Originally Posted by LexusLover
Have you contacted "Officer Roscoe" yet?
When you do make sure you address him as "Detective"!
That's his title. He's assigned to the internet cyber task force.
Originally Posted by TryWeakly
Dont recall anything about Roscoe...
Your lame attempts are definitely underwhelming.
Really? Your bud LL seems to know a lot about him.
So my question has some validity....How would LL know if the OP is getting better? I haven't seen the OP post such.
So has LL dispatched Officer Roscoe to check on the OP?
I mean you two seem to be cyber stalking the coming and going of the OP.
Have you reported him to Officer Roscoe?
You two seem to think depression and anxiety are fun, something to jovially be bantered about.