Originally Posted by GneissGuy
Gee, a thread like this would be a great way for someone to try and drum up business for another board.
True dat, GG. I understand the reason that it isn't copacetic to discuss other boards, but in relation to revenue generating, national boards are definitely important for providers. It's also good to know what problems you may face when using them.
The biggest problem I have w/ TER is slow support responses if any at all. A client posted a review there a week ago Sunday that still isn't posted & he's had no response from support.
I've had some account issues that have been ongoing for almost 2 yrs, and I just blew off going there when I couldn't get resolution. When the crash happened in Feb 09, I sure was bummin' about the lack of reviews I had there compared to the old stomping grounds. (over 100 on the P vs. 11 on TER)
The other drawback for Austinites is no dedicated forum available. I end up in the Houston forum because I know more people there than in Dallas so am more likely to go there.
Anyway, I'm sure glad to have eccie for local traffic & commentary. Support here ROCKS, too!

Thanks TBone & Becky!!!