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Old 09-12-2020, 04:26 PM   #151
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Thank you Sir - there is information that antigen tests are flawed - and the false pos and false neg rates render many tests ( and there are many manufacturers trying to make a buck - especially china) - are unreliable.

hospital financial incentives to report wuhan virus deaths are irresistible to hospital CEO's seeing dropping occupancy rates - for many reasons - wuhan virus is just one.

i have a jaundiced viewpoint on any statistics obtained without valid , proven accurate testing.

A great deal of testing is likely worthless.

Which renders the statistics worthless - if the data is flawed.
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Old 09-12-2020, 09:26 PM   #152
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Originally Posted by Lapdog View Post
If the shoe fits, wear it, Weeaboo.
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
what kind of word is weeaboo?
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
google it. all it really means is i like japanese anime maga girls

weeaboo or weeb, it means you're a rabid fan of japanese culture. its a disparaging slur on white people who like japanese culture.



A person who retains an unhealthy obsession with Japan and Japanese culture, typically ignoring or even shunning their own racial and cultural identity. Many weeaboos talk in butchered Japanese with the 8 or so words they know (i.e. kawaii, desu, ni chan). While weeaboos claim to love and support Japanese culture, counter intuitively, they tend to stereotype Japanese culture by how it appears in their favorite anime, which can be safely assumed to be offensive to the Japanese.


weeaboo or weeb

Weeaboo is a mostly derogatory slang term for a Western person who is obsessed with Japanese culture, especially anime, often regarding it as superior to all other cultures.


Japanophilia, Japanophile

wapanese "white Japanese"

The term "wapanese" (from "white Japanese", or possibly also "wannabe Japanese") first emerged in 2002 as a derogatory term for a white person who is obsessed with Japanese culture, which includes anime and manga. The term "weeaboo" (later shortened to weeb) came from the webcomic The Perry Bible Fellowship, in which the word had no meaning other than it was something unpleasant.
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Old 09-12-2020, 09:27 PM   #153
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wapanese fits waco better!
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Old 09-12-2020, 11:46 PM   #154
dilbert firestorm
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How to Avoid Becoming a Weeaboo

1 Breaking Free of Weeaboo Habits
2 Educating Yourself

Author Info Last Updated: July 17, 2020 References

There's nothing wrong with being passionate about Japanese animation or comics, frequently referred to by Western fans as anime and manga respectively. However, many admirers are hesitant to admit their appreciation, fearing association with a subculture that is commonly referred to online as "weeaboo." The term "weeaboo" ultimately derives from the phrase "wannabe Japanese," which itself is often shortened in online communities to "Wapanese." In principle, there is nothing wrong with joining a subculture,[1] but if this is one you'd rather not take part in, there are ways to differentiate yourself.

Method 1

Breaking Free of Weeaboo Habits

  1. 1
    Do not use weeaboo language. In any group environment, there are factors that encourage cohesion and indicate member status.[2] A major indication of a weeaboo in your midst is the use of broken and incomplete Japanese in casual conversation, often in emphatic or overly dramatic ways. Using Japanese ungrammatically can be culturally insensitive, hinder communication, and create difficulty should you choose to learn the language in the future.[3] Some expressions appropriated by the weeaboo community include:
    • Kawaii (かわいい)
    • English statement + desu (です)
      • Variation: English + Japanese adjective + desu (です). For example: "I passed that exam so you know I'm kakkoii desu."
    • Suffixes like -kun (-くん) and -chan (-ちゃん)
    • Baka (ばか)
    • Sugoi (すごい)
    • Chibi (ちび)
    • Ne! (ね)
    • Nani
    • shinderu
    • . Ohayo

  2. 2
    Do not abnormally prioritize things that are Japanese. There are many positives to joining a group or subculture, but in-group bias isn't one.[4] [5] The automatic assumption that Japanese products are superior to others can be self isolating and/or a mild form of delusion. Self-inquiry is a good way of diffusing weeaboo tendencies. If you can't identify the reason why something is better, chances are your preference is a matter of taste. Some questions to ask yourself:
    • Why do I like this Japanese product?
    • What is different between the Japanese product and a similar, non-Japanese product?
    • What makes the Japanese product better than a similar, non-Japanese product?
    • is this Japanese product really that better?

  3. 3
    Do not alienate yourself through your choice in clothing. Dress code and other social conventions telegraph group membership to others.[6] There are socially appropriate places for you express your interest by wearing the same costume as your favorite character, like at an anime convention. Choosing daily clothing styled after anime characters is, in many cases, the hallmark of a weeaboo.
    • A single accessory or article of clothing from your costume can add flair to your daily outfit without appearing socially inaccessible to others.

  4. 4
    Do not neglect your authentic self. You can meet new friends and boost your creative capacity through role-playing specific characters and fantastical scenarios,[7] but don't let this come at the cost of your own development. Pretending to be something you are not, even if you are emulating something you admire, can lead to a mismatch between your outer self and inner feelings and cause potentially extreme consequences.[8] [9]
    • Accept that your personality changes as a function of growth, as do preferences and beliefs. Even if you consider yourself a die-hard fan, respecting the potential for future change influences more moderate (and less weeaboo-like) behavior.
    • Occasionally put aside instant gratification, including anime, manga, costume making, and online activities. Reevaluate personal goals and your place in your community.[10] Are you happy with where you're at? Ignoring these in favor of Japanese cultural pursuits is considered evidence of a weeaboo.

Method 2

Educating Yourself

  1. 1
    Watch Japanese documentaries. These are an excellent way for you to gain insight into the human struggles of everyday life in Japan. Some notable films on Japanese culture and expatriate experiences are:
    • Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2011)
    • The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness (2013)
    • Hafu: The Mixed-Race Experience in Japan (2013)
    • Brakeless (2014)
    • Kokoyakyu: High School Baseball (2006)
    • The Invention of Dr. Nakamats (2009)
    • "Men Behind The Sun" (1988)

  2. 2
    Take a course in East Asian Studies. Even if you don't plan on getting your degree in Japanese language or culture, learning the historical reason for contemporary culture can clear misconceptions and minimize out-of-context assumptions. Weeaboos are perceived as doing just this. Fixation on aspects of Japanese without the cultural framework necessary for accurate interpretation can lead to a warped perspective. As an added bonus, your knowledge of Asiatic history and culture will improve your ability to make sense of future encounters with Japanese culture.[11]
    • If a college course is out of the question, you can contact your local Japanese Cultural Center or embassy to see if there are activities you can join. Popular traditional arts you can ask about:
      • Taiko (太鼓) drum classes (taiko is played with Japanese drumsticks (bachi) )
      • Kendo (剣道, Japanese fencing)
      • Shodou (書道, Japanese calligraphy)
      • Sadou (茶道, Japanese tea ceremony).

  3. 3
    Invest in books on Japanese society. A frequent criticism of the weeaboo subculture is that its members only consume overly dramatized mass media. Reading on a variety of topics will help you to achieve a more complete picture of the intricacies of the Japanese way of life.

  4. 4
    Study different cultures or learn a foreign language. Language and culture are closely linked.[12] Many foreign languages contain words or concepts that simply don't exist in your native tongue, and learning these can equip you with tools necessary to pin down foreign perspectives.[13] [14] In the same way, exposing yourself to other cultures promotes broader cultural awareness.[15]
    • You don't need to study Japanese have the advantages that accompany bilingualism. If there is a community nearby that speaks a language different than your own, immersing yourself in that community can promote acquisition.[16]
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Old 09-13-2020, 12:10 AM   #155
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post

How to Avoid Becoming a Weeaboo

1 Breaking Free of Weeaboo Habits
2 Educating Yourself

Author Info Last Updated: July 17, 2020 References

There's nothing wrong with being passionate about Japanese animation or comics, frequently referred to by Western fans as anime and manga respectively. However, many admirers are hesitant to admit their appreciation, fearing association with a subculture that is commonly referred to online as "weeaboo." The term "weeaboo" ultimately derives from the phrase "wannabe Japanese," which itself is often shortened in online communities to "Wapanese." In principle, there is nothing wrong with joining a subculture,[1] but if this is one you'd rather not take part in, there are ways to differentiate yourself.

Method 1

Breaking Free of Weeaboo Habits

  1. 1
    Do not use weeaboo language. In any group environment, there are factors that encourage cohesion and indicate member status.[2] A major indication of a weeaboo in your midst is the use of broken and incomplete Japanese in casual conversation, often in emphatic or overly dramatic ways. Using Japanese ungrammatically can be culturally insensitive, hinder communication, and create difficulty should you choose to learn the language in the future.[3] Some expressions appropriated by the weeaboo community include:
    • Kawaii (かわいい)
    • English statement + desu (です)
      • Variation: English + Japanese adjective + desu (です). For example: "I passed that exam so you know I'm kakkoii desu."
    • Suffixes like -kun (-くん) and -chan (-ちゃん)
    • Baka (ばか)
    • Sugoi (すごい)
    • Chibi (ちび)
    • Ne! (ね)
    • Nani
    • shinderu
    • . Ohayo

  2. 2
    Do not abnormally prioritize things that are Japanese. There are many positives to joining a group or subculture, but in-group bias isn't one.[4] [5] The automatic assumption that Japanese products are superior to others can be self isolating and/or a mild form of delusion. Self-inquiry is a good way of diffusing weeaboo tendencies. If you can't identify the reason why something is better, chances are your preference is a matter of taste. Some questions to ask yourself:
    • Why do I like this Japanese product?
    • What is different between the Japanese product and a similar, non-Japanese product?
    • What makes the Japanese product better than a similar, non-Japanese product?
    • is this Japanese product really that better?

  3. 3
    Do not alienate yourself through your choice in clothing. Dress code and other social conventions telegraph group membership to others.[6] There are socially appropriate places for you express your interest by wearing the same costume as your favorite character, like at an anime convention. Choosing daily clothing styled after anime characters is, in many cases, the hallmark of a weeaboo.
    • A single accessory or article of clothing from your costume can add flair to your daily outfit without appearing socially inaccessible to others.

  4. 4
    Do not neglect your authentic self. You can meet new friends and boost your creative capacity through role-playing specific characters and fantastical scenarios,[7] but don't let this come at the cost of your own development. Pretending to be something you are not, even if you are emulating something you admire, can lead to a mismatch between your outer self and inner feelings and cause potentially extreme consequences.[8] [9]
    • Accept that your personality changes as a function of growth, as do preferences and beliefs. Even if you consider yourself a die-hard fan, respecting the potential for future change influences more moderate (and less weeaboo-like) behavior.
    • Occasionally put aside instant gratification, including anime, manga, costume making, and online activities. Reevaluate personal goals and your place in your community.[10] Are you happy with where you're at? Ignoring these in favor of Japanese cultural pursuits is considered evidence of a weeaboo.

Method 2

Educating Yourself

  1. 1
    Watch Japanese documentaries. These are an excellent way for you to gain insight into the human struggles of everyday life in Japan. Some notable films on Japanese culture and expatriate experiences are:
    • Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2011)
    • The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness (2013)
    • Hafu: The Mixed-Race Experience in Japan (2013)
    • Brakeless (2014)
    • Kokoyakyu: High School Baseball (2006)
    • The Invention of Dr. Nakamats (2009)
    • "Men Behind The Sun" (1988)

  2. 2
    Take a course in East Asian Studies. Even if you don't plan on getting your degree in Japanese language or culture, learning the historical reason for contemporary culture can clear misconceptions and minimize out-of-context assumptions. Weeaboos are perceived as doing just this. Fixation on aspects of Japanese without the cultural framework necessary for accurate interpretation can lead to a warped perspective. As an added bonus, your knowledge of Asiatic history and culture will improve your ability to make sense of future encounters with Japanese culture.[11]
    • If a college course is out of the question, you can contact your local Japanese Cultural Center or embassy to see if there are activities you can join. Popular traditional arts you can ask about:
      • Taiko (太鼓) drum classes (taiko is played with Japanese drumsticks (bachi) )
      • Kendo (剣道, Japanese fencing)
      • Shodou (書道, Japanese calligraphy)
      • Sadou (茶道, Japanese tea ceremony).

  3. 3
    Invest in books on Japanese society. A frequent criticism of the weeaboo subculture is that its members only consume overly dramatized mass media. Reading on a variety of topics will help you to achieve a more complete picture of the intricacies of the Japanese way of life.

  4. 4
    Study different cultures or learn a foreign language. Language and culture are closely linked.[12] Many foreign languages contain words or concepts that simply don't exist in your native tongue, and learning these can equip you with tools necessary to pin down foreign perspectives.[13] [14] In the same way, exposing yourself to other cultures promotes broader cultural awareness.[15]
    • You don't need to study Japanese have the advantages that accompany bilingualism. If there is a community nearby that speaks a language different than your own, immersing yourself in that community can promote acquisition.[16]

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Old 09-13-2020, 02:15 PM   #156
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Old 09-13-2020, 02:29 PM   #157
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Originally Posted by eccieuser9500 View Post

I take it that this is +100. lol
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Old 09-13-2020, 03:01 PM   #158
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
I take it that this is +100. lol
There aren't that many of us in the looney bin side of the house, but yes, it's unanimous:

The Japanese version of perversion is a hit.
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Old 09-13-2020, 03:44 PM   #159
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It's just another of many books about the Putin appointed idiot on chief. The putin appointees will call this one fake news and a witch hunt too. Maybe someday, after trump can no longer hide his financial records, some diehard idiots will get a clue
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Old 09-13-2020, 03:50 PM   #160
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I don't know, Smokie. They're pretty goddam dense.
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Old 09-13-2020, 06:23 PM   #161
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
Ok-- not sure you can blame it on being part of the propaganda machine when he has the evidence of what was said on tape but...

Here's what I find funny. I have a teenager. He's very into history and politics.. and the first words out of his mouth were...

"Mom-- wasn't that one of the guys that brought down Nixon and Watergate?"

Me-- Yup

"Why would Trump voluntarily talk to that person, tell that person things that were contrary to what he was publicly saying, and then act surprised when a known snitch... snitches?"

I gotta agree with the kid. That makes about as much sense as letting Edward Scissorhands handle your annual prostate exam.
Trump is just that dumb.
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