night romance get-togethers.

They know and they knew. And the wide screen TV found out!
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Old 12-20-2017, 11:06 AM   #170
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Default Somebody needs to wipe the Koolaide off their lips....

Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Languishing in a cell is fine with me. If Martha can, she can!

Now the FBI agents may not enjoy it so much.

Another Zimmerman prediction....errrrr you are doubling down on FBI Agents getting convicted. Hmmmmmm.
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Old 12-20-2017, 11:12 AM   #171
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Originally Posted by goodolboy View Post
As I recall the e-mails clearly showed that Hillary was lying about Benghazi.

As I recall, the Benghazi investigation led by Trey Goody did not come up with one charge.

I do recall Trump Jr lying about meeting with the Russians though....since you are worried about lying.

Originally Posted by goodolboy View Post

I also recall the Clinton foundation received a lot of money from the Russians over Uranium one and Bill himself was paid $500,000 for a speech in Moscow. We now know that Obama was well aware of all this bribery and the FBI had a under cover agent involved also. Sounds like the Clintons were the ones pretty damn chummy with Putin. Can you show me any evidence of the Russians paying Trump any money like they did the Clinton's?
You do realize the Clintons are not President. You realize that right? You do realize that a proper defense of a speeding ticket is not one of ''But officer everybody was speeding!" You realize that right?

Because if not somebody should kick you in the nuts until you do.

Next you realize how Trump is falling all over Putin.....can't suck his dick enough. Many , many people think that is crazy....in fact even you so called conservatives thought Putin was a bad Hombre before Trump started sucking his dick. Why the change of heart?

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Old 12-20-2017, 04:47 PM   #172
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Why do you think Flyn was charged for lying but not Hillary? I don't recall Flyn hiding evidence and classified information on a home brew server in his bathroom,lying about it then destroying all the evidence while it was under a federal subpoena.
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Old 12-21-2017, 01:38 AM   #173
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Originally Posted by goodolboy View Post
Why do you think Flyn was charged for lying but not Hillary? I don't recall Flyn hiding evidence and classified information on a home brew server in his bathroom,lying about it then destroying all the evidence while it was under a federal subpoena.
Flynn may walk after Congress gets finished with the FBI.
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Old 12-21-2017, 08:23 AM   #174
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Old 12-21-2017, 08:26 AM   #175
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Flynn may walk after Congress gets finished with the FBI.
Another prediction.....what are you setting he odds at?

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Old 12-22-2017, 07:48 AM   #176
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Languishing in a cell is fine with me. If Martha can, she can!

Now the FBI agents may not enjoy it so much.

[QUOTE=LexusLover;1060308131]Just because YOU can't see it doesn't mean it's not there!

Like I've mentioned before about these "critiques" of lawsuits and predictions about outcomes .... only a fool would do that ... particularly if they don't know more about it than the media does.... and "we" .... most of us .... see it happening repeatedly by which the media pundits offer their "evaluation" and later publish the actual outcome on the back page behind the classifieds!


Our resident hypocrite is at it again.

Making predictions on one hand and making fun of folks making predictions on the other!

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